View Full Version : Reception Chambers
- Hello All (7 replies)
- Attn New Applicants (0 replies)
- One of the Hundred (6 replies)
- Well met.. (16 replies)
- Hail! (14 replies)
- Hail, Countrymen (14 replies)
- Hi (11 replies)
- Nihongo Wessexians (again) (24 replies)
- Salutations Comrades (14 replies)
- Hello (14 replies)
- Hail! (12 replies)
- Hail to Wessex! (20 replies)
- The time is now.. (16 replies)
- [OOC] /mass target /say hello /cast wall-of-text (22 replies)
- Hello! (19 replies)
- Hallo Hallo (31 replies)
- Greetings, (13 replies)
- Hello (18 replies)
- Formal notice of Presence (9 replies)
- Hi all! (13 replies)
- Hail to Wessex (39 replies)
- forum permissions (3 replies)
- Well met... (43 replies)
- Yep another greetings (21 replies)
- Hail and well met! (11 replies)
- Greetings! (Blatantly Clones The Last 3 Posts) (13 replies)
- Greetings! (24 replies)
- Greetings and Salutations! (29 replies)
- Hello Everyone (5 replies)
- Greetings Wessex! (6 replies)
- Moin Guys (10 replies)
- kendis & Distortion (4 replies)
- Greetings everyone! (22 replies)
- Saluting to His Grace and the fellows. (11 replies)
- w00t I'm a trial member! (14 replies)
- Hail (9 replies)
- Intro: Hail to all. (20 replies)
- Problem with application (10 replies)
- A great addition? (5 replies)
- Hey new recruit here! (13 replies)
- Good day v2.0 (27 replies)
- I come to help and serve.(Introduction) (7 replies)
- Good day (7 replies)
- Greetings to thee, the people of Wessex (8 replies)
- Kalandros' Introduction (15 replies)
- Kipren Varleth at your service (7 replies)
- introducing my humble self (12 replies)
- Greetings all... (15 replies)
- Hey there (8 replies)
- Greetings, from your new recruit (9 replies)
- Greetings from Chile! (13 replies)
- Greetings. (14 replies)
- A New Recruit (19 replies)
- Hail (9 replies)
- Hi Fellows (8 replies)
- Hello (9 replies)
- Greetings (6 replies)
- To all Trial Members and Applicants: (2 replies)
- Registration (0 replies)
- Look! Another Peasant! (24 replies)
- Introduction of myself! (20 replies)
- Arrival (16 replies)
- Samkin Aylward (12 replies)
- Shadow bane (2 replies)
- The Virtuous Hundred (An Introduction) (30 replies)
- Mantala the crafter (14 replies)
- Hi to all... (13 replies)
- Hey guys (9 replies)
- Gawaine new recruit (16 replies)
- Rothan Merr (14 replies)
- Bruce almighty: Introduction (14 replies)
- Greetings and salutations! (29 replies)
- Hello. (22 replies)
- Hello everyone (11 replies)
- Introducing myself (10 replies)
- Hello All!! (14 replies)
- "Heya, my name is Feri." (13 replies)
- Introduction, Maddazz (17 replies)
- Greetings and salutations! (12 replies)
- My Greetings, (13 replies)
- Hail from Agasutin (40 replies)
- Introduction (33 replies)
- Master Chief's introduction (52 replies)
- Greetings from Tarcil (13 replies)
- My Humble Greetings (67 replies)
- Hey fellas (13 replies)
- Greeting from Phyx (12 replies)
- Hi there (8 replies)
- Greetings from Mortis (17 replies)
- Greetings, Kuafrim at your service (9 replies)
- Greetings from Galpath (13 replies)
- Greetings (10 replies)
- Introducing...Evillor! (28 replies)
- Hello everyone! (9 replies)
- My intrduction, Haeso. (32 replies)
- Grey Grimfist, another short'un (27 replies)
- Greetings from Cicatrices (10 replies)
- Greetings from the republic (2 replies)
- Greetings from MapleLeaf (15 replies)
- Hello from Decimus Kalgar. (17 replies)
- Mr. Moody (10 replies)
- G'day. I'm Morgan Freimoor (12 replies)
- Hello my name is Sofaism (10 replies)
- Greetings from Xeen (10 replies)
- May I share a leg of lamb by your fire? (8 replies)
- Hello From Hessan Morgayne (13 replies)
- Offering my services and swearing aleigance to His Graciousness: The Duke (14 replies)
- Nod (16 replies)
- Greetings (13 replies)
- Evening (18 replies)
- Bow-chicka-bow-wow (16 replies)
- Hello everyone! (10 replies)
- umm i got an email (8 replies)
- Hello all (13 replies)
- Spare change? (13 replies)
- Whats up (13 replies)
- A new warrior enters (15 replies)
- Hi my name is Krow (33 replies)
- vent people (16 replies)
- Joms, the freelancer. (14 replies)
- Greetings from the north (34 replies)
- Hello Wessex (27 replies)
- Hello, I am Heori (16 replies)
- Hello! (18 replies)
