View Full Version : New Applicants
Manus Dei
06-20-2008, 09:31 PM
His Grace Duke Manus to aspiring villeins and subjects of Wessex, greeting.
The form mail application sends these emails to an address that is not presently accessible. All interested new applicants are asked to please post an application here in this forum, using the same questions asked on the form mail application.
The applicants Tongtong, Darksaint, and Mordekai the Loyal have been accepted as trial villeins.
Komako the Hawk
06-22-2008, 05:49 AM
When will this be expected to be fixed?
06-24-2008, 05:42 AM
I'm not sure if my request went in or not so i will post it here just in case
E-mail Address:
Your Real Name: Morgan
Your Age: 18
Your Real-World geographic location: Massachusetts
What is your playing style?
I?m not an overly competitive player but I like to have a good time and improve where I can to become a better player.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
The Duchy of Wessex seems like a fun and competitive clan and I admire the organization of powers and military structure.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
I have played a few MMOs including WoW, FF11, and a little Shadowbane and City of Heroes.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
I have always been a fan of strategy and combat. There are two things that win wars, strategy and the valiant soldiers like me that fight.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
I heard about Darkfall and it sounded awesome. So the next thing I did was look for a fun and good clan. That search led me to Wessex.
Character Name: Araem
Darkfall Forum ID: master702
Wessex Forum ID : Araem
Character Race: Elf
Character Skill Focus: Missile Combat
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?
Instant Messenger Services
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I Araem, wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
Hope this is good enough to get in
06-25-2008, 10:54 PM
E-mail Address:
Your Real Name: James
Your Age: 14
Your Real-World geographic location: Canada
What is your playing style?
I'm an aggressive PVPer, meaning I would attack any enemies given the chance. No, I'm not another moronic 14 year old, I'm actually competent and I don't get mad at the computer. Honest.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
Wessex seems like a big clan that I think would be fun to get involved with.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
I have played several MMOs, none of which turned out to be any maybe for WoW, which I got tired of.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
I am primarily a tactician and melee combat specialist. I would probably be better at directing troops than anything else, but I would more than likely be sloppy with logistics.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
I've known about Darkfall for some time, and started searching for a Darkfall clan to join. Eventually I decided on Wessex because it was large and had a cool military ranking system and background.
Character Name: Nandarion Averos
Darkfall Forum ID: Freelancer
Wessex Forum ID : Nandarion
Character Race: Human
Character Skill Focus: Melee Combat/Crafting
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?: Soldier
Instant Messenger Services
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I, Nandarion, wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
Brandon Greymoor
06-29-2008, 03:39 PM
E-mail Address: (
Your Real Name: Jordan Thorpe
Your Age: 16
Your Real-World geographic location: England, Nottinghamshire
What is your playing style?
Role-player, Caster/Healer. I prefer to be involved in the action and drama.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
The Duchy of Wessex has a proven rank formula and has a firm base in Darkfall even before the game has been released. With this level of organization and devotion already my confidence is attracted to this clan.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
I have a good level of experience with MMoRpG's including WoW for 2/3 years and Guild Wars. With this I have gained experience at working in teams with other people, following instructions to the exact detail and the ability to find what it takes to become the best.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
I am a brilliant team player. I have the ability to think quickly on my feet and adjust to last minuet changes. But my biggest strength lies in my strategic mind, understanding how I can use the terrain around me to my advantage I am capable of turning the tides in the tightest of situations.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
I was advised to look at your website after talking to a friend on the forums, I think looked at the recruitment post to find the link to this website.
Character Name: Brandon Greymoor
Darkfall Forum ID: Thorpeyrox
Wessex Forum ID: Brandon Greymoor
Character Race: Human
Character Skill Focus: Healing/Support casting
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?
Instant Messenger Services
MSN: (
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I Brandon Greymoor, wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
I hope I?ve made it! *Crosses fingers*
Jonas Greymont
07-04-2008, 06:55 AM
Well, I applied via the Join/Contact application, came here to deliver my "Hello!" post, and discover that the application system is out of commission. So here is all my information:
Email address:
Your Real Name: Austin
Your Age: 23
Your Real-World geographic location: Tennessee, USA
What is your playing style?
