Edict of Primoris Placitum

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The following items were voted on and passed by the members of the Ecumenical Council at the first offical meeting.


PASSED ON: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:54 am

Crusades - called by the Bishop of a Diocese to summon forth the Clergy of the Church of Auros to assist in the defense of a city which contains a Church dedicated to Auros, or to assist in an assult on a benighted settlement.

All military forces who gather for the "Crusade" will fall under the military direction of the Bishop who calls it - he may delegate the authority to another, lead himself, or call a general vote to choose the leader.

VOTES: Valens - yes Theodoric - yes Sivvy - Yes Tar - Baenor


PASSED ON: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:21 am


1. If you are suspect of darkness you are brought before the Inquisition to determine if you are either innocent, ignorant, or benighted.

2. If you are found to be innocent you are released, if you are ignorant you are educated, and if you are found to be benighted you will be converted.

3. If you fall under the protection of one of the Lords of the Church and refuse to convert, you will be fined, or forced to labor for the Church. If you fall outside this protection, and refuse to convert, you will cleansed in Holy Fire.

VOTES: Sivvy - yes Baenor - yes Valens - yes Theo - yes Tar -


PASSED ON: Thu Jun 19, 2008 (time unknown)

Upon landing on the shores of Mercia, Duke John Malregard assembled the survivors, and in order to gain the blessing of Auros, he appointed a well-known man of faith, William Bedford (St. Bedford), to lead the soldiers and civilians alike, in prayer and worship of Auros. The comfort and solace offered by William was invaluble for the morale of the people, as many were disheartened following the destruction of the island of Riada, and Duke John (St. John) made William's position as the leader of the faithful permanent.

He was also allowed to choose from among the people learned men and women of faith to help him provide council to the leaders of the survivors, as well as the people. Thus, the council of Bishops was formed.

APPROVED Valens - Yes Sivvy - Yes Theo - Yes Baenor - Tar -

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