View Full Version : Call to Assize: Mister Rhodri Taliesin
Kyrendis Varen
05-04-2013, 07:09 PM
Members of Wessex, let it be known that on this day a Court of Assize has been called.
Accused in this trial stands Mister Rhodri Taliesin for the following crimes:
Theft, in violation of Common Law Decree 1.
Breach of oath, in violation of Decree 3
Murder, in violation of Criminal Law Offense 4.
His accuser is Zaleos Ravenblood. Zaleos will be considered the Plaintiff in this case.
Under Gentleman's Right, I, Lord Kyrendis Varen, Jusiticiar of Hyperion will preside over the trial.
The defendant who has not given previous notice of absence from the guild has 48 hours to select a representative to respond in his stead or acknowledge he is aware of the crime he stands accused of and that he is prepared to defend himself pro se.
The defendant may also list witness' that may be called on his behalf.
If this period passes without reply, the defendant shall be counted guilty and judged accordingly.
At this time the plaintiff may only post any witness' that he wishes to be called on his behalf.
Any other information or claims by either side must be held until evidence is presented.
The following persons have been selected to attend as jury, and are to make their presence known to the court. The Court has endeavored to select neutral parties in this case, who are well respected and who are separate from the community in question:
The Jurors will be:
Azzerhoden Razeri, Chamberlain of Wessex
Varrick ChaosWielder, Cleric
Audin Cardew, Knight Bachelor
Jurors, as this is the first court case since Manus returned to Wessex, the Court will explain your duties: You are to post once in this thread confirming your acceptance of the position. You will then subscribe to the thread, so as to be sure you can read all future responses. At the conclusion of the presented evidence, I will give you instructions as to what the standards are for a guilty or innocent verdict, and you will render judgement of guilt or innocence. If the verdict on either charge is guilt, you will also be able to recommend sentencing, though the final decision on sentence is my own. All you will need to do is check this thread at least once a day, and then discuss amongst yourselves what your decision will be.
Guilt or innocence must be decided on unanimously. There will be no mistrials however. In the event of a deadlock, I will decide the outcome.
All sides are prohibited from discussing the specifics of the case with any members of the jury under any circumstances until the trial has concluded. Jury tampering will be dealt with harshly.
Each person called to jury duty needs to post within the next 24 hours simply by making acknowledgement in this thread. If any person cannot be available for the next 36 hours then they must make it known at this time so they can be replaced.
This trial is open to the view of the public. As such, I would have everyone in this thread operate with that in mind, and with proper respect for all others involved and for the Court itself.
No one else is to post in this thread, unless called upon to do so by the Court.
Sub Signum Rex
Audin Cardew
05-04-2013, 07:38 PM
Subscribe under Thread Tools
Varrick ChaosWielder
05-04-2013, 07:59 PM
I shall perform my duty as Jury.
Rhodri Taliesin
05-05-2013, 08:07 AM
I - Rhodri Taliesin - acknowledge that I am aware of the crime I stand accused of and that I am prepared to defend myself pro se.
Azzerhoden Razeri
05-05-2013, 01:51 PM
I accept my duties as a Juror.
Kyrendis Varen
05-06-2013, 01:56 PM
The Jurors have accepted, and the Defendant has acknowledged the charges.
The following witnesses have been called by the Plaintiff:
Reign Heart
Otto Osterwind
Kreager Stonewall
Morigan Sirona
Valdovas Kadangi
Dismas Eleos
OneFeather-non WSX
Lyfender-non WSX
EliteMage - non WSX
Strilan--non WSX
Rouruni-non WSX
Due to real life health issues, I will be absent from everything for about five days starting today.
I will be back before the end of the week I believe, but at the soonest it will be about 5-days.
I would appreciate if we can postpone the trial until I am returned.
The Trial is hereby postponed until Rhodri returns, up to 1 week from today. Jurors are temporarily excused for the next 5 days, and will not be required to continue checking the thread. I will PM everyone when the trial resumes.
Kyrendis Varen
05-11-2013, 05:38 PM
The Trial resumes. We will begin with the Plaintiff, Zaleos Ravenblood Describing in his own words what happened on the day in question. Rhodri will then state his own version of events on said day, and then Zaleos may present statements from his witnesses, followed by Rhodri doing the same. After this has finished, both sides may write a short closing argument, Rhodri first followed by Zaleos, and then the Jury has up to 3 days to come to a decision.
We will begin with Zaleos' description of the event.
Zaleos Ravenblood
05-12-2013, 06:01 PM
On the day we were sieged. While on my MA Dakarin. During some down time in the fights rhodri had me give him all of my items and gold aside from what I was wearing. In his words he was going to make sure they were banked so I would not loose them. I did not think of the fact I had already had these things banked. I handed them over as ordered to do. We lost our keep but had our storage still there. That which still stands. We were given permission to go in and get our items back. Rhodri went in and got OUR items. Upon reaching meduli I said can I have my things back. This was after Rhodri has rage quit Wessex. He said,"You'll not get a damned thing from me Zaleos." and ran outside of meduli. A few minutes later he was standing around with some people from ES and GUTS. I walked out there and said Rhodri I want my items and gold back. He told me to go fuck myself and called me a scumbag. He drew his weapon and attacked me. I was jumped by him and the people he was chatting with. I was killed and looted by rhodri because I manifested and saw him looking down over my body bags. A clear sign of looting. I was basically alone in Wessex teamspeak. So I jumped into Band of the Hawk's teamspeak where several people were. Keela, Reignheart on his mage named EQ, Roruni, Lyfender and a few others jumped to my aid and rhodri ran to town and banked more of my items and laughed about it afterwards. Made some comment about how I have no honor and he'll treat me as such. After this event I was ganked on spineshank my dagger user by guts members who claimed Rhodri had hired them. These issues of rhodri and his hubris were prevelant the entire time I've known him. Strilan, Otto, Kreager, Reign, and many others saw his extreme disrespect and inappropriate behavior. He would interupt combat comms to lead when he was not given the position or ability to do so by the people handling our battles. He rage quit during several fights. Murdered my character. Stole my items. Disrespected our allies in open TS with them in the channel. He claimed to have deleted my items in battle which is false. He had them all in his bank because i followed him the whole time to try and get them back. This all stemmed from the fact that I would not sit idly by whilst being verbally accosted by Rhodri on a regular basis. His telling me, While I was calling out enemy and location was as follows,"Shut your mouth Zaleos." "Zaleos Shut the fuck up." The entire alliance of ABS,H,Red,Hawk,420,WSX and all heard these things. Not to mention the shit talking of our allies. Even Strilan and the entirty of those leading had to tell him to stop breaking comms to take charge and stop talking to people as he was. The theft and murder and hired killing was only the final things that caused me to bring this case into action.
Kora Havion
05-12-2013, 10:28 PM
I had a witness contact me to give their statement and would like to copy/paste it here. Is that acceptable?
Kyrendis Varen
05-13-2013, 02:59 PM
Based on recent testimony, the count of Murder has been added to those charges listed above. The jury may now consider guilt or innocence on this charge as well when dealing with this and future testimony.
Azzerhoden Razeri
05-13-2013, 09:25 PM
I wish to mention that I will be out of town for the following three days, and while that should not impact my responsibilities here, I thought it best to mention it.
Kyrendis Varen
05-28-2013, 12:03 AM
The following are the statements from the witnesses for the Plaintiff who I was able to contact:
Faeran Xion
It wasnt anything specific, everyone was being an ass to Rhodri quite honestly. He had locked the doors of the buildings in the keep since ix/ixm were going to be there. kreager felt it was intentional so that we couldnt get gear. i believe rhodri wouldnt do anything to hurt wsx or the assets. marcaeus was deemed a spy the night before and was kicked from ts and guild. i was personally and literally woken up by kreager and rhodri arguing because rhodri had let marcaeus back into guild without kreager's say. rhodri tried to keep the keep up with the rest of us, and when he tried to put his 2 cents in people stopped him and told him to stfu (Strilian especially). However i believe rhodri had a right to put his 2 cents in, he owned the keep, led the garrison, helped build the damn thing and help keep it standing as long as it did. Our main mage tower wouldve been destroyed if it wasnt for his all nighters in it building it back up. this whole thing is a huge misunderstanding and was caused by the stress of war, confusion of leader, and lack of respect for all. and half the time the leaders were in their own room (away from the rest) devising a plan. this is a major lesson learned and when wsx is back up in game, there should be plan A through E so there is no 3 hrs of waiting for leaders to come up with a plan.
