The Rule of Auros - Auran Friars

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The Ecumenical Council has met this day to discuss the formation, and establishment of an Order to which all Friars within its fold will become members. It has been decided that members of this Order will be refered to as Auran Friars, and that the Rule of this Order shall be titled, "The Rule of Auros."

The Rule of the Auros is as follows:

Chapter one: Absolute Obidience to the Master of the Order The Master of the Order is the ultimate authority in all aspects of life within the community. He is appointed by the infallible Magisterium of the Council of Bishops who, though may be mortal men seperately, are granted divine wisdom from Auros himself collectively. Disobeying the Master of the Order will constitute a violation of the Rule and will cause the brother to be subject to review by his superiors. The Master himself is also accountable to the Rule however, and suspicion of his darkness should be brought before the Inquisition as soon as possible by the brothers.

Chapter two: The Counsel of the Brothers Whenever important matters are brought before the community, the Master of the Order should take counsel with the brothers within the community before making a decision. The brothers should give their views with much humility and not presume to defend their views stubbornly. Once a decision is rendered, it is final, and any arguing by any member of the brotherhood beyond this point will constitute a violation of the Rule and will cause the brother to be subject to review by his superiors.

Chapter three: Witness Auran Friars should speak about Auros publically at least once a day, and lead the people in public prayer. Failure to do so daily will constitute a violation of the Rule and will cause the brother to be subject to review by his superiors.

Chapter four: Good Deeds Auran Friars should committ at least one act that furthers the teachings and light of Auros each day while refusing ALL reward. Even verbal appreciation of the deed accomplished should be directed to Auros. Past this one deed, other good deeds accomplished that day may be rewarded with food, money, or shelter but never asked for. Any Friar caught begging or failing to committ one good act in the name of Auros daily, will be in violation of the Rule and will cause the brother to be subject to review by his superiors.

Chapter five: Accepting Charity Auran Friars will donate (Amount to be filled in upon game launch) of all charity given to them to the Church. Anyone caught withholding donations will be in violation of the Rule and will cause the brother to be subject to review by his superiors.

Chapter six: Dress Code Auran Friars will wear a white robe at all times. If they can not afford a white robe, they will wear as much white as possible until they can afford one. Friars who plan on engaging the forces of darkness, or who will be venturing through dangerous territory are excused from the dress code. Those failing to meet the dress code will be in violation of the Rule and will cause the brother to be subject to review by his superiors.

Those wishing to renounce their vows of faith to serve Auros as His servant, to spread His teachings of light and life, may do so in shame at this time. The Church will not seek reprisal, but you will never again be allowed to serve Him in such a capacity again.

Those who are courageous and dedicated to His light are to be known as Auran Friars from this point on.

Theodoric Brionne, Bishop of Wessex, June 19th, 2008

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