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Thread: RETIRED - Oath of Office - Thyreus de Gothia, Sheriff

  1. #1

    Default RETIRED - Oath of Office - Thyreus de Gothia, Sheriff

    I, Thyreus de Gothia, promise that I will, to the best of my ability, preserve a heavenly order within the borders of our beloved Duchy. Anyone who dares break the laws set up by the Ducal Court, or otherwise disturbs the peace, will be brought to an assize or before the Duke or Chancellor or the Constable. Anyone who lives within the Duke's lands shall be able take comfort in the knowledge that no criminal will go unpunished.

    I shall be ready to defend anyone who is the victim of a crime or otherwise unjust treatment. And with the power invested in me by the Goddess and the Ducal Court, I will do my best to prevent any crimes from being committed and to make sure anyone who imposes an immediate threat to innocent inhabitants, is struck down with most brutal force.

    And when I call an assize, I shall hear impartially and without prejudice the witnesses to the deeds and events as they are retold, and I shall come to my decision about the matter without regard to personal acquaintance or favour for those who may be involved, but that I shall do so impartially and with the concepts of justice and fairness ever in my mind, so help me Morgaine.

    And should there be a disturbance of the duke's peace between those of station above my own, I will conduct them with integrity to the Duke or the Chancellor so that their complaints may be heard fairly and their dispute resolved as befitting of gentle men.

    I shall undertake the watches in the time to which my watch is assigned and direct them as their turn comes, according to the dictates of the Constable. And once a week I shall present or deliver up to Duke and Exchequer the names of any who are rebellious or default concerning fines or assessments. And I shall perform all duties associated with the office of sheriff within the Duchy of Wessex, so help me Morgaine.

    Thyreus de Gothia
    Thyreus de Gothia, Man-at-Arms of the Ducal Garrison
    Last edited by Twyster Stronngust; 11-12-2009 at 05:41 PM. Reason: Inactive (cannot find date of last activity)

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