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Thread: RETIRED - Oath of Office - Tiberius Lexicon, Reeve

  1. #1
    Tiberius Lexicon Guest

    Default RETIRED - Oath of Office - Tiberius Lexicon, Reeve

    I, Tiberius Lexicon, swear that I will administer revenue without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as Reeve under the Duke and laws of the Duchy of Wessex. So help me Auros.

    I shall well and truly collect and receive the common goods and revenues and make lawful and true expenditures from the same, as appropriate and when I am duly requested or ordered by the Exchequer or Duke. And I shall give a good and true reckoning of the same, before the Duke and Exchequer and community, when I am required to or reasonably forewarned to by the duke's officers. So help me Auros.

    It is agreed, with the assent of the community, that those who shall assess the tax shall swear to assess it well and faithfully, sparing no man through love or friendship, nor taxing any man excessively through hate or malice, but assessing each man's tax through consideration of his goods and chattels, his estate, and goods that he uses in mercantile activities. And I shall honestly perform all duties that are associated with the office of Reeve within the franchise of this realm.

    In the time of need, I agree to call upon my power as a reeve to call civil courts which shall be for the purpose of settling on the issues which shall arise twixt merchants regarding contract disputes, infringement, and debt. I shall function as justice in these matters and shall preside over all proceedings. I shall hear impartially and without prejudice the witnesses to the deeds and events as they are retold, and I shall come to my decision about the matter without regard to personal acquaintance or favor for those who may be involved, but that I shall do so impartially and with the concepts of justice and fairness ever in my mind, so help me Auros.

    -Tiberius Lexicon, Reeve
    Last edited by Casilda Tametomo; 11-21-2009 at 05:05 AM. Reason: Inactive for over three months.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    It's a great thing having you with with us. Welcome on board!

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