- Just saying hello (14 replies)
- Greetings, friends (18 replies)
- Have siege will travel. (28 replies)
- Dwarf out of the bag (24 replies)
- Hello. (49 replies)
- Humble greetings... (51 replies)
- hello there (32 replies)
- Hiii :) (49 replies)
- Long time no see! (3 replies)
- Welcome Back! (5 replies)
- Another Hopeful... (75 replies)
- Hi Everybody (35 replies)
- Looking to apply (13 replies)
- New Applicants (15 replies)
- Hello WSX (38 replies)
- Greetings (8 replies)
- Hiya from the Dragon nerd! (14 replies)
- Hiya (28 replies)
- Hopeful Member's Greetings (26 replies)
- Merry Meet (110 replies)
- Hail! (10 replies)
- The Lycian Republic (14 replies)
- Rikuno here (21 replies)
- Hello everyone (23 replies)
- This is a Title (17 replies)
- Hi (26 replies)
- Sup! (17 replies)
- Greetings my brothers. (15 replies)
- hi all (13 replies)
- Hello! (22 replies)
- Hello everyone! (11 replies)
- Question. (2 replies)
- Hello There! (14 replies)
- Hello All (7 replies)
- Greetings (6 replies)
- Hail and well met everyone! (15 replies)
- New Trial Member (11 replies)
- Hello (30 replies)
- Greetings! (6 replies)
- New Trial Member (7 replies)
- To Einar Tyrssen, I pledge (4 replies)
- Out of the frozen north (11 replies)
- I have arrived! (15 replies)
- Morning Dear People (21 replies)
- Hello! (11 replies)
- Newcomer (23 replies)
- Greetings (12 replies)
- Contact information (2 replies)
- The Cloaked Figure (2 replies)
- A Ranger wonders in from the Republi... (7 replies)
- From the mists of the sea (22 replies)
- I am young, but I am yours (13 replies)
- As the half giant approaches..... (9 replies)
- A Message From His Regalness Himself (6 replies)
- Cheer's all from New Recruit (9 replies)
- Hello Everyone (7 replies)
- Wandering travelers inquire the ways of this land! (6 replies)
- Greetings to all (11 replies)
- Hail! (6 replies)
- A newcomer from Shadowbane (6 replies)
- Hello (2 replies)
- New to the community (4 replies)
- Greetings and Salutations from the Far north! (9 replies)
- Hail! (10 replies)
- The Norse Newcomer (21 replies)
- Yet another newcomer (25 replies)
- Salutations (16 replies)
- Hello everbody (20 replies)
- Greetings from a Newcomer! (11 replies)
- Introductions (14 replies)
- Greetings All! (14 replies)
- A small hello. (13 replies)
- It has been many moons... (25 replies)
- Salutations Wessex (16 replies)
- Warm greeting from Finland! (10 replies)
- Newcomer (18 replies)
- Newcomer saying hello! (17 replies)
- Greetings to all. (6 replies)
- Formal Introduction (14 replies)
- Newcomer hoping to join the Clan (17 replies)
- The Razgriz (12 replies)
- Hello Duchy! (7 replies)
- Just wanted to introduce myself.. (26 replies)
- New to the Duchy (13 replies)
- Tavik R'Fligar sayin' hi! (19 replies)
- Tewdric of Sussex Would Like To Make Your Acquaintance (45 replies)
- Hello There! (8 replies)
- Hiya there people. (24 replies)
- Hi (I want to be a recruit) (13 replies)
- Hail and well met, friends of the DoW! (6 replies)
- Greatings my friends of the DoW! (5 replies)
- Aloha Peoples! (32 replies)
- Greetings! (12 replies)
- hello (20 replies)
- Hello! (11 replies)
- Hail and well met (7 replies)
- The Diocese of Wessex? (5 replies)
- I like the concepts of your guild. (21 replies)
- Greetings and felicitations (4 replies)
- The Black Wolf, at your command... (13 replies)
- Sleggjaholl members who are visiting, read this. (0 replies)
- Hello Thar. (8 replies)
- Hi! (4 replies)
- Hello all (10 replies)
- Hail and well met (6 replies)
- In walks a stranger... (5 replies)
- Vicious Vikings (8 replies)
- Hello All (14 replies)
- Hello everybody! (20 replies)
- Hello all (21 replies)
- Registration Problems? (13 replies)
- Resign (37 replies)
- Farewell Ducy of Wessex... (22 replies)
- Aye Mates (10 replies)
- At your service (7 replies)
- YO. Sleggjaholl member-to-be here. (13 replies)
- Greetings Duchy of Wessex! (101 replies)
- Hail (13 replies)
- Greetings all (13 replies)
- Hello!....Again?! (17 replies)
- Whats up (12 replies)
- At Your Service (11 replies)
- Greetings! (23 replies)
- Yar there! (12 replies)
- Visitor from Sleggjaholl (14 replies)
- srry but gonna help up some friends with their guild (2 replies)
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