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Thread: RETIRED - Vow of Faith - Eriax Timewalk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default RETIRED - Vow of Faith - Eriax Timewalk

    I, Eriax Timewalk hereby give this public Vow of Faith to the Radiant Lord. I give to Auros my body and mind so that He may guide me. I give up all personel possessions, properties and prior obligations to which I am entitled so I may serve the Church. I swear to uphold the values and standards of Auros and the church.

    I will do my best to serve the Radiant Lord and represent Him and the Church justly and admirabley and to help His crusade against the forces of Chaos. On these Vows I swear my life.

    May Auros guide and protect us all.

    Last edited by Casilda Tametomo; 11-20-2009 at 08:30 PM. Reason: The Character does not meet activity requirements; please seek name change and reinstatement if desired.

  2. #2


    Father Cynewulf hails Eriax as he passes by him in the halls of St. Germaine.

    "Welcome to the service of the Radiant Lord, brother Eriax Timewalk. I always rejoice to see another Auran donning the black robe of the clergy, but if your title implies anything at all, then I am doubly gladdened to see that our newest man of the cloth is also committed to keeping the worship of his flock pure of heresy! Let us hope your duties in Ipswich do not forbid a crusade or two against the benighted with other clergy every once and a while. Auros' light go with you."

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