The Place of the Church

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Those of you wondering why you should even consider joining the Church as a Clergyman or as a Warrior of Auros, and for those who simply want to know more about the Church; please read on:

As an Auran Friar you are still afforded the opportunity to fight the enemies of the Church and State, as will any member of the Clergy. They also have the opportunity to advance to Priesthood, where they may run their own chapels and churches in cities and towns.

They are the adminstrators of the Church, and are neccessary for the day to day operations of it. If it helps, don't merely think of the Church as a RPers paradise, think of it as another branch of the government - a very demanding, politically orientated, and elite branch. Each Bishop has a vote in the House of Lords, making the Church of Auros a rather large special interest group in the Kingdom.

In real life, joining the Clergy is a calling, and this holds true even in Hyperion - though not nearly to the same degree. You are afforded wonderful priviledges for answering this call, but you are also asked to make some serious sacrifices.

What we will be trying to achieve with the Clergy is in-game recognition for these "servants of Auros." A priest in real life has the ability to stir powerful emotions in someone simply because of what they stand for. Whether these be feelings of joy, hate, comfort, or fear does not matter. The point is to have them make the world a little more immersive, simply by their presence. This will be difficult work, and this is also why we prefer Role-players.

Please don't join us because you think advancement will be easy due to our small numbers, in my diocese I can guarentee you will have a long career as a Friar with this attitude. For it is not your strength on the battlefield, your ability to debate, or even your competency which is our prime concern. It is ultimately your attitude which will guarentee your advancement in our ranks.

While as a clergyman you may found your own Order, write treasties on how we should worship Auros, further the cause of the Church and may even be proclaimed a Living Saint!

Joining a Military Order is just like joining up as a soldier in that you will be expected to drill, fight, and die when commanded to. The basic difference is that your loyalty is first to the Church. Secular soldiers will focus on fighting their Lord's enemies. Military Orders focus on fighting the Church's enemies. More often then not, these two will coincide, and Military Orders will fight alongside the King's, Duke's, Doge's, Thane's, or whoever's forces.

The benefits of the Clergy are also yours to enjoy as a member of a Military Order, but the sacrifices are there as well (though they are lesser in some areas, more demanding in others).

Long campaigns in foreign lands will also be required of you, much to your joy or dread, as you will seek out the forces of evil where ever it does battle with good. Perhaps you will be sent to the Mirdain lands of Mirendil to fight alongside the Oromea, or maybe you will be assigned to protect the Dwarven pilgrims from the Anvil Society.

As with the regular Clergy, we seek to make you recognized where ever you go. Your reputation will have you rejoiced as bringers of salvation to those in need to some, and hated as bringers of war and strife to others.

Those of you who wish to found your own cults, which conflict with the Dogma of the Church, and lack formal training from the Church; you will simply be treated with disdain. We will do what we can to make your lives amount to nil while within this Kingdom, as you are brought before Inquisition after Inquisition, and denounced as a lunatic and a madman. Those Lords which employ you as anything higher then a commoner will be looked down upon by the Church, and can look forward to political games being played against them...if we know about these cults of course.

The Church and State function in a symbiotic relationship. A strong and influencial Church will help you to have a strong and influential State, and vice versa. So, my advice to you my Lords, don't ignore the importance of the Church - treat your Bishop as your equal, act with piety, support the Church, and be prepared to reap the benefits.

To those of you who still think the Church will be a non-factor that you can ignore, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.” -Helen Keller


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