View Full Version : Well met...
Razli Lithewulf
09-24-2008, 04:15 PM
Popping 'ere to say a little 'allo. Applied 'ere so, as a possible trial member (If everything is fine and dandy) I'd like to say Helllllllo.
Slash Redhand
09-24-2008, 04:16 PM
Hey there Raz.
So, you decided to roll a H/M/D at the end.
Welcome to the Duchy.
Razli Lithewulf
09-24-2008, 04:20 PM
Hey there Raz.
So, you decided to roll a H/M/D at the end.
Welcome to the Duchy.
A Dwarf (As the best race :P) just seemed a right move from a Mahirim.
Although if this falls through, I'd be looking at a non-HMD clan, but I can't decide on whats happening untill I get the news Back.
-Razli Ilzargor
Slash Redhand
09-24-2008, 04:24 PM
A Dwarf (As the best race :P) just seemed a right move from a Mahirim.
Although if this falls through, I'd be looking at a non-HMD clan, but I can't decide on whats happening untill I get the news Back.
-Razli Ilzargor
A fine choice.
Dwarfs are nice indeed.
I think you will find the place you seek here.
And what kind of player are you planing on playing?
Razli Lithewulf
09-24-2008, 04:28 PM
As My combat, Primairly A Bowman. Secondary would be some kind of melee weapon (Of which I am unsure of at this moment in time).
Then outside of Combat, Some sort of Diplomat. The Whole Yeoman Court thing seems great.
My interest in RL is Law, so anything as close to that outside of kicking ass with my bow would be great.
Thusard von Hellman
09-24-2008, 04:45 PM
Wellcome to Wessex!
Gustaph Calgacus
09-24-2008, 05:20 PM
Welcome. :)
Robert Namo
09-24-2008, 07:00 PM
Aery Thiralis
09-24-2008, 07:30 PM
Razli, formerly from RRP or that other SA clan ?
Why did you leave them if I may ask ?
Razli Lithewulf
09-24-2008, 07:39 PM
Razli, formerly from RRP or that other SA clan ?
Why did you leave them if I may ask ?
Ofcouse you may ask. This was like June/July-ish time. One reason is that I dont exactly see Eye-to-Eye with the RRP leader. Does everything himself and doesnt really let the others do anything. At the time when I (was pretty much elader of RRP for a month/2 months), I was one of the founding members of the SA. Then after that, I just felt that it wouldnt be for me. I dont have the time or ambition to be any kind of leader. So I left looking for a clan well established so that I can come in and be an ordinary Peon.
(The bit of history you mgiht not know, I was like the 3rd memeber of RRP, So I was there from the beginning, and pretty much was the well known one of RRP, which probably in turn gave them members)
I don't really want to return to a Mahirim after leaving the SA, So their enemies seem to be the right way to go :P
I guess in away I'm elaving my pass behind. However, If I do not make the cut. I have a few other palces to apply.
I got like 8 pm's from Clan leaders like yesterday/today, and from that about 4 that maybe worth-while. But Wessex are most probably the most established out of them all.
Aery Thiralis
09-24-2008, 07:49 PM
Ofcouse you may ask. This was like June/July-ish time. One reason is that I dont exactly see Eye-to-Eye with the RRP leader. Does everything himself and doesnt really let the others do anything. At the time when I (was pretty much elader of RRP for a month/2 months), I was one of the founding members of the SA. Then after that, I just felt that it wouldnt be for me. I dont have the time or ambition to be any kind of leader. So I left looking for a clan well established so that I can come in and be an ordinary Peon.
(The bit of history you mgiht not know, I was like the 3rd memeber of RRP, So I was there from the beginning, and pretty much was the well known one of RRP, which probably in turn gave them members)
I don't really want to return to a Mahirim after leaving the SA, So their enemies seem to be the right way to go :P
I guess in away I'm elaving my pass behind. However, If I do not make the cut. I have a few other palces to apply.
I got like 8 pm's from Clan leaders like yesterday/today, and from that about 4 that maybe worth-while. But Wessex are most probably the most established out of them all.
A very solid answer. Cheers for that.
Well, imo you are most welcome amongst our ranks as a brother within the Duchy.
Honorius Dioctus
09-24-2008, 07:49 PM
Hail Razli, how wonderful you have decided to grace Wessex with your presence, I wish you the best of luck on your application.
And I hope to get the chance to work with you one day, for the betterment of all.
Razli Lithewulf
09-24-2008, 08:00 PM
A very solid answer. Cheers for that.
Well, imo you are most welcome amongst our ranks as a brother within the Duchy.
I like to be thorough :D, and to get everything across. And Thank you.