Rhodri was not thankful, insulting to Wessex/Allies, blaming them for failures. Ungrateful. Was spoken to by Strilian. Was not there till after the siege, has no direct input on the matter at hand.
Rhodri claims it was to deny loot. Rhodri has had a few altercations with Kreager, Rhodri would try to overstep himself. Rhodri tried to do things above and beyond Kreager to invalidate the position. Sort of a headache.
Opinion: Haven't been back for a while, ever since I've been back I have gotten 50 messages alone from people representing other guilds with complaints about Rhodri. Constant complaints. Trying to smooth things over with other guilds, but it seems everytime I turn around he's trying to kill players in the guilds I am negotiating with.
I was talking with Zaleos the day after. Rhodri had rage quit, and they were debating over money owed. There was an argument over Rhodri paying Zaleos back, Rhodri began to swing, they fought, Zaleos died. Rhodri has reneged on a debt to Keela as well. Opinion: He's a douche. Rages at the drop of a hat, potentially speedhacking? Shittalking quite often, during sieges he complains a lot, blaming others for failures, etc. Ragequit from siege. Keep was locked, storage was unlocked, ES was able to do things. Keep was locked when he ragequit the siege. Wessex did not have the manpower to hold the keep, and it was not prepared for a siege. Destroyed Morale.
<16:57:42> "Kora Havion": Hello
<16:58:32> "Keela": Sorry to bug ya, but I was told to give you my testimony for Kyrendis since I couldn't post on the forums
<16:58:48> "Keela": Not a wsx member, was one of the guild leaders for Red in MO
<16:58:59> "Kora Havion": Okay
<16:59:43> "Keela": Should this be an over all experience with Rhodri or just the siege time
<17:00:34> "Kora Havion": The main focus is just your account of what happened that particular day.. but feel free to give your overal experience as well if you wish
<17:00:47> "Keela": Alrighty I'll do that day then an over all
<17:01:03> "Keela": This in regards to the day he blew off the entire defending and left everyone out in the rain?
<17:02:06> "Kora Havion": in regards to the day where he killed a fellow guildmate and stole his belongings
<17:02:13> "Keela": Oh that one
<17:02:23> "Keela": Sorry, theres so many incidents I never know which one XD
<17:02:35> "Kora Havion": lol
<17:02:38> "Keela": Well, this was after the siege and everyone was -very- pissed at rhodri for his behavior during it
<17:02:53> "Keela": He'd, to everyones knowledge, left wsx in a rage and said "fuck you" to everyone
<17:02:59> "Keela": well, he also owed gold to quite a few others
<17:03:03> "Keela": he owed me a mang deed aswell
<17:03:10> "Keela": since i supplied one to him for the wsx defense
<17:03:30> "Keela": so, apparently he owes zal some gold, not sure the exacts of how/why he did
<17:03:53> "Keela": but zal told him that he wanted the gold, he said no and unsheated his weapons like he was going to do something
<17:04:24> "Keela": then if I recall right (memory is hazy at this exact point of whether he did or not, but imo by the time you unsheathe like that its obvious enough) he pulled back a swing and zal sent his pet on him
<17:04:28> "Keela": pretty sure it was a wolf
<17:04:35> "Keela": so, rhodri obviously wins vs a tamer
<17:04:40> "Keela": took his crap and went
<17:05:27> "Keela": To my knowledge, this back and forth between em went on for awhile more, I didn't observe all of it
<17:05:32> "Keela": just that batch
<17:05:43> "Keela": at the time I was on a crafter I believe
<17:05:45> "Kora Havion": but this instance you did witness correct?
<17:05:48> "Keela": yep
<17:05:51> "Keela": was right out front of medu
<17:05:54> "Kora Havion": Okay .. thank you
<17:06:13> "Keela": I want to say the batch of rocks infront of the crafting area (not pig rock, the other batch)
That was the end of the particular incident in question. The following are separate accounts he added I guess just for reference of character.
<17:07:01> "Keela": As for rhodri himself... I've disliked him quite awhile, long long ago, put it all aside for the whole defending meduli bit and then helping the wsx defense
<17:07:14> "Keela": but he's always been a bit of a douche
<17:07:26> "Keela": First time I met him, we dueled I was on a fighter aimed more around mobility/archer
<17:07:43> "Keela": so, as we're dueling, and he's in highly superior gear, I say F it and pull back a bit and start shooting him with the bow instead
<17:07:58> "Keela": he -rages- so hard shit talking me saying how im dishonorable trash etc
<17:08:23> "Keela": Next major incident was back when lyfender was hosting his meduli FFA matches
<17:08:41> "Keela": Me and rhodri were fighting, I'm winning then he starts running after being 25% life and having fought quite a bit with sprinting, holding swings etc
<17:09:08> "Keela": somehow, he combat sprints from the mountain in meduli, to where the mail guy is, turns a corner, goes into the bank area, and then over to the butcher house
<17:09:29> "Keela": combat sprinting the entire way at 10%-25% (I'd gotten another hit on him cause he turned the corner badly)
<17:09:35> "Keela": I dunno how familiar you are with MO
<17:09:39> "Keela": but that is entirely impossible to do
<17:09:49> "Keela": after 50% health you lose sta alot faster/naturally
<17:09:57> "Kora Havion": Yes
<17:10:05> "Keela": even if he was full sta (which he couldnt of been since he was just sprinting around fighting and holding swings all day like he does)
<17:10:10> "Keela": he couldnt of managed that likely
<17:10:23> "Keela": another incident he was dueling branflakes and I think lyfender fraps'ed it
<17:10:32> "Keela": well their dueling and rhodri uses a potion, tool move, but whatever
<17:10:47> "Keela": kicker is when he starts -raging- and shit talking everyone who says he used it, him saying it was just passive regen
<17:11:02> "Keela": when the video clearly shows a passive regen tick, half second delay, then another tick of life from a minor pot
<17:11:08> "Keela": he massively rages on everyone about it
<17:11:12> "Keela": who even suggests it
<17:11:48> "Keela": halfway between then n now hes intent on patching things up between us so I tell him I want to hear him admit that he used it and why he lied about it to everyone (cause he still to this day says he didnt sta/speed hack that ffa fight)
<17:12:00> "Keela": and he admits it, saying he didnt want his name being tarnished and that it was a stupid move etc
<17:12:08> "Keela": next time its brought up he lies about it again saying he never did it
<17:12:19> "Kora Havion": admitted the speed hack?
<17:12:22> "Kora Havion": or the potion?