Immersive role-play.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
First, the refreshing take on "practical role-play" seems ideal for genuine immersion. There's nothing like saying "Your Grace" and knowing full well that His Grace is indeed your liege. Second, the apparent level of organization and planning for a zerg-sized clan of this magnitude is unprecedented. If things go as well as they look on paper, Wessex will indeed be the envy of all other clans, as is apparent on Forumfall already. Third, the quality and character I've seen in the members of Wessex makes me feel there is no other place in Darkfall for me but here.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
My MMORPG career, like so many others, began with UO. There I spent 2-3 years really learning what an MMO was, the grit and grind of PvP, the unequivocal importance of balanced player economy and teamwork. From there I toed the waters in several other MMOs including Vanguard, SWG, EQ, WoW, and LoTRO before settling into FFXI, which has been the only serious MMO in my life for 4 years now.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
I have a strong desire to defend and support. Always have I been drawn to the Paladin template, no matter the amount of time or investment away from it I've spent. I also consider myself an able diplomat and negotiator as well as an ardent lore scholar.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
I wasn't referred, persay. In my searches through the clan pages on Forumfall, and subsequently the various polls comparing the Duchy to other clans, I was intrigued by the principles and ideas Wessex projects. After about a week of investigating and researching, I must say I am most impressed.
Character Name: Jonas Greymont
Darkfall Forum ID: Greymont
Wessex Forum ID: Jonas Greymont
Character Race: Human
Character Skill Focus: Melee and healing/support caster hybrid
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?
Of the options listed, Burgess. However, pursuing a path within the Clergy is more to my particular interest.
Instant Messenger Services: None
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I Jonas Greymont, wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
I hope I left nothing out. If there are any other questions that may need answering, I would be glad to oblige. Good luck to all the others I see have applied in this manner, and may we all one day enjoy the glory which Wessex is destined to obtain!
Aery Thiralis
07-04-2008, 01:48 PM
Hail and well met, citizens of Wessex !
E-mail Address: hittepit
Your Real Name: Hidde de Vries
Your Age: 19
Your Real-World geographic location: Rotstergaast, Friesland, Netherlands (yes, a real Frysian barbarian RAWR!)
What is your playing style?
New to Role-playing, Ranger/Assassin. I am best not to be mocked by non-Wessex members, or they shall force me to incur my wrath upon them.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
Reading trough your forums and recruitment posts and after several personal message convo's with the Duke himself, I have become attracted to the professional methods this clan uses to establish a firm yet friendly atmoshpere for all the members of the Duchy. I wish to be a part of this and do my bidding for the Duke.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
Played Lineage 2 for several years, dominating some very high populated private servers with our clan, in which I was co-leader or where I sometimes led my own division of the clan in our alliance. A force to be reckoned with, and feared troughout the land.
Played WoW a bit, nice atmosphere but the PVP is way too carebearish in comparison to Lineage 2.
Played Guild Wars, nice skillwise pvp and very good guild teamwork required.
Played several other random MMO's.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
Strategic insight, also thanks to playing Savage for 1,5 years as a commander mainly. I know how to lead, but I desire full dedication of my team and trust in my leadership if it is bestowed upon me. I'll do anything for the guild but I have to be able to slaughter my enemies which I despise most without penalty. I am a beast and will do anything to slay those who anger me. In Lineage2 I was also always the diplomat and strategist for clan sieges and establishing alliances with other clans.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
After talking with the Duke himself, after I was contacted by his Grace to enlist for the guild.
Character Name: Aery Thiralis
Darkfall Forum ID: Aery
Wessex Forum ID: Aery Thiralis
Character Race: Mirdain
Character Skill Focus: Ranger/Assassin
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?
None, I will give my 100 % and prove to you that I have what it takes to be selected as an assassin to serve the Duke and do the dirty jobs.
Instant Messenger Services
MSN: hittepit (
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I Aery Thiralis wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
You won't regret taking me, I will be swift to slice open the throat of any man mocking the Duke and the nation we will strive to uphold in it's most glorious ways.
07-05-2008, 02:10 PM
E-mail Address:
Your Real Name: Phil "roach" Lockey
Your Age: 23
Your Real-World geographic location: England, Gloucestershire
What is your playing style?