Hail Razli, how wonderful you have decided to grace Wessex with your presence, I wish you the best of luck on your application.
And I hope to get the chance to work with you one day, for the betterment of all.
And to you Honorius. It would be most gracious o/
-Razli Ilzargor
Morse Sans Membres
09-24-2008, 08:50 PM
Dwarves, heh.
Chrono Veincrusher
09-24-2008, 09:53 PM
Welcome on board, Razli!
Dafur Gewissae
09-24-2008, 09:57 PM
Welcome aboard, high expectations!
Razli Lithewulf
09-25-2008, 05:58 AM
Welcome aboard, high expectations!
I wouldn't expect anything less. I'll get round to doing all the things I need to do (Signature, KOH forums and Such) in about 7 hours, After get back from School.
Thanks again.
Komako the Hawk
09-25-2008, 06:13 AM
Are you the guy with the crazy dog-chef signature?
Razli Lithewulf
09-25-2008, 06:28 AM
Are you the guy with the crazy dog-chef signature?
No, Im the Guy with the Snake, Cat and Heart sig nowadays on Forumfall.
Dreign Swift
09-25-2008, 06:57 AM
Welcome to the forums, Razli. Strange to see you here, but your position seems fairly understandable.
However, If I do not make the cut. I have a few other palces to apply.
I got like 8 pm's from Clan leaders like yesterday/today
So...where are you in your decision? Are you certain you want to join up with Wessex and not another clan? You're somewhat leaving that open to question.
To be honest, saying that you have "other options" and that you received "8 pm's from other Clan leaders" courting you to join them doesn't quite give us the impression that you posses a singular dedication to becoming a part of Wessex, know what I mean?
A person hoping to join Wessex needs only a few components to "make it":
1. Be intelligent (which you are).
2. Display a very strong desire (near-fanaticism) to join our glorious society.
3. Stick around, show us who you are, contribute.
That is all we look for to determine who becomes full members. No need to establish that you don't need us ("I have other options") if all you're really asking for is to be welcomed :).
So then, what about Wessex--other than our established position--makes you want to join us? (Serious question.) Did you always want to join us, but just kept it hidden for fear that forumfall would mock you? Spill the beans, give us something to laugh at, jeez.
You're a trial member now, some groveling, or something :p.
I wouldn't expect anything less. I'll get round to doing all the things I need to do (Signature, KOH forums and Such) in about 7 hours, After get back from School.
Thanks again.
Sporting a Wessex signature and registering on the Hyperion forums are things that only full members are cleared to do. Just thought I'd inform you of that in case you didn't know.
Hope to see you in the military if your Trial process goes well.
Komako the Hawk
09-25-2008, 06:58 AM
I'd bet a tidy sum Lather from vVv did that sig.
Dreign Swift
09-25-2008, 07:05 AM
On second thought, we may need to beat the Dog out of him, he's probably still got some of it in his system :D.
Anyone have any ideas on how our new Trial Member can prove his dedication? Perhaps we could send him on a mission into Forumfall bearing a message from the Duchy?
Let the Trial hazing begin!
Einar Tyrssen
09-25-2008, 07:33 AM
On second thought, we may need to beat the Dog out of him, he's probably still got some of it in his system :D.
Anyone have any ideas on how our new Trial Member can prove his dedication? Perhaps we could send him on a mission into Forumfall bearing a message from the Duchy?
Let the Trial hazing begin!
Vasidius Kalgar
09-25-2008, 10:08 AM
Welcome Razli, we'll beat the Dog out of you soon enough...;)
09-25-2008, 01:09 PM
*Presents the Hazing Horn to Sir Einar*
"There my Thane"
"Start the hazing!"
Razli Lithewulf
09-25-2008, 02:53 PM
Those other are only there if I just not Wessex enough for you. And yes, I suppose I secretly, If I ever Went HMD, I would have loved to join you. As It seem I have now moved to a Dwarf, I thoguht you would be the best choice, or atleast somewhere in the grand-ness that is Kingdom of Hyperion.
And the Dog out of me has pretty left. Yes i still wander to the other boards of APst associates, But when the game goes live, I am likly to cut my ties so to speak, so that I dont get any drama of them complaing of me killing them.
And I very much like the idea of the clan. For one, Medievalism is amazing, I would love to still have swordfighting used in wars today, but alas there is not.
Anything I must Do to prove my loyalty I shall.
And about your alst bits Driegn, Has quite a busy morning/night last night so, Did'nt quite really take in all the information. When I get time, I'll fully look into everything.
Also, Whoever said something about my Sig, they would be correct.
Plus In advance Notice the Week beginning the 6th I will be away till Friday with no internet access.