<17:12:25> "Keela": Potion
<17:12:28> "Kora Havion": okay
<17:12:32> "Keela": I have -zero- doubt in my mind about the speed hack
<17:12:36> "Keela": I've played MO since release
<17:12:41> "Keela": I know the limits, I know proper sta management
<17:12:45> "Keela": I know the signs
<17:13:02> "Keela": Ask anyone around in MO, chances are most know who I am there, I'd bet my reputation that he did speed hack
<17:13:30> "Keela": During the siege tho he kept acting like a douche
<17:13:46> "Keela": yelling at people who are here to help out, shit talking kov cause they didn't bring a 20man zerg
<17:14:02> "Keela": At the beginning of it all, when we're bout to down xhodans houses
<17:14:08> "Keela": find out wsx keep wasnt properly staffed
<17:14:12> "Keela": they didnt have the master engi
<17:14:26> "Keela": so I'm telling kreag/rhodri I'll front the money for it and they can pay me back later
<17:14:34> "Keela": well, entier time we're talking about that
<17:14:49> "Keela": rhodri will -not- stfu about some t1 house in the palisade and getting it up to T2 to put a table in it
<17:14:59> "Keela": kreag tells him to stop, it has nothing to do with what we're doing at the time, etc etc
<17:15:05> "Keela": Probably 5 times, no joke
<17:15:19> "Keela": I tell him to knock it off, that its unrelated to this stuff
<17:15:27> "Keela": he just wont stfu about it
<17:15:43> "Keela": so finally I buy some metal off him that I didn't really need at the time so he has enough to get the T2 he wanted
<17:15:44> "Keela": so he'd stop
<17:15:53> "Keela": but the entire time me and kreag are talking privately about wtfle is he doing
<17:17:39> "Keela": Also
<17:18:03> "Keela": It was a widely unanimous agreeance that no one was going to defend wsx anymore halfway through the siege if rhodri didn't put the keep in someone elses name
<17:18:38> "Keela": Wsx has a horrid reputation among the other guilds on MO entirely because rhodri
<17:18:48> "Keela": When I asked an EC bud why they picked ES to side with
<17:19:02> "Keela": he said the real deciding factor was they cant stand rhodri
<17:19:23> "Keela": either way they got a fight, either way they pissed someone off, those didn't matter, they disliked rhodri so they figured meh, why not help*
<17:21:21> "Keela": About rhodri?
<17:21:24> "Keela": No surprise
<17:21:31> "Keela": No offense intended
<17:21:35> "Keela": So please dont take it as such
<17:21:47> "Keela": But I honestly lost some respect for wsx when they took rhodri back in after he rage quit
<17:23:46> "Keela": Anything else ya need?
<17:32:45> "Kora Havion": my apologies for the silence.. husband called
<17:33:06> "Kora Havion": no that should do it, I will copy/paste this info.. I thank you kindly!
<17:33:28> "Keela": No worries, thanks =)
Bellberith (member of his clan) and Rhodri hate each other. Bellberith offered a duel, Rhodri rejected, talking shit, Belberith attacked Rhodri and Rhodri declared war in response. Rhodri killed Zaleos for apparently no reason. Killed other random nakeds too.
Kyrendis Varen
06-05-2013, 06:43 PM
The Defense made a motion for a Mistrial. It has been denied based on a misinterpretation of outdated law.
The Defense may now present its own version of events previously outlined, as well as calling witnesses or issuing statements on its behalf.
Audin Cardew
06-10-2013, 07:00 PM
The jury eagerly awaits Rhodri's version of events and witnesses.
Rhodri Taliesin
06-11-2013, 09:21 AM
I have sent to the Jury a list of names of people who I believe may wish to give testimony in my defense, though at this time I will take the opportunity to present my story.
I will start by calling attention to the alleged "victim's" original story.
I was rendered literally poverty stricken by the treasonous Rhodri Tailiesin upon his departure. I've no armor, weapons or money as he was holding it in his supplies and kept it. I will walk this path with the rest of you to funding myself again but alas I fear it may take some time.
Now in comparison it would seem that Zaleos' story has changed quite a few times, and with large variations in details.
Now I ask everyone here, In what universe would I ever associate with people from the guilds that just laid siege to Wessex? In what universe would I further go to pay anyone from those guilds to murder someone in Wessex? To me it seems that this entire trial is based off of the lies and exaggerations of a very upset recruit, one who held no respect to members of seniority, experience, and leadership.
You see, at first I decided to refuse to dignify this accusation as it simply was not true. Before it even happened, I had informed Zaleos that I had to delete most, if not everything I was carrying so that our enemies would not loot anything from me should I fall after slaying Aidan Kyros at the foot of our keep, which I did not even minutes afterwards.
As for Zaleos' recent accusations of "murdering him." Maybe he should reconsider his position in attempting to send his pet wolf to attack and try to kill me out of his frustrations. For while I may have defended myself (as he was grey-flagged and marked as a criminal for doing so), it was not I who killed him, yet a random passerby, standing between the Equerry and Pig Rock. This random man slew what he perceived as a "free-game" criminal when Zaleos' was on the run back towards town, battered, bloody, and low on health. (His pet wolf dead by my hand in self defense)
Also to address his conduct within Wessex, he has, in my opinion, represented himself as completely out of line for a brand new recruit and a Serf to think that he was within a place to raise his voice towards or lecture anyone of leadership in how they do their damn job!
So let it be known that the points at which Zaleos' possessions were lost/deleted (During the Keep siege), and the point at which he died near Meduli, were two completely different points in time - and had absolutely nothing to do with each other beyond giving Zaleos a motive to attack me after he demanded coins that were deleted.(That I had WARNED him would be deleted.)
Additionally I did NOT loot his corpse at any time, after the other player slew him, I figured it punishment enough that all the other people would loot him, I need not compound on that- so I walked away.
This man has claimed that I have been abusive, deceitful, and even treasonous in my actions, yet I was want to see anyone who would stick by me during the siege to fight until the last boulder had fallen - I know that Zaleos was not there. I know for a fact that I spent several hours alone, killing every enemy soldier, and boulder-carrying mount that I could swing a weapon at.
So who here honestly would give credit to the mad ramblings of a man who's story has changed at least three times? Who would honestly like to believe that I - A man who has given his all for Wessex for over TWO YEARS, would do such things?
I believe that my case is settled here as I could make points and counter points on each and every detail in Zaleos' story, though honestly I do not think I need to.
Additionally I would like to make a motion to discount the statements of the selected witnesses that are NOT Wessex members.
Keela and Rouruni, they have absolutely no stake in Wessex and should not be considered "proper witnesses" Keela's statement is just a seemingly never ending rant of his opinion and personal feelings towards me, and Rouruni's "statement" appears to be a very misinformed brief.
Now finally I would like to call Otto Osterwind to make a statement in this thread, as he has felt that his statement has been misrepresented in this trial.
Rhodri Taliesin
06-14-2013, 08:31 AM
I would also like to call attention to this detail in Zaleos' story.
He drew his weapon and attacked me. I was jumped by him and the people he was chatting with. I was killed and looted by rhodri because I manifested and saw him looking down over my body bags. A clear sign of looting.
Let it be known to the defense that this would be IMPOSSIBLE due to the constraints of in game mechanics both now and at the time of the event in question. Star Vault patched their game to make it impossible to view other players to eliminate the possibility of "Ghost Scouting" a battlefield.
Zaleos Ravenblood
07-06-2013, 11:19 PM
Pray tell why I was told all charges are dropped. As soon as I leave. yet I left because nothing has been done and he killed me recently again. How pray tell no one does anything while im here. As soon as I leave action is taken to drop my charges.
Altus Whyte
07-11-2013, 10:46 PM
Due to the inactivity and stalling of this assize, I, Altus Whyte, Sheriff of the Crown, will be taking over as presiding judge to ensure that justice is served within a reasonable amount of time.
Once I have contacted the jurors to ensure that they are still present, I will let the proceedings continue.
Altus Whyte
07-13-2013, 12:00 PM
The trial will resume now. Both parties will be given to opportunity to present witnesses (this includes any person you think has relevant testimony to give) and question them.
The plaintiff may now go ahead and call witnesses to give testimony to this trial. Include the questions you want them to answer as you call them. You have 24 hours to do so.
Please call all your witnesses at once, since we can not afford to delay the proceeding by up to 24 hours for every witness called.
EDIT: It appears the defendant is unavailable due to health issues. We will wait for 10 days or until he returns.
Zaleos Ravenblood
07-16-2013, 02:40 PM
I have no further whitnesses to bring forth.
Altus Whyte
07-21-2013, 11:45 AM
The defendant seems to be back now. Sir Rhodri Talesin may go ahead and call witnesses to give testimony to this trial. Include the questions you want them to answer as you call them. Do so within 48 hours.
Please call all your witnesses at once, in order not to delay the proceedings.
Rhodri Taliesin
07-21-2013, 01:43 PM
I'd like to call Sir Otto Osterwind and Zirus Altruist to give statements.
Though as it stands, I feel it would be honest to at least mention that there were no witnesses to the events in question.
Altus Whyte
07-22-2013, 04:39 AM
The court summons Sir Otto Osterwind and Zirus Altruist. Make your initial statements a recounting of what you witnessed first-hand at the time of the incident, be it in-game or on third-party communications such as TS3.
