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Thread: Wessex Darkfall 2?

  1. #11


    I'm waiting for it too.. To be honest I don't think they will manage to pull out a new "darkfall 2".. It's just like the expansion which wasnt really expansions but more like a big patch..

    These changes will get me back:
    - Much faster skill gain
    - Much less magic spam(When I played at launch everyone was a mage with very little melee/archery)
    - Maybe a skill cap?

    Imo they have everything they need to make this game a huge success but it's like they are completely blind and only focus on the pvp part.. I hate AV and their decisions.. When they launches Darkfall they completely lost their vision and followed the pvp road making "funhulks" and sea towers.. Such a big shame :/ wasted too much time hoping for nothing (yes, I am a little bit angry still)

  2. #12


    I appreciate what you are saying and concur with most, but all that said Darkfall was awesome.
    The begin was some of the best times I personally have had in any mmo.

    I have played from release and the game as given me more fun than any other.
    The last return of Wessex, was amazing, we had a good few months of how it should be!

    But then yes the lack of content that indulges all tastes was to shallow to hold up the diversity we need to keep Wessex afloat.
    Fingers crossed that Darkfall 2 will tick all boxes. Because there is nothing out there that can touch it IMO.

    I would love to be apart of a resurgence of Wessex within Agon, and if we can gather the correct people to help with handling
    the infinite duties of Wessex then I truly believe this will be what we are all waiting for.

    Can`t wait for this TBH, It would be great to see Wessex soar to a fraction of what it was, it truly will be a sight to see.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyconnic Skygrinder View Post
    These changes will get me back:
    - Much faster skill gain
    - Much less magic spam(When I played at launch everyone was a mage with very little melee/archery)
    - Maybe a skill cap?
    1:Skill gains are 10x faster than they was at launch, i made a viable char in a month, but that was playing 8 hours a day, so i theory 4 hours a day at 2 months isnt bad at all if you ask me.

    2: At launch no one was spamming magic because no one had magic, but yes 3 months into launch magic changed everything, but hey they re-balanced magic now, if you are not convinved check my pvp vids i manage just fine with melee/archery. Some tweaks are needed still imo, but not to magic, just to enhance melee/archery.

    3: Theres not going to be a skillcap, but in DF2 armour will decide what you can and cannot use, so a heavy armoured knight guy will have little to no magic, there is also different types or mages like, offensive and defensive mages and also buffing mages, all mage school have been revamped. read the blog here on some of the changes, DF2 is still under NDA so there is alot we havnt been shown.

    armour system: taken from blog
    The armor system is a fundamental change between Darkfall and Darkfall 2.0. Implementation has recently been concluded. On our local server, what a player wears dictates what they can use in terms of melee, archery and magic skills. There are quite a few changes especially regarding magic. Magic schools have changed both in name and in spells. Minor and major incantations, are the only 2 schools a character with heavy armor can use spells from. Characters with medium armor will in addition to those two schools can use spells from witchcraft and spell chanting schools. Magic users, while not limited if they wear light armor, still need to choose their specific role- as opposing schools and attributes will affect their choices. Intelligence based casters will have Fire, Water, Air and Earth to choose from, with fire blocking water, air blocking earth and vice versa. Wisdom based casters will need to make similar choices. From our early testing we are very excited about the improvements this feature brings to gameplay. We will present the magic system in more detail in subsequent updates.


  4. #14
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    The only problems I had with Darkfall were that I couldn't find a decent group of people to stick with (I was in a small rp-themed guild that just seemed to float around and accomplish nothing, and was part of the Ruff Neck Alliance or something. Not quite sure, only played for 2 months with them and it wasn't very eventful :P Other than that, I only played in the beta of the game.

    Other than that, the only problem I have with the game is its reliance on grinding, even with the reduced grind and introduction of meditation (which was introduced a month before I quite), it just felt like it was taking to long for me to have fun.

    I can appreciate putting effort in to a game to get fun. But to me, 2 or so months of 4-5 hours a day play-time just to reach a (barely) "combat-ready" state just ruined it for me. The only time I got to have fun was in sieges when everyone who could accomplish something was busy trying to kill everyone else that could accomplish something, and my spell was just another in the spam of AoE's slamming in to our enemies defenses/faces.

    Part of the reason I'm so attracted to Mortal Online is how it only takes you maybe 5 days to get a completely combat-ready character made, if you know what you're doing (so you can re-roll an infinite amount of times). Plus the PvP is more fun/reflex reliant than Darkfalls was (but I still loved Darkfalls combat). The reason I enjoyed it the most, tho, was because of joining up with Wessex and having an awesome group of people to play with.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Koh View Post
    But as Aventurine says (wether they speak the truth or not) that Darkfall 2 is a completely new game, so looks to me its going to be a new server = new characters, so we will all be on a level playing field. Fingers crossed.
    That sounds interesting, I guess I should be around for at least a trial then. They just have to make sure the new launch won't be full of exploiting like the original launch, with acid bathing and all kinds of weird shit.

    Oh, and hopefully there will be less magic spam than there was when I played during the Hyperion days. I remember all the colorful magic spamming would get so bad sometimes so that it felt as if you were on LSD whenever you went to PVP.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 01-06-2012 at 10:09 AM.

  6. #16
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    Yes exactly, almost like we have been playing beta for 2 years, although the acid pools made no difference in the end because they changed the way rigor and ignore pain worked, so in theory those that used that exloit wasted their time.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Koh View Post
    1:Skill gains are 10x faster than they was at launch, i made a viable char in a month, but that was playing 8 hours a day, so i theory 4 hours a day at 2 months isnt bad at all if you ask me.

    2: At launch no one was spamming magic because no one had magic, but yes 3 months into launch magic changed everything, but hey they re-balanced magic now, if you are not convinved check my pvp vids i manage just fine with melee/archery. Some tweaks are needed still imo, but not to magic, just to enhance melee/archery.

    3: Theres not going to be a skillcap, but in DF2 armour will decide what you can and cannot use, so a heavy armoured knight guy will have little to no magic, there is also different types or mages like, offensive and defensive mages and also buffing mages, all mage school have been revamped. read the blog here on some of the changes, DF2 is still under NDA so there is alot we havnt been shown.
    Hmm sounds good tbh.. but even 4 hours a day is much for me.. but I'm all in for a new Wessex comeback..

  8. #18
    Jaidyn Sothenic's Avatar
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    I will never say never, but for me I just can't see me having the time.

    Darkfall 1 was good at the begining, but for me that was because of Wessex. The old saying here is a game within a game and I have played the Wessex game for so long its no longer an excitment for me which is why I stepped down before.
    But if it is a true sandbox like they claim to be yet again, then I will give it a go myself.

    Sorry for the negativity, just being honest, and although my brother and best mate will be playing it I still miss others that make Wessex tick. Our king, Rhygar, Malachi and Raven etc
    If Wessex went back in full then I would be very happy and be playing it for a long time.

  9. #19
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    Aug 2010


    I may give it a try. Have to see how things go.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Koh View Post
    Yes exactly, almost like we have been playing beta for 2 years, although the acid pools made no difference in the end because they changed the way rigor and ignore pain worked, so in theory those that used that exloit wasted their time.
    Well, there was a reason why the guild MERC was so feared in combat.. They used this exploit

    I would love to see WSX in DF2 building an empire.. and I wanna finally try to sail on a ship my computer back then was so bad that I would dc on a small boat >.<

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