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Thread: Call to Assize: Faeran Stonewall

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    There shouldn't be any confusion at all. The only proof Zakiyya could possibly have of me knowing he was a Wessex member is the TS. Court is based on facts. And the fact is I didn't see you. I didn't know you existed in Wessex. If Mr. Valkran's "proof" has no date so it's not proof at all. But it's even more so invalid if both statements are hours apart.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    All the defendant seems to claim is that, in regards to evidence (not testimony), the witness does not have evidence of seeing her in the channel at the time of the killing, only on that day, and that her being in the channel doesn't prove her seeing the plaintiff. This shouldn't confuse the jury. Motion denied.

    Juror Keerav Surely is removed from the jury after failing to respond and confirm that she is still a member of Wessex and this Jury.

    The court summons Valdovas Kadangi for jury duty.

    Post an acknowledgment within 24 hours.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 02-17-2014 at 07:08 PM.

  3. #83


    I acknowledge the summons.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Did I miss something? I see no post that I was supposed to do something...surely if the court has questions they would've stated them by now... Why a stand still with my trial?

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    The updated jury has been assembled and is in preliminary deliberations.

    Meanwhile I'll ask the defendant to provide some additional information by answering the following question within 24 hours.

    Did anyone explain the terms and conditions of being a member of an outside clan while still remaining a member of Wessex to you?

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    No. Not all at once, and not by just one person. It was like many people made the decision on what I could and could not do. In the end, I couldn't do anything because of ALL the restrictions.

    When I first went to RPK!, the condition was that I do not attack Wessex members unless they attacked me first. The former General Otto Osterwind gave me these terms and probably because he trusted that I wasn't out there to hurt Wessex, in which he was correct. I have never been out to hurt Wessex or their members.

    This was fine for a while actually. No one from Wessex would attack me and I wouldn't attack anyone that I knew was from Wessex. I did have an accident when I attacked an untagged blue (Opius, Rhodri's butcher) that was in town. After that I felt I had to check the WSX forums before I attacked any untagged blue. I apologized maybe a million times to both Ternix (who was on the character at the time) and Rhodri. I offered Ternix 1k Ironsilk and got him the Ironsilk lore book in Tindrem. Ternix apologized to me for acting the way he did and that he was just caught up in the current war they were in. Everything was okay after that, so I thought.

    Then the rules changed once Ternix hit me (almost killing me) and I turned around and killed him (obviously self defense). The rules were changed to I couldn't attack Wessex at all. That was still fine with me. I just attacked those who weren't Wessex members, let Wessex attack me, healed myself and my guildmates.

    Then the rules changed again. I couldn't attack anyone that was friendly with Wessex. Still, I could manage that. I just stayed in the back healing/purifying.

    Whatever the reason was for it this time, the rules changed again. I was to disengage from combat entirely. So whenever RPK! went to Bakti, I would go in town if I was blue, or sit on PVP hill if I was red. I couldn't do anything but sit there.

    The whole point of going to RPK! was to get PvP, to play with one set of friends, while helping my other set of friends, which worked for a while. In the end (before I felt I had to leave to reprove myself to WSX), it was as if certain people (Rhodri and Ternix) were just waiting for me to have an accident so that they could jump all over it and make me look like an enemy. Why they would do that, I don't know really. Maybe they felt they would gain some power from it by making someone with power in another guild seem like an enemy.

    However, now that I think of it, through all of this mess I just typed above, I NEVER EVER "attacked" anyone that I knew was from Wessex. When I went to Bakti, I went for and engaged in OPEN PVP. I never killed the random people outside of Bakti no matter who they were. I, and most of my group, waited for a force that was going to come up against us and fight us. When people come out of town, prepared to fight another force, it's called OPEN PVP. Engaging in OPEN PVP is NOT is not an evil act or an attack against ANY guild. If no one comes out, we leave.

    Honestly this has nothing to do with my trial and should not sway the jury one way or another, but I have nothing to hide.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Both parties have had plenty of time to make any rebuttals or petitions now, so we can move on to the closing arguments.

    Plaintiff, you may proceed and make your closing argument. Do so within 24 hours.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 03-01-2014 at 12:16 PM. Reason: typo

  8. #88


    Your Honor. I must ask for a short continuance. I have just started working and only noticed the trial updated after I got off work today. If it pleases the court, I will have my closing argument done within a few hours.

    I apologize for the delay and I assure you that the prosecution is currently working on its closing argument and it will be done shortly.

  9. #89


    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury:

    Thank you for taking your time through this process. I apologize for my delay.

    On January 9th, 2014 Ms. Stonewall attacked, and killed Zakiyya Ajam while in Bak'ti. Both parties have said as much. Yet the reason we are here today is because the defendant, Ms. Stonewall claims that she “didn't know” that Zakiyya was part of Wessex. In fact, the defendant's case is entirely based on that one point. But the defense contradicts itself quite often, and doesn't take the proper precautions in order to truly find out who someone is.