Please both do so within 24 hours.
Kavu Calmelat
07-23-2013, 02:31 PM
Well I just wrote a long recount but I pressed a key and it tabbed out and I lost it all. This could take a little longer. My apologies.
Altus Whyte
07-23-2013, 03:13 PM
That's ok.
Kavu Calmelat
07-23-2013, 03:15 PM
*enters court room* *looks around and shakes head*
*whispers to self* "So many of you know so very little about what is happening in Nave..."
*clears throat*
Well, I was not there to witness the event, however I do not believe that invalidates my input. Perhaps I'm not a witness to this event, but I AM a witness to the events that came after it. Which is more than anyone else can say.
Let's begin with how things are NOW in Nave and see if that can help everyone see the big picture....
You know... In game, where 90% of the people in Mortal Wessex actually care about.
Zaleos: No Longer In Guild
Kreager: No Longer In Guild
Faeran: No Longer In Guild
Morigan: No Longer In Guild
Strilan: A herpa Derp RPK now who has completely left sensibility behind
Lyfender: Still Active but, hey they say "Things don't Grow, Under The Snow..." So he leaves. If you knew anything there is to know about Nave you'll understand that.
Rhodri: Sitting patiently through his assize and taking the necessary steps and basically being one of the only people in Mortal Wessex who actually care about listening to you forums guys.
^What did I mean with that last line there?
Well that's simple. Dreadlust and Otto are probably the only ones I can think of that knew that keep that fell to the server zerg ninja siege besides myself. I remember helping Rhodri and the rest, Zaleos, Mars, Hapoo, etc... Farm up all the cash for buying it. I left for a brief period to work on a Development project as well as deal with Real Life Situations. I then returned after finding a video on youtube called "Fall Of Wessex" In which an obnoxious young ES member who can't even read tags boasts about their "Victory" with triumphant music playing. I returned to the Teamspeak expecting to hear the same old voices. Instead I found everyone has quit the game or changed guilds and Rhodri had been put on trial. The rest of the people in Wessex in Mortal now are either stationed there by forums, returning vets who didn't know the keep, or new blood I or those I've recruited have recruited.
Although I do not have any proof as to the legitimacy of anyone's version of what happened back then just after the siege. I DO know what has happened recently quite openly, and should be brought to attention. I also have a recording of Teamspeak chatter that may prove useful.
A couple note worthy scenarios that occured during my time back after the situation in question...
1.) Zaleos Attacking Rhodri Quite openly in the DEMI palisade.
I had gathered up what forces we have in Naves branch of The Duchy, and I had arranged a for-fun sparring session with our neighbour guild Deicide. We had moved over into the palisade and had been enjoying ourselves getting the stars knocked into our eyes by DEMI. Zaleos, returning from sickness, had also arrived. Rhodri too arrived soon after overhearing about the little party i'd arranged on the Teamspeak channel. When Rhodri entered the palisade Zaleos became very quiet. It was not long before Zaleos lashed out and attacked Rhodri openly in front of all of us. Rhodri defended himself and Zaleos was forced to back off. Fortunately, I was able to get one of the DEMI mages to kindly heal Zaleos' horse preventing its death, and neither Rhodri or Zaleos suffered fatal injury. The two were then either placed by Kora in a seperate channel, or they moved their of their own will, I do not recall, but they then began disputing the events in question for this assize in that channel. I, as any ranking member of wessex in the same TS as me will vouch for, commonly kick open the doors of any private conversation left unlocked. This conversation was Rhodri and Zaleos bickering. Rhodri was using his usual low tone voice trying to show Zaleos his understanding of the events while Zaleos angrily demanded compensation and spouted his angry story with a few changes. I was not able to get the full conversation, but I did mosey my way over to the record button, because I knew evidence for this whole situation would be good to have. The Recording features some off key singing to make the two forget about the fact I was recording. I will gladly search for the file on my other laptop if needed, could be something in there that is important.
This situation struck me as important, but perhaps you don't see why. Let's review.
Rhodri Enters the Palisade.
Zaleos Goes quiet and looks at Rhodri.
Zaleos attacks Rhodri out of anger with events he THINKS occured.
Rhodri defends himself and Zaleos is defeated.
Zaleos begins whining about it.
If this happened then. It's not unlikely it has happened before... Maybe outside Meduli... After a Siege... With a wolf instead of a horse... But that's just a maybe.
The Second Situation worth noting is more recent.
2.) The KoV Scare
Rhodri had once gone north to help a guild called Knights of Vengeance while they were being attacked. I did as well, but after Rhodri had gone. This is how I came to know Faeran, and by extension, Kreager.
After KoV's keep fell, Rhodri returned to the same area as Wessex, now located in Bakti.
Just recently we recieved a tip that KoV (occupied by many former WSX in game and still WSX by forum policy) was planning to knock down Kora's House, Our guildhall, and destroy the Wessex Guildstone. I spoke with Faeran and she told me it was made up drama and not to worry about it. Kora Havion told me Fae gave her a different story.
Faeran had made threats against wessex before saying "If Rhodri is punished in the trial i'll tear down that hall myself", but this is probably just Faeran being Faeran. That said, she is in fact KoV which gave the tip a bit of merit.
Rhodri is stationed outside of guild in Nave for the reason of saftey of the guild for offense against his name, and because of the trial that is still ongoing, however he still tries to help the newcomers. He comes and tries to help with training, and hangs around the teamspeak no matter how much I tell him he's an idiot, and 1 up him in guild chat when he says something stupid, he is still here still trying to help the Duchy. The entire prosecution and more than half the witnesses are out of guild and we never hear from them, save coincidence of running into them. Parts of the Prosecution have actually threatened or attacked Wessex, and are likely to do it plenty more in the future.
I have said it before, and the majority have agreed with me in Mortal. Those who are not in the game, know nothing about what is going on in it. This whole trial will mean very little to us. If we want Rhodri, we'll keep him. If we don't, we'll ignore him and shun him.
This does however mean something to Rhodri. He has spent years of time in the duchy and unlike many of us, myself included, he still thinks it can be restored as it is.
With that in mind, I'll be damned if the one person in Wessex Mortal who cares about the Duchy most, is the one who comes out on the bottom of this trial. I man-at-arms Zirus Altruist of the Duchy of Wessex hereby vow to leave guild if Rhodri is punished severely for a non-factor prosecution with a shape-shifting story.
As Azach would put it...
"Fuck That Noise."
*Gathers weaponry and walks out of Court house, without gracing a single onlooker with eye contact*
Altus Whyte
07-24-2013, 02:14 PM
Sir Otto Osterwind seems to be unreachable on the forums. The court will try to contact him through steam. If that doesn't work we will have to move on unless the defendant is able to reach him somehow.
Meanwhile, can the defendant support the following argument with evidence such as a link to an official and dated patch/change-log from Starvault?
I would also like to call attention to this detail in Zaleos' story.
Let it be known to the defense that this would be IMPOSSIBLE due to the constraints of in game mechanics both now and at the time of the event in question. Star Vault patched their game to make it impossible to view other players to eliminate the possibility of "Ghost Scouting" a battlefield.
Rhodri Taliesin
07-24-2013, 07:14 PM
Sir Otto Osterwind seems to be unreachable on the forums. The court will try to contact him through steam. If that doesn't work we will have to move on unless the defendant is able to reach him somehow.
Meanwhile, can the defendant support the following argument with evidence such as a link to an official and dated patch/change-log from Starvault?
Increased the amount of Springboks in Tindrem Garden.
Increased re-spawn rate of the Springboks in Tindrem Garden.
One hand must now be free when consuming food/drinks.
Players in the etherworlds can no longer see NPC/Players that are NOT in the etherworld unless they are a priest.
Altus Whyte
07-24-2013, 09:15 PM
Increased the amount of Springboks in Tindrem Garden.
Increased re-spawn rate of the Springboks in Tindrem Garden.
One hand must now be free when consuming food/drinks.
