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  1. Hello All (7 replies)
  2. Attn New Applicants (0 replies)
  3. One of the Hundred (6 replies)
  4. Well met.. (16 replies)
  5. Hail! (14 replies)
  6. Hail, Countrymen (14 replies)
  7. Hi (11 replies)
  8. Nihongo Wessexians (again) (24 replies)
  9. Salutations Comrades (14 replies)
  10. Hello (14 replies)
  11. Hail! (12 replies)
  12. Hail to Wessex! (20 replies)
  13. The time is now.. (16 replies)
  14. [OOC] /mass target /say hello /cast wall-of-text (22 replies)
  15. Hello! (19 replies)
  16. Hallo Hallo (31 replies)
  17. Greetings, (13 replies)
  18. Hello (18 replies)
  19. Formal notice of Presence (9 replies)
  20. Hi all! (13 replies)
  21. Hail to Wessex (39 replies)
  22. forum permissions (3 replies)
  23. Well met... (43 replies)
  24. Yep another greetings (21 replies)
  25. Hail and well met! (11 replies)
  26. Greetings! (Blatantly Clones The Last 3 Posts) (13 replies)
  27. Greetings! (24 replies)
  28. Greetings and Salutations! (29 replies)
  29. Hello Everyone (5 replies)
  30. Greetings Wessex! (6 replies)
  31. Moin Guys (10 replies)
  32. kendis & Distortion (4 replies)
  33. Greetings everyone! (22 replies)
  34. Saluting to His Grace and the fellows. (11 replies)
  35. w00t I'm a trial member! (14 replies)
  36. Hail (9 replies)
  37. Intro: Hail to all. (20 replies)
  38. Problem with application (10 replies)
  39. A great addition? (5 replies)
  40. Hey new recruit here! (13 replies)
  41. Good day v2.0 (27 replies)
  42. I come to help and serve.(Introduction) (7 replies)
  43. Good day (7 replies)
  44. Greetings to thee, the people of Wessex (8 replies)
  45. Kalandros' Introduction (15 replies)
  46. Kipren Varleth at your service (7 replies)
  47. introducing my humble self (12 replies)
  48. Greetings all... (15 replies)
  49. Hey there (8 replies)
  50. Greetings, from your new recruit (9 replies)
  51. Greetings from Chile! (13 replies)
  52. Greetings. (14 replies)
  53. A New Recruit (19 replies)
  54. Hail (9 replies)
  55. Hi Fellows (8 replies)
  56. Hello (9 replies)
  57. Greetings (6 replies)
  58. To all Trial Members and Applicants: (2 replies)
  59. Registration (0 replies)
  60. Look! Another Peasant! (24 replies)
  61. Introduction of myself! (20 replies)
  62. Arrival (16 replies)
  63. Samkin Aylward (12 replies)
  64. Shadow bane (2 replies)
  65. The Virtuous Hundred (An Introduction) (30 replies)
  66. Mantala the crafter (14 replies)
  67. Hi to all... (13 replies)
  68. Hey guys (9 replies)
  69. Gawaine new recruit (16 replies)
  70. Rothan Merr (14 replies)
  71. Bruce almighty: Introduction (14 replies)
  72. Greetings and salutations! (29 replies)
  73. Hello. (22 replies)
  74. Hello everyone (11 replies)
  75. Introducing myself (10 replies)
  76. Hello All!! (14 replies)
  77. "Heya, my name is Feri." (13 replies)
  78. Introduction, Maddazz (17 replies)
  79. Greetings and salutations! (12 replies)
  80. My Greetings, (13 replies)
  81. Hail from Agasutin (40 replies)
  82. Introduction (33 replies)
  83. Master Chief's introduction (52 replies)
  84. Greetings from Tarcil (13 replies)
  85. My Humble Greetings (67 replies)
  86. Hey fellas (13 replies)
  87. Greeting from Phyx (12 replies)
  88. Hi there (8 replies)
  89. Greetings from Mortis (17 replies)
  90. Greetings, Kuafrim at your service (9 replies)
  91. Greetings from Galpath (13 replies)
  92. Greetings (10 replies)
  93. Introducing...Evillor! (28 replies)
  94. Hello everyone! (9 replies)
  95. My intrduction, Haeso. (32 replies)
  96. Grey Grimfist, another short'un (27 replies)
  97. Greetings from Cicatrices (10 replies)
  98. Greetings from the republic (2 replies)
  99. Greetings from MapleLeaf (15 replies)
  100. Hello from Decimus Kalgar. (17 replies)
  101. Mr. Moody (10 replies)
  102. G'day. I'm Morgan Freimoor (12 replies)
  103. Hello my name is Sofaism (10 replies)
  104. Greetings from Xeen (10 replies)
  105. May I share a leg of lamb by your fire? (8 replies)
  106. Hello From Hessan Morgayne (13 replies)
  107. Offering my services and swearing aleigance to His Graciousness: The Duke (14 replies)
  108. Nod (16 replies)
  109. Greetings (13 replies)
  110. Evening (18 replies)
  111. Bow-chicka-bow-wow (16 replies)
  112. Hello everyone! (10 replies)
  113. umm i got an email (8 replies)
  114. Hello all (13 replies)
  115. Spare change? (13 replies)
  116. Whats up (13 replies)
  117. A new warrior enters (15 replies)
  118. Hi my name is Krow (33 replies)
  119. vent people (16 replies)
  120. Joms, the freelancer. (14 replies)
  121. Greetings from the north (34 replies)
  122. Hello Wessex (27 replies)
  123. Hello, I am Heori (16 replies)
  124. Hello! (18 replies)
  125. Just saying hello (14 replies)
