Founding An Order

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Here are a few guidelines and things to know that should be refered to when founding an Order of Friars.

By nature, Friars are constantly on the move, spreading the word of Auros, and committing good acts in any town they come across. As such, they own no property, or land (even collectively), therefore - they must rely on the charity of the towns in which they are passing through. Orders with significant numbers may be granted a monastery used as a HQs, but owned by the Church. Otherwise, they will operate out of the Diocese.

Upon the foundation of the Order, a Rule should be made. This is the guidelines by which each member of the Order will follow in their daily's quite literally, the "Rules" they live their life by.

The Rule should include things like: -absolute obedience to the Master of the Order -how much time a day each member should dedicate to prayer -how many good acts a Friar should commit each day -dress code -how much charity a Friar can accept from a given person

They should also have a Mission statement.

3 things must happen for the Order to become official (In order) 1st - It's Rule must be recognized by the Church 2nd - It must be granted a Charter by the Ecumenical Council (Council of Bishops) 3rd - It's leader must be ordained by a Bishop

Failure to meet any of these three criteria will generally result in the Order being declared heretical, and unless it disbands immediately, its members will be hunted down as heretics themselves.

It should also be noted that Military Orders can be founded using the same guidelines, but they may only be founded by men who have reached the status of "Knight" (Baronet), as a military order is almost like a sub guild.

Their Rule would be less strict, and they would be allowed to own property. However, because their Grandmaster must be ordained, he still must forswear all wordly titles.

Military Orders also need to get the permission of the Lord of the realm in which they are founded as well.

Theodoric Brionne, Bishop of Wessex, June 6th, 2008

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