Players in the etherworlds can no longer see NPC/Players that are NOT in the etherworld unless they are a priest.
The court has accepted this documentary evidence of error in plaintiff's version of events.
The plaintiff may contest this evidence and argument if he wishes to.
Kora Havion
07-25-2013, 03:16 PM
Increased the amount of Springboks in Tindrem Garden.
Increased re-spawn rate of the Springboks in Tindrem Garden.
One hand must now be free when consuming food/drinks.
Players in the etherworlds can no longer see NPC/Players that are NOT in the etherworld unless they are a priest.
I would like to add please that although is is the intended way for it to be, it is a very common bug that you are able to see players as it happens to me quite often.
Altus Whyte
07-26-2013, 12:44 AM
The defendant's witness Sir Otto Osterwind has not appeared before the court as summoned.
Defendant, do you consider this witness's testimony as crucial to your case?
If not, we can proceed to the closing arguments.
Rhodri Taliesin
07-26-2013, 12:51 AM
The defendant's witness Sir Otto Osterwind has not appeared before the court as summoned.
Defendant, do you consider this witness's testimony as crucial to your case?
If not, we can proceed to the closing arguments.
I believe Otto's testimony wasn't complete the first time around and so should be taken again, also I spoke to Sir Otto, he confirmed his testimony was submitted to the thread.
Altus Whyte
07-26-2013, 02:38 AM
Sir Otto did send the following message
Right yes,
Sir Rhodri Taliesin, where to begin..
No doubt he's been troublesome early on with being a bit of a talker and garnering attention to himself, but it is also certain in my mind that he has done good things for Wessex. He furnished several thousand gold worth of assets, materials, gear, whatever else have you to Wessex with no need for return on his investment. He devotes large amounts of time to Wessex and its maintenance in his mainstay that is Mortal Online. Rhodri has even paid for subscriptions of fellow Wessexians without asking for a return there, either. He's a good fighter, an honorable person, and he as far as people in Wessex he tries his best to get them what they need.
Since the defendant has requested Sir Otto as a witness he still has to appear before this court though, even if only to state that the message is all he has to say.
The message doesn't provide the recounting of events that the witness was called to give, however if the defendant is content with it and wishes to move on, the defendant is allowed to waive this witness subpoena.
Rhodri Taliesin
07-26-2013, 03:27 AM
Sir Otto did send the following message
Since the defendant has requested Sir Otto as a witness he still has to appear before this court though, even if only to state that the message is all he has to say.
The message doesn't provide the recounting of events that the witness was called to give, however if the defendant is content with it and wishes to move on, the defendant is allowed to waive this witness subpoena.
Sir Otto has spoken his piece on the matter if not available to appear before the court I think it is enough that he could send the message.
Altus Whyte
07-26-2013, 02:34 PM
We now proceed to the closing arguments. Both parties will make a closing statement after which the jury will assess the evidence and reach a verdict.
The plaintiff may now go ahead and make his closing arguments or rebuttal. Do so within 24 hours.
Zaleos Ravenblood
07-27-2013, 04:32 AM
With the evidence I have shown and the testimonies of many of the people associated with and within the ranks of Wessex. I believe that Rhodri should be accountable and removed from the ranks of Wessex. He most certainly has served well in the past but that does not excuse him from proper actions and being accountable for what he does now. He has continually caused issues and made it impossible for Wessex as a whole to progress in Mortal Online. I don't feel that the testimonies I put as evidence are lying in what they say or fall short of being correct. Even Korah has deemed it impossible due to his actions. Something has to be done. He acts as if he IS Wessex and it is unbecoming of us all. Causes problems for us all. His constant drama and problems caused me to take a leave of absence from the Mortal branch until this is settled to ease tensions. People of the Jury I ask that you do what is right by our laws and punish this man to the fullest extent of our Dukes laws. We as a guild can no longer function due to our attachment and association with him. Otto may have complimented Rhodri but he also previously stated as shown above his thoughts as well. Many did who are not even in Wessex. We have our laws for a reason. It is terrible that the rare occasion of when someone brings something to the courts they have taken this long. There has been issues but we have these laws and this court system to handle these issues. It is high time he is held accountable. I thank you and I hope this ends the tensions so I might return back to Wessex in Mortal Online where I call home.
Altus Whyte
07-27-2013, 11:42 AM
The defendant can now proceed with his closing argument. Do so within 24 hours.
It appears posts in this thread might have been invisible to the parties due to forum configuration. If this is the case and the plaintiff wishes to address something previously unseen within this thread, the plaintiff may add a second rebuttal in regards to posts previously unseen as an amendment to his closing argument.
Rhodri Taliesin
07-27-2013, 05:06 PM
I would like to add please that although is is the intended way for it to be, it is a very common bug that you are able to see players as it happens to me quite often.
Perhaps you are referring to where this bug occurs near a priest NPC, or how you can see a player's horse with the owners name displayed, of which neither are true at the time in question
As far as a closing statement goes, I have served the Duchy faithfully for a a long time now. I have fought her enemies and have maintained a fierce loyalty to both Manus and Wessex despite the many friends of mine that have long since left Wessex. The worst part of this entire assize is having to witness how far a man may go just to slander another man's name and reputation.
Let it be known to all that while I am far from perfect, I still have given everything in the name of Wessex. Every drop of blood, sweat, and tears, every coin and every resource given so that she can shine gloriously once more.
Sadly to this day Zaleos of his own choice has run about with another guild in Mortal, No one has forced his hand and he is certainly capable of dropping his aggressive and hateful behavior to further the cause of the Duchy, alas this was not his choice.
Furthermore it can be plainly seen that the Plaintiff has provided no true evidence or even testimonies to the credibility of his argument against me. At the very best his statements and the statements of his witness can be summarized as a "character bash", it can even be noted that one of his "witnesses" did confirm that Plaintiff sent his pet wolf to attack me first. I have provided evidence showing that his statements and story have changed and have had several errors and discrepancies.
At what point does it become apparent that this account charging me with criminal action, begin to look like fables and stories not based on any true facts but one what the Plaintiff only BELIEVES to have happened?
The Duchy of Wessex shall be long lived and whether I am branded or unbranded with her mark, whether I am honored or exiled, I will always work towards her advancement. Because my loyalties lay with Wessex first and foremost.
Azzerhoden Razeri
07-28-2013, 04:40 AM
Sheriff Altus, before the jury convenes (assuming the testimony and closing arguments are completed), can you post the details as to the criminal law decrees 1, 3, and 4 please?
Altus Whyte
07-28-2013, 12:06 PM
Yes, I will post the jury instructions as soon as I find a replacement for juror Audin Cardew, who has gone missing.
Azzerhoden Razeri
07-28-2013, 12:47 PM
Audin is around. Was in Darkfall last night.
Altus Whyte
07-28-2013, 02:16 PM
Then please tell him to reply to the juror PM that I sent weeks ago. Otherwise he'll need to be replaced so that we can move on to the deliberations within the next 24 hours.
Audin Cardew
07-28-2013, 11:29 PM
Yes, Im here
Altus Whyte
07-29-2013, 12:29 AM
Yes, Im here
Alright, make sure that you check your PM inbox, since that is where the jury discussions will take place.
Altus Whyte
07-29-2013, 12:30 AM
The court has reached the jury deliberation phase where the jury will asses the evidence to establish fact and reach a verdict.
The jurors duty is now to establish, based on the evidence presented in this trial, whether the offenses that the defendant is charged with did actually take place. The evidence that carries the most weight in your deliberation is direct documentary evidence such as video-capture, screenshots or logs. After that you have testimonies, which you must go through and separate actual witnessing of events from opinion, speculation and hearsay, and then assess the relevance of these events in respect to the charges. All evidence and testimony has to be assessed on whether it's direct or circumstantial.
Whereas direct evidence or testimony directly supports an event leaving no other interpretation, circumstantial evidence or testimony can be explained by an additional non-criminal sequence of events, which would have to be ruled out before the circumstantial evidence or testimony can be considered of significant importance.