    Ms. Stonewall voluntary joined the guild RPK, a guild that is known for killing random players, players who can not defend themselves, who pose little to no threat to them. This wasn't a guild that was a neutral guild to Wessex, let alone friendly. This was a guild that stands against everything Wessex is within Mortal Online, and in fact is on our kill on sight list. She knew that when she joined with RPK she could not attack any Wessex members without them attacking her first. It was her responsibility to check her targets, and make sure they were not of Wessex in any way.

    During the time of the murder, Ms. Stonewall says she “scoured [the Wessex forums] completely” but could not find Zakiyya as part of Wessex. Yet there are other ways to search for a guild member. Why did she not also take advantage of the Chronicles via the Mortal Online website? Or use the community list located within our own forms? Here we see that that Ms. Stonewall did not take the proper precautions in regard to killing another player. But this was not the first time she had made this mistake.

    Ms. Stonewall herself tells the court of how she attacked two other members of Wessex prior to this case because again, she didn't know they were part of Wessex. There was also an issue with Brother Azidano Valkran and Ms. Stonewall that kept the now Reverend Azidano Valkran from being part of the jury in this case. Each time we hear Ms. Stonewall tell us how she didn't know that the member was part of Wessex. But this time, there is proof. Zakiyya was part of Wessex. Any search on the Chronicals or even within our own forums could turn up that information.

    Mr. Camarro Valkran, who came forth on his own accord, showed the court further proof that not only was Zakiyya in the Duchy of Wessex TeamSpeak server but so was Ms. Stonewall. Furthermore, Ms. Stonewall was also in the garrison channel at the same time Zakiyya was logged into the same TeamSpeak server.

    There are many ways Ms. Stonewall could have known Zakiyya was a member of Wessex. The fact that Ms. Stonewall had multiple issues in the past with other guild members prior to this murder should have taught her to be extra careful. To use the resources that were available to her. Remember, it was her own decision to join RPK and that she was trusted not to attack members of Wessex. She made this choice.

    On January 9th, Ms. Stonewall came to Bak'ti, looking to kill. She came to attack members of another guild that RPK was in a war declaration with inside Bak'ti. Yet, Ms. Stonewall also mentions that RPK was in a war declaration with The Duchy of Wessex at the time. Ms. Stonewall knew that Wessex resides in Bak'ti. She knew that her guild is in a war with Wessex at the time, yet she chose to attack an untagged orange within the city.

    Ms. Stonewall is quoted:

    When I went to Bakti, I went for and engaged in OPEN PVP. I never killed the random people outside of Bakti no matter who they were. I, and most of my group, waited for a force that was going to come up against us and fight us.”

    Yet here we are, with Ms. Stonewall inside of Bak'ti, attacking a random person. A person who is part of Wessex. A person who wasn't outside the walls and who was going to “come up against” RPK. This person was not attacking anything. This person was just pulling this out of their bank in hopes of a profitable day and to talk to some friends they had just made in game.

    For any new player to Mortal Online, being killed and having their loot taken is a horrible awaking of the mechanics of the game. Finding out it was one of their own guild members makes it so much worse. Then, finding out they are unable to attack back, while that member is part of a guild we have on our Kill on Sight list makes it frustrating enough to even leave the guild. Yes, Mortal Online is an open world pvp game. But that doesn't mean death doesn't have consequences. For new players it means hours of work to regain money for gear. For crafters, it means having to go back out and hit a rock for hours on end to make up what they loss. It means having to spend our time trying to recoup while the person who did the killing can go about killing and looting more.

    This entire case deals with many hot topic issues. Issues of multi-guilding. Issues with the lawfulness of killing other lawful individuals. Is it clear that Ms. Stonewall did what she felt was enough searching before she attacked? Yes. But was that enough? Clearly not, as a fresh recruit of Wessex had been murdered then looted of all that they had.

    Ms. Stonewall will try to tell the court how Zakiyya should have been tagged at the time of the murder. Yet Mr. Camarro Valkran states that Wessex wartime policy is “non-combatants should remove tags to avoid being blue scouted.” Does our laws not protect us even if we are not tagged? Even if we are untagged, we are still members of Wessex, and therefore protected by the agreement Ms. Stonewall had with Sir Otto Osterwind.

    Ms. Stonewall will also say how she gave the items back to Zakiyya. Yet remember this was only after she was asked to by Zakiyya. Never was there proof of an apology. There was no communication between the two parties, in hopes of making amends. The only communication Zakiyya got from Ms. Stonewall that day was “Run”, “Get geared an fight” and her laughter after the kill.

    Ms. Stonewall has put herself into this position that she is in today. She joined a guild, looking for pvp. A guild known for killing random players. She was instructed not to attack members of Wessex while within that guild. Yet, there are at least two separate times she did just that prior to the events of the case. Even when her guild was in a full war with Wessex, she did not leave her guild. She did not keep away from Bak'ti where she knew Wessex members call home. Where new members feel safe from the random player killers such as members of RPK outside of the walls. Ms. Stonewall stood in the middle of Bak'ti, waiting for her next kill. And she found it in a member of Wessex, again. How many times will we allow this? How many other members of Wessex must be told of this “special case”? When do finally stand up and say enough of the random killings from members of our own community?

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Defendant, you may proceed and make your closing argument. Do so within 24 hours.

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