Ms. Stonewall, outside of being a naked, unarmed character who did not responding to your greeting in a guild that you had a war declaration with, did Zakiyya present a certain and irrefutable threat to you at the time of your attack? Where you in emanate danger?
Ms. Stonewall, you state that Zakiyya did in fact not run nor attack you during your attack on her. Yet you persisted in your attack, which lead to the destruction of Zakiyya. After seeing that Zakiyya did not defend herself again, why did you continue with the attack?
Ms. Stonewall, you stated in record that after Zakiyya resurrected, you corrupted her. I ask, what sort of threat does a newly resurrected, naked character with 1/5 of his or her health have that warrants a renewed attack?
Ms. Stonewall, you state that you searched the forums. You are quoted, “I scoured it completely.” Is this what you every new person you encounter, or was I just special?
If you do not, how can you be sure that anyone you attacking isn't a member of Wessex? Or, if you do, how does that work in a combat situation?