A summary of the order of importance:
1. Direct evidence
2. Direct testimony
3. Circumstantial evidence
4. Circumstantial testimony
When assessing evidence you have to take into account its reliability and whether it could easily have been falsified or not. Similarly, the credibility of witnesses has to be evaluated, with special attention given to whether they are under the jurisdiction of royal law and can actually be amerced for lying. Social standing and occupation within Wessex also contributes to an individual's credibility.
You have to weigh the evidence in support of the prosecution against the defendant's evidence, evaluating both parties evidence as aforementioned, and only when the prosecution's evidence outweighs the defense can an offense be established to have taken place.
You shall reach a verdict in each of the following three charges:
Theft, Common Law Decree 1:
Let no one burgle, vandalize or rob the property or chattel of his fellow subject. (Looting PVE kills can earn free retaliation from the owner...You have to establish whether the defendant intentionally deprived the plaintiff of property without proper justification or cause. In case the deprivation is part of military action, it has to be established whether it is a reasonable and necessary military act under the circumstances at the time.
As for "Breach of oath, in violation of Decree 3" it seems Kyrendis mistook it for Common Law Decree 4:
Let minor breaches of feudal oath likewise be answerable according to the provisions of their charters.For this charge it is important that only breaches of oath by the defendant in respect to the plaintiff are assessed. This is however not limited to oaths held by the defendant directly to the plaintiff. A breach of oath could apply to this case if for example a knightly oath includes provisions applicable to all villeins as a group, of which the plaintiff is a member.
Murder,Criminal Law Offense 4:
Attacking and looting someone who has not accepted a challenge to duel is punishable by immediate execution and exile. Ganking someone who was brought down by someone else in a sparring match is punishable by a fine of 1000 gold. Ganking and looting a downed individual is punishable by exile.You have to find whether the defendant intentionally killed the plaintiff without proper justification or cause, such as self defense.
The court is now adjourned until the jury reaches a verdict, which it shall do within 72 hours.
Altus Whyte
08-01-2013, 12:08 AM
The court has to extend the deliberations. Hopefully for no more than a couple of days.
Altus Whyte
08-05-2013, 01:52 AM
Finally this assize reaches a conclusion. As for the initial three charges the verdict is as follows:
-Not guilty of Theft
-Not guilty of Breach of Oath
-Not guilty of Murder
An important role of the medieval common law is to build the law with case law by identifying wrongs not yet covered by statuary law. The following wrongdoings were found:
-Guilty of Intentional property damage without malicious intent
-Guilty of breach of duty
The jury's conclusion:
We find that he should be responsible for the items lost, that he failed as a commander, as this whole situation could of been avoided with proper leadership. Now the reality is there is a serious lack of leadership, and we can't find him all at fault for that. We need to be able to provide the proper leadership, with the training and experience that it entails. We think Rhodri is an asset to the Clan.
What the Mortal Online holdings need is that a noble takes leadership and helps shape it in our image. That is able to deal properly with everything that happens there before it ends up escalating how it has now. Inaction is a choice; by not providing our people with the proper tools, we as a Duchy have failed them both as well. There was little to no evidence or first hand testimony, and the parties recounting of the events were insufficient to give the jury a complete understanding of the course of events surrounding the incident. What was established however is that Rhodri received items from zaleos with the intention of saving them and that the items ended up deleted in combat. Since Rhodri was a commanding officer at the time, the jury finds him fully liable for the items.
As for the second charge, it is the duty of gentry (leadership) to address and resolve member grievances and prevent them from lingering around and escalating. If a Knight or an Esquire deems that there is nothing he can do, and that the member in question is in the wrong, he must take initiative and have him dealt with through the proper channels. It is the duty of leadership to prevent the buildup of bad blood and controversy.
What is to be learned from this case is the importance of using a medieval assize procedure. One of the strengths of the Wessex project is how the medieval institutions and organizational structure apply to MMOs. It is in this Wessex spirit that assizes have to be implemented in order to effectively serve justice in an online gaming environment.
Unless a community has hundreds of members, it isn't realistic to expect there to be specialized attorneys at hand to help people with their pleas. The court has to actively investigate and find the facts of the dispute. The jury has an important role here in being able to provide the judge with insider knowledge on the particular game and its community, as well as the local customs. Since the natural laws of MMOs are not universal and differences in game mechanics can be quite important when understanding the events behind a dispute, a local jury becomes even more important. The Carta Solis grants a jury of the accused's neighborhood or peers, which in our case would be members playing the same game, able to provide the aforementioned knowledge and insight, so I'm not satisfied that this jury right has been fulfilled in this case.
The fact that the original judge disappeared and that the case was left inactive for months is something that shouldn't happen. Investigations should be made withing the first week when people's memories of the events of the origin of a dispute are still fresh. An assize in its entirety should be concluded within a couple of weeks or so.
The judgment is as follows:
-For the intentional property damage without malicious intent, Rhodri Taliesin is to compensate the value of the destroyed property to Zaleos Ravenblood.
-For the breach of duty, Rhodri Taliesin is to pay a fine of 200 gold to the Colony of Nave.
The defendant has estimated the value of the destroyed property to be about 25 gold. If the plaintiff disputes this he shall now go ahead and present evidence or a strong argument proving another value of the items.
The judgment will be carried out in 3 days. The parties are free to make motions until then.
Rhodri Taliesin
08-05-2013, 05:27 AM
I understand and accept the judgement as it shall be carried out. By my word I shall pay the fine of two-hundred gold coinage and compensate the value of Zaleos Ravenblood's property estimated at the value of twenty-five gold coinage unless he feels the need to dispute the value.
With the assize over, Rhodri makes his way to Miss Kora Havion to deliver the fine. After doing so he makes his way out the door, awaiting the time that Zaleos shall approach him for his compensation.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-05-2013, 07:45 AM
I don't know how to say this in legal terms but this is exactly what I was told would happen. Rhodri would be allowed to as he damn well pleased and nothing would be done. The man has killed my character repeatedly. The day I left Mortal Online Wessex was because he blue blocked and killed me. It's down right shameful that eye whitnesses saw him kill me. Gave their view which at the time were in clan. They just in the DF branch. Again the "lower ranked" people are ignored. Otto himself even said that Rhodri needed to be removed from Wessex. Audin validated that and was on the verge of calling the duchy on the phone. The duchy being his cousin. This is the same damn thing that everyone warned me of. "Don't bother saying anything Zaleos, they will make him pay gold and all his other things will be found not guilty because of his cancer and previous actions. I think its disgusting the lack of justice that has been served here. I have been forced to be unable to play the game and have fun with my friends because of his actions yet nothing is done? Even Korah has had complaint after complaint WHEN HE WASNT EVEN IN THE GUILD ANYMORE. I find it humerous how even this court preceeding stopped dead and had to be started up. I no longer have any faith in the Duchy or the hierarchy. NOthing has been done to fix the problems between him and I. NO ONE was around when he was pulling his bullshit during Kreager's time being leader. No one was around when he did this stuff and because I was new to the game and didn't know about screenshots and such his behavior is just acceptable. Oh no Rhodri didn't do anything wrong by killing me several times huh? Nothing wrong at all? Even outside of Bakti recently. He constantly was acting "In Wessex's name" even outside of the clan in Mortal. Pray tell exactly what justice or any of this has been done here? He pays 25 gold..... but still talks shit. Still does what he wants. His Hubris is why the whole server hates WSX but pray tell have any of you spoken to Korah about this? About the things she's had to put up with? Or Kreager? Otto? Nope clearly not. What's the point of this system if it does absolutely nothing. Bravo Rhodri. I paid real life money to help this damn guild and for what? I get treated like shit the entire time in the guild by this guy. Talked to like i'm a piece of shit. He talked to everyone like that. Star was in guild and talked to her like that too. But thats all fine because he has cancer? Because of what he's done? He isn't the only damn one that is fighting something killing him. He get's all this respect from the ABSENT hierarchy. How quaint. Yet he's allowed to remain and do what he wills. I just think its pretty shity how when I talked to the ranked members of this guild I got no where WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING. Now I go this route to end the bullshit and not a damn thing is done. Yeah real incentive to remain and serve. 25 gold....a single run of cougars gets me that. Yet the actual problems don't stop. The shit talking. The killing nothing. Awesome.... *shakes his head*
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-08-2013, 06:58 PM
The amount of gold on one character taken was 25 gold. The armor, weapons all steel, and the bow along with my horse and its armor are well over 25 gold. Not to mention all of the mount tickets that he took.