Just to let you know.
Slash Redhand
09-25-2008, 04:05 PM
Those other are only there if I just not Wessex enough for you. And yes, I suppose I secretly, If I ever Went HMD, I would have loved to join you. As It seem I have now moved to a Dwarf, I thoguht you would be the best choice, or atleast somewhere in the grand-ness that is Kingdom of Hyperion.
And the Dog out of me has pretty left. Yes i still wander to the other boards of APst associates, But when the game goes live, I am likly to cut my ties so to speak, so that I dont get any drama of them complaing of me killing them.
And I very much like the idea of the clan. For one, Medievalism is amazing, I would love to still have swordfighting used in wars today, but alas there is not.
Anything I must Do to prove my loyalty I shall.
And about your alst bits Driegn, Has quite a busy morning/night last night so, Did'nt quite really take in all the information. When I get time, I'll fully look into everything.
Also, Whoever said something about my Sig, they would be correct.
Plus In advance Notice the Week beginning the 6th I will be away till Friday with no internet access.
Just to let you know.
Well said there.
Once again, glad to have you here.
Valens Bellator
09-25-2008, 05:06 PM
I was wondering where you'd end up Razli!
Anyway, you're aware that Hyperion guilds will be playing on a european server, whilst the SA guilds will be on a North American server, correct? Donno if that's a huge issue for you but you won't likely even be in the same world as some of your furry friends.
Razli Lithewulf
09-25-2008, 05:08 PM
I was wondering where you'd end up Razli!
Anyway, you're aware that Hyperion guilds will be playing on a european server, whilst the SA guilds will be on a North American server, correct? Donno if that's a huge issue for you but you won't likely even be in the same world as some of your furry friends.
I knew that yes. And thus, why you are the best choice. Im a European, your a EU clan. Being in the SA when most will be going NA, wouldnt seem right anyway. Sooo not an issue for me. The Forums would still be there for me PM the guys who are actual Friends.
09-25-2008, 05:48 PM
Oh great europen guild i like it :) btw i think my aplication has been rejected :D but i will stll hang around here for some time :)
Einar Tyrssen
09-25-2008, 11:10 PM
*Presents the Hazing Horn to Sir Einar*
"There my Thane"
"Start the hazing!"
Then it has begun.
Upon the first sign of hateful tears, we have broken them and they are ready.
09-26-2008, 12:35 AM
Oh great europen guild i like it :) btw i think my aplication has been rejected :D but i will stll hang around here for some time :)
I lol'd
09-26-2008, 01:04 PM
what means that I lol'd i first hear that :)
Anhur Sethorus
09-26-2008, 04:06 PM
lol= laugh out loud. I lol'd= I laughed out loud
09-26-2008, 05:32 PM
Lots of new members comin here ye?
Anyway, yer most welcome here.
09-26-2008, 06:17 PM
seems like I ain't :( ... :D
ZtyX Roman
09-27-2008, 10:31 AM
Awesome Razli.
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex. Part of Hyperion Kingdom. ;)
It's going to be fun killing Mahirims with you on our side. :)
Miklo Faulke
09-27-2008, 11:09 AM
Donnie Morello raised his hat in a greeting towards Razli, but kept silent.
ZtyX Roman
09-27-2008, 11:49 AM
Hi Donnie.
I hope you won't be silent when taking my new poll.
Go to:
Razli Lithewulf
09-27-2008, 12:41 PM
Awesome Razli.
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex. Part of Hyperion Kingdom. ;)
It's going to be fun killing Mahirims with you on our side. :)
Indeed. But as I think SA are NA, It seems I won't be killing my old associates. Shame.
09-27-2008, 08:59 PM
i won't be doing anymore aplications.... all were rejected becose lack of content.... yeah right i search for another guild now...
Synge Wynne
09-27-2008, 10:07 PM
i won't be doing anymore aplications.... all were rejected becose lack of content.... yeah right i search for another guild now...
So wouldn't that be something you'd change after the first rejection? I mean if someone tells me I'm a little short on detail the first time I submit something, well then that's something I make sure I rectify the second time round.
Morse Sans Membres
09-28-2008, 01:17 AM
Don't think he's going to be checking back, I claim this thread in the name of Auros.
Dreign Swift
09-28-2008, 07:36 AM
the Dog out of me has pretty left.
I very much like the idea of the clan.
Yes, I secretly would have loved to join you.
You would be the best choice, in the grand-ness that is Kingdom of Hyperion.
Anything I must Do to prove my loyalty I shall.
I find these answers acceptable. Call off the hazing hounds! (Though few actually joined the warcry, lol.)
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