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Thread: Call to Assize: Faeran Stonewall

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Objection your honor, I prior to the defense giving their stance on teh events that happened that day, I would like to point out that in the plantiffs testimony here, he presents screen shots of the first death. Then twists the story to speak about to more deaths but does not show the images. If the plantiff can not provide proof of additional deaths I would like this part removed before any false information can sit with the jury longer then it already has.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Objection overruled. At this stage both parties present their version of events. It's then up to the court to decide what parts of their story is backed by evidence or not.

    When we get to the rebuttals you'll have the opportunity to make specific arguments against things said by the other party. Also, when we reach this stage, quote the statements specifically, since I do not see mentions of other deaths in the paragraph under the first screenshot.

    This is a summary of the basic assize procedure:

    The jury is assembled
    The parties present their version of events
    The parties question each-other
    The parties question any witnesses called to the court
    The parties make rebuttals against specific statements made up to this point
    The court does its questioning if necessary
    The parties make their closing arguments
    The jury reaches a verdict
    The court announces the judgment

    The court may of course deviate from this program if it's in the interest of justice.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    I logged in to Morin Khur to search for some pvp in my town. There wasn't any. The night before we found DA in Bakti so I figured I'd venture there, and I did. When I got there I found ONE target. Zakiyya. I went up to him. He was unmarked but ORANGE. He looked naked but you can never underestimate those naked mages if he was one. So I attempted to speak to him. "Hi" no response. He says he wasn't paying attention yet he was responding to another person apparently in his picture. While I waited for a response I types his name into the Duchy forums and hit search. Nothing popped up. So I said "run" giving him the opportunity to get away. He STILL didn't respond. I assumed he was calling in his other DA buddies cause that is how they fight, 3 to 1 ratio, so I attacked and killed him. He didn't run he didn't fight. I took his loot and I ran to the top of a hut to make sure I had the advantage. After he resurrected, I corrupted him. I then healed him and told him he could gear up and fight. He STILL didn't respond. So I went back to the top of my hut and that's when people came in to tell me he was Wessex. I explained how he was unmarked. They said it doesn't matter he's on the forums. My permissions got taken away soon after. Zakiyya came up to me and asked me for his armor back as he didn't have a weapon on him. I gave it back and apologized. When he asked why I killed him. I told him because he was untagged(unmarked) ORANGE war target.

    Let's get back to the forum part. After I was told he was on the forums, I scoured it completely. Finding no trace of him I asked how long he's been here. I was told about a week. I uped the search to show for the past year. NOTHING. Not one single thing until he posted he was present at this trial. And yesterday when he FINALLY posted on the trial members post. As for TS I was asked if I used it to see who's on so I can attack and I said no and I haven't ever done that, for the record.

    This photo is to show Zakiyya showing up as an unmarked ORANGE war target. I have proof of me looking him up on the forums and finding nothing but that is sadly on my PC and I'm at work all day/evening so I'll get those out there ASAP.


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Both parties will be given an opportunity to question each-other now.

    -Keep the questions concise and to the point

    -Ask one question at a time. Do not combine multiple questions into one. (If a matter is complex you'll be able to continue with follow-up questions).

    -Do not make statements in questions unless the question requires it.

    When objecting to multiple questions, you must provide a reason for the objection for each individual question one by one.

    The plaintiff may go ahead and question the defendant now. Submit your questions within 24 hours.

  5. #25


    If it would pleas the court, I will try to be brief as I know we have a game we enjoy and lives in the real world. I present my documentation of intent on joining the guild:

    Here is my acceptance to the guild as a trial member:

    This refutes any claim she has that I wasn't a member of Wessex before the events of the case.

    Ms. Stonewall, outside of being a naked, unarmed character who did not responding to your greeting in a guild that you had a war declaration with, did Zakiyya present a certain and irrefutable threat to you at the time of your attack? Where you in emanate danger?

    Ms. Stonewall, you state that Zakiyya did in fact not run nor attack you during your attack on her. Yet you persisted in your attack, which lead to the destruction of Zakiyya. After seeing that Zakiyya did not defend herself again, why did you continue with the attack?

    Ms. Stonewall, you stated in record that after Zakiyya resurrected, you corrupted her. I ask, what sort of threat does a newly resurrected, naked character with 1/5 of his or her health have that warrants a renewed attack?

    Ms. Stonewall, you state that you searched the forums. You are quoted, “I scoured it completely.” Is this what you every new person you encounter, or was I just special?

    If you do not, how can you be sure that anyone you attacking isn't a member of Wessex? Or, if you do, how does that work in a combat situation?

    Ms. Stonewall, it is contended that you have a relationship with Wessex member, Kreager Stonewall. I would ask the court to review log-in information to ascertain the validity of my assertion.

    I ask for continuance until the court has ruled on my request.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 01-20-2014 at 08:29 PM. Reason: typo correction

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Zakiyya Ajam View Post
    Ms. Stonewall, it is contended that you have a relationship with Wessex member, Kreager Stonewall. I would ask the court to review log-in information to ascertain the validity of my assertion.
    Does the defence dispute this assertion?

    Respond within 24 hours.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 01-20-2014 at 08:27 PM.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    First off Kreager Stonewall Does dispute this. This is the most outragous Intrusive thing I have ever heard! As of 1/20/14 Faeran Stonewall Proclaimed to Mister Valkran that she was done with the drama and the harassment that has followed this trial. Thank you to the membership of wessex to ruining what was once a good thing. As Faeran is no longer a member Of the duchy I will no longer be defending her as per her request. Good day!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Plaintiff, please explain how information regarding these two users using the same computer would be relevant to this case?

    The court acknowledges that Kreager Stonewall is no longer representing the defendant.

  9. #29


    It would represent a conflict of interest for both parties. Information on one account could be accessed by an individual for less then honorable purposes and exploited.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    The plaintiff's request is denied, as no valid explanation was made as to why the defendant sharing a computer with her ex-representative would affect the justice of this case.

    The defendant is instructed to answer the following questions:
    Ms. Stonewall, outside of being a naked, unarmed character who did not responding to your greeting in a guild that you had a war declaration with, did Zakiyya present a certain and irrefutable threat to you at the time of your attack? Where you in emanate danger?

    Ms. Stonewall, you state that Zakiyya did in fact not run nor attack you during your attack on her. Yet you persisted in your attack, which lead to the destruction of Zakiyya. After seeing that Zakiyya did not defend herself again, why did you continue with the attack?

    Ms. Stonewall, you stated in record that after Zakiyya resurrected, you corrupted her. I ask, what sort of threat does a newly resurrected, naked character with 1/5 of his or her health have that warrants a renewed attack?

    Ms. Stonewall, you state that you searched the forums. You are quoted, “I scoured it completely.” Is this what you every new person you encounter, or was I just special?

    If you do not, how can you be sure that anyone you attacking isn't a member of Wessex? Or, if you do, how does that work in a combat situation?
    Do so within 24 hours.

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