Altus Whyte
08-10-2013, 12:40 PM
The court calls a member of the council of Nave (Wooster or Kora) to please confirm that a fine of 200g has been received from Rhodri Taliesin.
The amount of gold on one character taken was 25 gold. The armor, weapons all steel, and the bow along with my horse and its armor are well over 25 gold. Not to mention all of the mount tickets that he took.
Please provide some kind of evidence as to the value of your gear and other items carried at the time. Do so within 48 hours.
EDIT: the payment of the fine to the Colony of Nave has been confirmed.
Altus Whyte
08-10-2013, 04:36 PM
The court will allow the following reply by a juror to some of the plaintiffs statements as it may give a better insight into the jury's reasoning behind the verdict:
I don't know how to say this in legal terms but this is exactly what I was told would happen. Rhodri would be allowed to as he damn well pleased and nothing would be done. The man has killed my character repeatedly. The day I left Mortal Online Wessex was because he blue blocked and killed me. It's down right shameful that eye whitnesses saw him kill me. Gave their view which at the time were in clan. They just in the DF branch. Again the "lower ranked" people are ignored. Otto himself even said that Rhodri needed to be removed from Wessex. Audin validated that and was on the verge of calling the duchy on the phone. The duchy being his cousin. This is the same damn thing that everyone warned me of. "Don't bother saying anything Zaleos, they will make him pay gold and all his other things will be found not guilty because of his cancer and previous actions. I think its disgusting the lack of justice that has been served here. I have been forced to be unable to play the game and have fun with my friends because of his actions yet nothing is done? Even Korah has had complaint after complaint WHEN HE WASNT EVEN IN THE GUILD ANYMORE. I find it humerous how even this court preceeding stopped dead and had to be started up. I no longer have any faith in the Duchy or the hierarchy. NOthing has been done to fix the problems between him and I. NO ONE was around when he was pulling his bullshit during Kreager's time being leader. No one was around when he did this stuff and because I was new to the game and didn't know about screenshots and such his behavior is just acceptable. Oh no Rhodri didn't do anything wrong by killing me several times huh? Nothing wrong at all? Even outside of Bakti recently. He constantly was acting "In Wessex's name" even outside of the clan in Mortal. Pray tell exactly what justice or any of this has been done here? He pays 25 gold..... but still talks shit. Still does what he wants. His Hubris is why the whole server hates WSX but pray tell have any of you spoken to Korah about this? About the things she's had to put up with? Or Kreager? Otto? Nope clearly not. What's the point of this system if it does absolutely nothing. Bravo Rhodri. I paid real life money to help this damn guild and for what? I get treated like shit the entire time in the guild by this guy. Talked to like i'm a piece of shit. He talked to everyone like that. Star was in guild and talked to her like that too. But thats all fine because he has cancer? Because of what he's done? He isn't the only damn one that is fighting something killing him. He get's all this respect from the ABSENT hierarchy. How quaint. Yet he's allowed to remain and do what he wills. I just think its pretty shity how when I talked to the ranked members of this guild I got no where WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING. Now I go this route to end the bullshit and not a damn thing is done. Yeah real incentive to remain and serve. 25 gold....a single run of cougars gets me that. Yet the actual problems don't stop. The shit talking. The killing nothing. Awesome.... *shakes his head*Zaleos, Your statements and accusations against these proceedings need to be addressed.
I don't know how to say this in legal terms but this is exactly what I was told would happen. Rhodri would be allowed to as he damn well pleased and nothing would be done. The man has killed my character repeatedly. The day I left Mortal Online Wessex was because he blue blocked and killed me.
You left Wessex in MO. Rhodri left Wessex in MO. You are both playing a PvP game. How is his repeated killing of you a Duchy of Wessex problem?
It's down right shameful that eye whitnesses saw him kill me. Gave their view which at the time were in clan. They just in the DF branch. Again the "lower ranked" people are ignored.
If the lower ranks were ignored, then this would never have been brought up in a trial. Further, I am not an officer. A Yeoman is "lower ranked". A Chamberlain is just a job I fulfill. Also, it does not matter which game a Duchy member is playing.
Otto himself even said that Rhodri needed to be removed from Wessex. Audin validated that and was on the verge of calling the duchy on the phone. The duchy being his cousin.
Otto is an officer, and could bring charges against Rhodri should he witness a crime. Further, he could have testified to the events. Both you and Rhodri claim that Sir Otto has evidence to support your side in these proceedings, yet when given the chance to testify, he choose to not do so. So is the Jury to then decide that one of you know his mind better than the other?
Finally, you do realize that Audin was on the Jury, right?
This is the same damn thing that everyone warned me of. "Don't bother saying anything Zaleos, they will make him pay gold and all his other things will be found not guilty because of his cancer and previous actions. I think its disgusting the lack of justice that has been served here. I have been forced to be unable to play the game and have fun with my friends because of his actions yet nothing is done?
Rhodri's real world health has no bearing on any of this, nor did it generate any sympathy. They Jury had a job to do, which was to focus on the facts, of which there was damn little of. Instead we heard from people who clearly don't like Rhodri, tell us what a douche bag he is. Being a douche bag is not crime, though it certainly doesn't represent what the Douchy is all about. Fortunately for you, you and your friends can deal with this IN GAME but killing him over and over again without repercussions since none of you are wearing the Duchy tags. That's what we do in Darkfall when we will someone from a hostile clan is being a jerk. They get called to be primary, over and over again.
Even Korah has had complaint after complaint WHEN HE WASNT EVEN IN THE GUILD ANYMORE. I have nothing but respect for Kora and the work she is doing. If Rhodri is interfering with the work of the OFFICIAL DUCHY in Mortal Online, then she needs to bring charges here, because that WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
Let me be clear on this. Rhodri - if you are going around telling folks that you, in any way, shape, or form, represent the Duchy of Wessex in MO while not carrying the tags, then you need to stop. You have to wear the tags to represent. Nor can you start a new clan and claim to be the official Duchy of Wessex. His Majesty granted you the right to reestablish and represent the Duchy in MO, but that expired when you left. You can of course, petition His Majesty to start a new chapter in MO, or ask Kora to let you back in.
I find it humerous how even this court preceeding stopped dead and had to be started up. Really? Because I found it to be extremely irritating. I also have a life that involves work and game time.
I no longer have any faith in the Duchy or the hierarchy. NOthing has been done to fix the problems between him and I. NO ONE was around when he was pulling his bullshit during Kreager's time being leader. No one was around when he did this stuff and because I was new to the game and didn't know about screenshots and such his behavior is just acceptable. Oh no Rhodri didn't do anything wrong by killing me several times huh? Nothing wrong at all? Even outside of Bakti recently. He constantly was acting "In Wessex's name" even outside of the clan in Mortal. Pray tell exactly what justice or any of this has been done here? He pays 25 gold..... but still talks shit. Still does what he wants. His Hubris is why the whole server hates WSX but pray tell have any of you spoken to Korah about this? About the things she's had to put up with? Or Kreager? Otto? Nope clearly not.
I already addressed some of this, but he paid 225 gold, not 25, and you have a chance to demonstrate that you should receive more than 25 gold. Should it be 250,000 gold? What should it be Zelous? What value does "stuff" have? As the victim of a crime (and yes, we did convict Rhodri, so you are officially a victim), you have to help the court determine the value of the lost items.
As for constantly getting killed by Rhodri and everyone hating him, then it should be no problem finding a bunch of people to gang bang him. Hire someone to do it. Seriously, stop being bullied. We cannot make Rhodri like you, nor more than we can stop him from being an ass.
