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Thread: Assize: Nathero Aristo vs Agasutin LeGaude

  1. #1

    Default Assize: Nathero Aristo vs Agasutin LeGaude

    Members of Wessex, on this day let it be known that a second call to assize has been made.

    Accused in this trial stands Agasutin LeGaude, archer of the Ducal Garrison, for the crime of assaulting and killing a steed belonging to Nathero Aristo, trial member of Wessex.

    The following persons have been selected to attend as jury, and are to make their presence known to the court: Malaclypse Escalus, man-at-arms of the Ducal Garrison; Zehtuka Fireglore, man-at-arms of the Ducal Garrison; Ruben Rybnik, villein of Wessex; Timian Teeraal, bowman of the Brockmoore Garrison; Tiberius McTavish, villein of Wessex; Bronvictus Grayham, bowman of the Brockmoore Garrison.

    The defendant has 24 hours to either respond, or select a representative to respond in his place. If this period should pass without reply, the defendant shall be counted as guilty and judged accordingly.

    Sub Signum Rex.

  2. #2


    I was at the workbench cutting wood for the guild, then I hear combat going on inside the city so I go off to investigate. I then saw combat at the general store and proceeded to mouse-over to see who was there, there was 2 or so members from Brockmoore getting repeatedly harassed by a mounted figure, Recruit Nathero Aristo. The Brockmoore members had then fled from Recruit Nathero Aristo, and Nathero Aristo had switched his sights to a mounted and armored Amras Blackwing, who seemed to be AFK. Recruit Nathero Aristo casually turns the rear of his steed to Amras Blackwing, and proceeds to "mule kick" Amras Blackwing and his mount, this was not acidental, nor did it only happen once, Nathero Aristo had "mule kicked" Amras Backwing and his mount a minimum of 4 times before i decided to intervine. From what I had witnessed in that time, I saw Recruit Nathero Aristo as griefing the inhabitants of Longmarch. I checked the chat logs of Guild and Public, there was no indication that these repeat attacks were acceptable by any of those that were attacked. I then rode and attacked Recruit Nathero Aristo before he could kill Amras Blackwing's mount, after striking him twice or so, Recruit Nathero Aristo ceased to "mule kick" Amras Blackwing, and began to flee. Chat logs revealed no apologies nor any request of a cease fire from Recruit Nathero Aristo, nor any indication that those attacked by Recruit Nathero Aristo were in a mutual agreement with getting struck by Recruit Nathero Aristo. Further affirming my conviction that Recruit Nathero Aristo was indeed greifing the residents of Longmarch. I chased and attacked Recruit Nathero Aristo till his mount was no longer living. roughly 7-10 minutes after this incident i get inquries from the locals in Longmarch, to if I had killed another players mount, I responded honestly and told them I did and told them why I did. Shortly after Recruit Nathero Aristo demands I replace his mount or he will report me. I chose to be reported, and have the matter settled in court.

    Had this been say Sir Rivers and Lord Dulath, attacking each other, I would have dismissed it as "horseplay" amongst the two. (no pun intended) But seeing as it was a Recruit, that does not even have a proper forum account, I could not risk to dismiss such an incident for the sake of others.

  3. #3


    *Malaclypse enters the dimly lit courtroom and seats himself with a bucket of kettle corn.*

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrendis
    You're all under arrest, possibly forever.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    If you where theire the whole time you would have noticed that Amrus Blackwing also attacked me a couple time whit his mount. When that happened i did the same whit him ( we where messing around). Then you came and you chased me when i ran off, and why didnt is say anything on the chat? That was because i was on ventrilo whit Amrus Blackwing. Second i would never kill anybody's mount from a guild member even if he killed the steed of another guild member.
    So if you had noticed i didnt attacked you after i was trying to save my steed from the death.
    And if you where theire the whole time you would have noticed that i wasnt the first one that attacked.
    So my last words are if i had killed the drake of Amrus Blackwing then you didnt have any right to kill mine, and you have noticed that i also didnt killed your steed after the crime( i didnt kill anything).

    The only thing i want is to have my old steed replaced because you had no right to murder it.

  5. #5


    "Zehtuka enters the courtroom and takes a seat next to Malaclypse"

  6. #6


    Copied from the other call to assize:
    Court is not in session yet, so save the statements for later, right now we only need to know what everyone is available.

    Proceedings will most likely commence in a few days, seeing as I have to be away for around two days.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    *After reading the notice, Laylah Noyes makes plans to attend this trial for her own edification. "After all, 'Justice must not only be done; it must be seen to be done'", she tells herself.*
    Casilda Tametomo, Herald of the Aegis Imperium,
    «Si oblitus fuero usque ad finem omnia opera eorum»

    Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.

  8. #8


    A figure, cloaked and hooded in black with a golden crown seal on the breast, enters and sits in the visitor section of the courtroom.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    *Laylah can smell the man (or the reek of whatever liquid is sloshing about his person) who's just seated himself next to her before she looks at him sidelong, not making eye contact. With a small shiver, she pulls her shawl more closely shut around her shoulders and bosom, and then takes some knitting out of a bag between her feet. Settling the long, oddly sharp needles firmly in her hands and beginning to purl slowly, she replies quietly to his slurred greeting.*

    "Good day." She adds, after a moment, in deference to his robes, "Father."

    *Laylah is working on a long, red woolen piece with small heraldic-looking designs. She reaches the end of one row and turns the work, revealing the unfinished underside with its loose coloured threads, incidentally concealing the exact pattern of the scarf-- if that's what it is. She knits her way back with careful slowness, waiting for the trial to start.*
    Casilda Tametomo, Herald of the Aegis Imperium,
    «Si oblitus fuero usque ad finem omnia opera eorum»

    Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.

  10. #10


    Spaw Kindred walks into the courtroom, hearing word to see what could happen to the family member of a good friend. Looking around the room for familiar faces, spotting Pursuivant Laylah and approaching.

    "Afternoon Laylah."
    Last edited by Casilda Tametomo; 09-25-2009 at 08:45 AM.
    I quit Darkfall 05.24.2009

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