Mele combat, Swordsman. Would like to lead a small Infiltration/Spec-Ops Squad
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
I was very impressed with the pressence your clan has allready inside the DF forum's. I like to be on the winning side and it seems you guys have what it takes.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
Yes, I have played pre and post trammel UO, WOW, EQ1 + 2, Guild wars, Eve, Shadowbane, Vanguard and a few others the names escape at this time though. Also i was very active on world war 2 online.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
I am very good at following orders, and i believe that once you sign up for a clan, guild or squad thats where your ingame loyalties lie. I will admit that i am not an excellent diplomat but i believe i am a very good strategist on a smaller scale.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
I just recognized the banner from the DF forums. I did not want to rush into signing up to a clan, but i believe i can offer the duchy a lot.
Character Name: Neo-Hyperion
Darkfall Forum ID: Hyperion roach
Wessex Forum ID: Neo-hyperion
Character Race: Human
Character Skill Focus: Close combat and infiltration techniques
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?
Instant Messenger Services
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I Neo-Hyperion wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
Chrono Veincrusher
07-06-2008, 09:35 PM
Kyrendis Varen
07-07-2008, 04:04 PM
E-mail Address:
Your Real Name: John
Your Age: 20
Your Real-World geographic location: Canada
What is your playing style?
I am a sneaky bastard, I like intricate planning, and stealth over obvious brute force. Illusion magic too, if it exists. These skills also transfer over well to the economical arena, and I am a fair hand at economics and organization. I've ran a fairly successful guild before, so I have leadership skills and previous experience with organizing a group of people.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
The Duchy is a large clan, and I believe it to have a lot of potential, judging from what I have read. i want to get in on the ground floor. I believe I have a lot to offer.
Do you have much experience with MMoRpGs?
I beta tested WoW, LoTRO, SWG. I played SWG, WoW, LoTRO, FFXI, EVE, UO, EQ, AO, AC, DaOC, and several free korean MMOs. I lead a fairly successful guild in WoW, after stealing half the members from a terrible guild leader whose guild I had previously been in. I was a fairly wealthy member and crafter of a player town on SWG, and I led a dedicated party in FFXI. So I have some command experience.
I suppose the shorter answer would have been 'yes'.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
I am more comfortable in the shadows, wither it be the kind of diplomacy best served through a poisoned blade, or 'creative acquisitions'. Also, I have skills in espionage and information acquisition. I have a near-photographic memory, and I memorize Wikipedia articles for fun. I'm a firm believer in the maxim "Knowledge is power." I also have a skill for organization and economics, so as an alternative, I could start a buisiness, possibly focused around ship-building, coordinating crafters and gatherers for a more efficient and streamlined production system.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
The Forum post in Clan Recruitment on the Darkfall forums
Character Name: Kyrendis
Darkfall Forum ID: Kyrendis
Wessex Forum ID : Kyrendis
Character Race: Elf
Character Skill Focus: Magic
All new members of the Duchy of Wessex start as trial members. If you are formally inducted, you will begin at the starter rank called "villein". From there, you immediately have four possible options to advance yourself in status and rank: becoming a soldier, pursuivant, burgess, or yeoman of the court.
Should you be accepted, which route are you most likely to follow at first?
Instant Messenger Services
Most Noble Duke of Wessex, I Kyrendis, wish to bind myself in fealty to you as a humble villein. I will not marry without your consent including rights of livery and prima nocta, I will wear the colors you ask of me, and I will work in return for your protection and largesse until circumstances should allow me to advance from my present station.
Thank you.
Komako the Hawk
07-07-2008, 05:45 PM
Here's a hint on getting accepted:
Find the member "Aethelric" and spam his inbox.
Einar Tyrssen
07-08-2008, 12:18 AM
Here's a hint on getting accepted:
Find the member "Aethelric" and spam his inbox.
Yeah. I did that and I got accepted. It's to measure how tenacious new members are.
Kyrendis Varen
07-08-2008, 12:22 AM
Or to measure how gullible they are.
Einar Tyrssen
07-08-2008, 02:14 AM
Or to measure how gullible they are.
Perhaps. Welcome to Wessex.
Kyrendis Varen
07-08-2008, 02:33 AM
Thank you. Still waiting on my acceptance letter, get the gears moving :P.
Edit: Besides, I doubt messaging Aethelric would do anything, since his actual forum name is Aethelric Brandt, and he is a clerk of the Ducal Court.
Search function is fun :P
Beric Veincrusher
07-09-2008, 06:24 AM
PM Thirlan ( about his private shows - it'll get you on the fast track.
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