What's the point of this system if it does absolutely nothing. Bravo Rhodri. I paid real life money to help this damn guild and for what? I get treated like shit the entire time in the guild by this guy. Talked to like i'm a piece of shit. He talked to everyone like that. Star was in guild and talked to her like that too. But thats all fine because he has cancer? Because of what he's done? He isn't the only damn one that is fighting something killing him. He get's all this respect from the ABSENT hierarchy. How quaint. Yet he's allowed to remain and do what he wills. I just think its pretty shity how when I talked to the ranked members of this guild I got no where WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING. Now I go this route to end the bullshit and not a damn thing is done. Yeah real incentive to remain and serve. 25 gold....a single run of cougars gets me that. Yet the actual problems don't stop. The shit talking. The killing nothing. Awesome.... *shakes his head*
If you are that unhappy with the guild, or the game, then why participate in it? Why subject yourself to the abuse you feel you are suffering?
The members of the Duchy in Darkfall got fed up with the leadership and direction of Imperium, and left. If I get fed up with the game, I'll leave. If I get fed up with the Duchy, I will leave. If I feel that some piece of shit ass-hat of a player is picking on me in a game, I will do whatever it takes in game to put a stop to it. If I am no longer having fun playing a game, then I will stop playing.
You are fully empowered by the game developers to deal with his harassment in game. Go make it happen.
A clarification that I will make here though, is that the Colony of Nave and its governor are free to dismiss anyone that is considered insubordinate or to be misbehaving. That person can then, if he finds the decision unjust, appeal to royal justice.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-12-2013, 05:45 AM
Evidence such as what? It's common knowledge in that game what those items are worth. It was 25gold in coinage that was deleted by Rhodri. The rest of the gear was not included in that number of the money.
Altus Whyte
08-12-2013, 10:27 AM
Evidence such as what? It's common knowledge in that game what those items are worth. It was 25gold in coinage that was deleted by Rhodri. The rest of the gear was not included in that number of the money.
Evidence that proves that you were carrying other gear such as steel. Once it has been established that you carried a certain item, the court can get an estimate of its worth from the MO players.
Did anyone see you wear a certain type of gear before handing it over? If so call them as a witness to testify.
If you were a garrison enlist or a member of an organized militia at the time of the events, you could call a garrison officer to testify regarding what the standard gear at the time was and it's value.
Reply within 24 hours.
Altus Whyte
08-14-2013, 02:13 AM
It was the gear we all had at the time. Thursar/Kallards had steel greatsword. Lower tiered PvP armor. 115 bow and the horse gear is a static price on the vendors. There are no more garrison members. Actually I would like to Call Otto for his knowledge of standard PvP gear at the time of these events.
The court summons Sir Otto Osterwind. Please reply to indicate that you are present.
As for the plaintiff's other petitions, they have to be done separately from this assize, since the actual trial phase is over, and establishing the value of items to be compensated is all that is left to do here.
Otto Osterwind
08-14-2013, 02:30 AM
The court summons Sir Otto Osterwind. Please reply to indicate that you are present.
As for the plaintiff's other petitions, they have to be done separately from this assize, since the actual trial phase is over, and establishing the value of items to be compensated is all that is left to do here.
I am still present.
Altus Whyte
08-17-2013, 03:15 AM
It was a long time ago now of course. There was no standardized set of equipment short of what people felt was good for their style of play. For instance I wore heavy sets of Messing/Steel with Incisium and Ironsilk as a secondary to protect my extremities. Zaleos would have most likely been wearing Platescale at the time, perhaps a set that I had made him with silk as a secondary. A single set of such varied greatly on the price of the materials; I usually charged a fee somewhere between 8 gold and 15 gold (for higher end using IS).
A standard weapon would be a steel spear/polesword/great sword with either a wooden handle or incisium guard with ironsilk or scale binding. The steel sword with wooden handle would easily cost 12-15 gold at market value and the incisium/IS handle version maybe a bit above that.
Those with better memory on the fluctuating value of resources, especially at such a turbulent time with the political alliances forming, should be free to challenge the claim.
The average horse value fluctuated based on the statistics of the horse. Rather; there was no such thing as the average horse. There were good horses and bad horses. In the Meduli area a horse can run you 4 to 12 gold on the market. Frankly, in Wessex anyway, horses were handed out frequently by everyone at no cost or minimal cost. I remember getting quite a few horses for free during the busy times; in kind I would reduce the fees for high value armor.
The average fighter in Meduli was recommended to take up Mounted Archery at first as it was crucial to have the large force capable of steady DPS and focus firing. I was hard headed and stuck to my ways with mounted combat and it worked well enough as long as there were no more than two of us trying to swing. Unfortunately my knowledge of bows is not sufficient in terms of what was best for use at the time and how much such a bow would cost.
Based on this testimony it is reasonable believe that the armor and weapon had a value of 25 gold, and that the plaintiff also had a bow. With a decent bow costing about 5 gold, the total amount would be 30 gold.
The plaintiff may present further evidence to dispute the value of the bow or prove that additional property other than the combat gear was destroyed.
Reply within 24 hours.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-17-2013, 08:31 AM
That would mean the total amount of gold owed me is 25gold from the actual coin. and the gear amout of 30g It is about 3 gold for the horse armor I had. The blinders and horse shoes are not needed to be paid for. Are we also doing the amounts for the other characters that were slain? My tamer and my dex fighter?
Altus Whyte
08-18-2013, 02:08 PM
The defendant only estimated the value of your property to be 25 gold in total. With the testimony of Sir Otto that value can be raised to 30 gold.
No guilt of any robbery or murder of other characters was found, only liability for the items that you gave to him for safekeeping.
How comes you were carrying around horse armor at the time?
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-18-2013, 11:16 PM
It was on the horse he killed.
Altus Whyte
08-19-2013, 04:55 PM
Why would he kill your horse if the other items were handed over and not looted?
If you can prove that any other property was destroyed after you gave it to the defendant, reply within 24 hours. Otherwise the 30 gold will be established as reimbursement.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-19-2013, 07:58 PM
I have no way to prove it.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-20-2013, 06:46 AM
30g is fine. He was aquitted of murder so i guess nothing else
Altus Whyte
08-20-2013, 11:54 AM
The court establishes 30 gold as the reimbursement to be paid to the plaintiff by the defendant.
The defendant should contact an official of the council of Nave to act as a middleman and verify the transaction to this court.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-24-2013, 09:11 AM
Who is in game that I can contact?
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-26-2013, 02:17 AM
No contact has been made as of yet
Altus Whyte
08-27-2013, 01:44 PM
Rhodri, I believe you're back now. Have you contacted the council of Nave to transfer the compensation yet?
If you're unable to reach them then state so.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-27-2013, 06:37 PM
He's been in game selling lykiators the past few days.
Rhodri Taliesin
08-27-2013, 07:50 PM
I've been back for a few days only to notice that Zaleos still does not bother to sign into the Wessex teamspeak to collect said compensation, it also appears that his only motivation for signing into the forums now is to stare at this particular thread for hours on end, which I am beginning to find unnerving.
Altus Whyte
08-28-2013, 11:02 AM
Give the compensation to a member of the nave council so that they can pass it on to the plaintiff and confirm the transaction.
Reply with the name of the council member here so that the plaintiff knows who to contact. Do so within 24 hours.
Azzerhoden Razeri
08-28-2013, 02:33 PM
Perhaps Rhodri could simply give the gold owed to Zaleos to Kora, so that Zaleos can collect it easier?
Altus Whyte
08-28-2013, 06:19 PM
Perhaps Rhodri could simply give the gold owed to Zaleos to Kora, so that Zaleos can collect it easier?
The colonial council of Nave currently consists of Wooster and Kora.
Rhodri Taliesin
08-29-2013, 05:45 AM's done, he's paid off.
Altus Whyte
08-29-2013, 11:28 AM
The court asks the plaintiff to reply and confirm that he has received the compensation.
Zaleos Ravenblood
08-29-2013, 05:09 PM
He refused to use a go between. But yes I did in fact get the money.
Altus Whyte
08-30-2013, 11:37 AM
With the plaintiff having received his compensation, this assize can be concluded.
Both parties are instructed to leave eachother alone. If you experience any harassment, record evidence and report.
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