  126. Greetings, friends (18 replies)
  127. Have siege will travel. (28 replies)
  128. Dwarf out of the bag (24 replies)
  129. Hello. (49 replies)
  130. Humble greetings... (51 replies)
  131. hello there (32 replies)
  132. Hiii :) (49 replies)
  133. Long time no see! (3 replies)
  134. Welcome Back! (5 replies)
  135. Another Hopeful... (75 replies)
  136. Hi Everybody (35 replies)
  137. Looking to apply (13 replies)
  138. New Applicants (15 replies)
  139. Hello WSX (38 replies)
  140. Greetings (8 replies)
  141. Hiya from the Dragon nerd! (14 replies)
  142. Hiya (28 replies)
  143. Hopeful Member's Greetings (26 replies)
  144. Merry Meet (110 replies)
  145. Hail! (10 replies)
  146. The Lycian Republic (14 replies)
  147. Rikuno here (21 replies)
  148. Hello everyone (23 replies)
  149. This is a Title (17 replies)
  150. Hi (26 replies)
  151. Sup! (17 replies)
  152. Greetings my brothers. (15 replies)
  153. hi all (13 replies)
  154. Hello! (22 replies)
  155. Hello everyone! (11 replies)
  156. Question. (2 replies)
  157. Hello There! (14 replies)
  158. Hello All (7 replies)
  159. Greetings (6 replies)
  160. Hail and well met everyone! (15 replies)
  161. New Trial Member (11 replies)
  162. Hello (30 replies)
  163. Greetings! (6 replies)
  164. New Trial Member (7 replies)
  165. To Einar Tyrssen, I pledge (4 replies)
  166. Out of the frozen north (11 replies)
  167. I have arrived! (15 replies)
  168. Morning Dear People (21 replies)
  169. Hello! (11 replies)
  170. Newcomer (23 replies)
  171. Greetings (12 replies)
  172. Contact information (2 replies)
  173. The Cloaked Figure (2 replies)
  174. A Ranger wonders in from the Republi... (7 replies)
  175. From the mists of the sea (22 replies)
  176. I am young, but I am yours (13 replies)
  177. As the half giant approaches..... (9 replies)
  178. A Message From His Regalness Himself (6 replies)
  179. Cheer's all from New Recruit (9 replies)
  180. Hello Everyone (7 replies)
  181. Wandering travelers inquire the ways of this land! (6 replies)
  182. Greetings to all (11 replies)
  183. Hail! (6 replies)
  184. A newcomer from Shadowbane (6 replies)
  185. Hello (2 replies)
  186. New to the community (4 replies)
  187. Greetings and Salutations from the Far north! (9 replies)
  188. Hail! (10 replies)
  189. The Norse Newcomer (21 replies)
  190. Yet another newcomer (25 replies)
  191. Salutations (16 replies)
  192. Hello everbody (20 replies)
  193. Greetings from a Newcomer! (11 replies)
  194. Introductions (14 replies)
  195. Greetings All! (14 replies)
  196. A small hello. (13 replies)
  197. It has been many moons... (25 replies)
  198. Salutations Wessex (16 replies)
  199. Warm greeting from Finland! (10 replies)
  200. Newcomer (18 replies)
  201. Newcomer saying hello! (17 replies)
  202. Greetings to all. (6 replies)
  203. Formal Introduction (14 replies)
  204. Newcomer hoping to join the Clan (17 replies)
  205. The Razgriz (12 replies)
  206. Hello Duchy! (7 replies)
  207. Just wanted to introduce myself.. (26 replies)
  208. New to the Duchy (13 replies)
  209. Tavik R'Fligar sayin' hi! (19 replies)
  210. Tewdric of Sussex Would Like To Make Your Acquaintance (45 replies)
  211. Hello There! (8 replies)
  212. Hiya there people. (24 replies)
  213. Hi (I want to be a recruit) (13 replies)
  214. Hail and well met, friends of the DoW! (6 replies)
  215. Greatings my friends of the DoW! (5 replies)
  216. Aloha Peoples! (32 replies)
  217. Greetings! (12 replies)
  218. hello (20 replies)
  219. Hello! (11 replies)
  220. Hail and well met (7 replies)
  221. The Diocese of Wessex? (5 replies)
  222. I like the concepts of your guild. (21 replies)
  223. Greetings and felicitations (4 replies)
  224. The Black Wolf, at your command... (13 replies)
  225. Sleggjaholl members who are visiting, read this. (0 replies)
  226. Hello Thar. (8 replies)
  227. Hi! (4 replies)
  228. Hello all (10 replies)
  229. Hail and well met (6 replies)
  230. In walks a stranger... (5 replies)
  231. Vicious Vikings (8 replies)
  232. Hello All (14 replies)
  233. Hello everybody! (20 replies)
  234. Hello all (21 replies)
  235. Registration Problems? (13 replies)
  236. Resign (37 replies)
  237. Farewell Ducy of Wessex... (22 replies)
  238. Aye Mates (10 replies)
  239. At your service (7 replies)
  240. YO. Sleggjaholl member-to-be here. (13 replies)
  241. Greetings Duchy of Wessex! (101 replies)
  242. Hail (13 replies)
  243. Greetings all (13 replies)
  244. Hello!....Again?! (17 replies)
  245. Whats up (12 replies)
  246. At Your Service (11 replies)
  247. Greetings! (23 replies)
  248. Yar there! (12 replies)
  249. Visitor from Sleggjaholl (14 replies)
  250. srry but gonna help up some friends with their guild (2 replies)