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Thread: Medalling Ceremony - 6/6/2014 "After Mortal Online, through ESO"

  1. #1
    Manus Dei's Avatar
    Manus Dei is online now His Majesty, King Manus of Hyperion
    Duke of Wessex
    Count of Elba
    Grand Master of the Solar Legion
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Medalling Ceremony - 6/6/2014 "After Mortal Online, through ESO"

    The old Cathedral of St-Germain, once known as the Cathedral of Apollon, had its raftered hall filled with uniformed soldiers along with finely dressed statesmen and officials, all seated rather incongruously together in the building's rows of pews.

    A formal red felt lined display case lay open on the dais just to the side of the altar of Sol Deus, where within were laid the fine decorations of Wessex and Hyperion, made according to the ancient style.

    When the Duke of Wessex emerged from a side room and mounted the pulpit, he addressed the crowd with the following words:

    "Those of you receiving medals today are becoming a part of a storied legacy. All the medals you see have looked exactly as they do now since they were first devised, and more, each one has always been awarded for the same purpose, to those who have done the same things. If you are among those today who will be receiving these medals, understand that you are standing shoulder to shoulder with all of those who have received the same medal in the past. You are among an elite company who has done something noble and memorable, something which is part of the very history of Wessex and Hyperion.

    "To those who are fortunate enough to have many medals, not just today but from prior and subsequent award ceremonies, I encourage you to look at your medal box as something of a scrapbook full of mementos and keepsakes. They make up a timeline of your history in Wessex, and hopefully, however metaphorically, the substance of these medals in some way commemorates the weight of what you did here, and what we shared together in our years fighting together on different campaigns, in different lands.

    "The following awardees are being recognized today:

    To Sir Azzerhoden, Bt, the Chamberlain of Wessex, we aware the Medal for Service to the Kingdom, for his service as Chamberlain, including carrying out the duties of both Chancellor and Chamberlain simultaneously for a time.

    To Levald Aurelius, Herald of the Ducal Court, we aware the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his service as Wessex's sole herald. We also award Levald Aurielius the Achievement Medal for his work in diplomacy, often defusing difficult situations in Nave.

    To Reverend Father Varrick ChaosWielder, Chancellor of Wessex, we award the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his zeal and thoroughness in leading the Wessex branch of ESO, including recruiting more than 80 members. We also award him the Commendation Medal for his work in the Church in Mortal Online.

    To Kora, Sir Wooster, and Sir Otto, we award the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for the difficult turns they each took as leaders in Mortal Online.

    We also award Sir Otto the Combat Medal for his commitment and contributions to the war campaign in Nave, ever constant in leadership. We also award Sir Otto the Commendation Medal for his particular attention to detail for the members who were under his charge, many of which are receiving medals today because of his perspicacity.

    To Iseult Eileanan and Keerav Surely, for their generosity to fellow members of Wessex, we award the Commendation Medal for their donation of many mounts to the garrison in Nave and others of their own volition, a value now in excess of several hundred gold.

    We award the Commendation Medal to Azidano Valkran for his thoroughness in creating many sticky posts to aid the members of Nave.

    To Dismas Eleos, for his initiative before his promotion to Ventenar wherein he trained the garrison soldiers with excellency, leading to solid victories which deterred further raiding on Bak-ti, we award the Brass Cross.

    To Culfien Lancelotte, we award the Combat Medal for his involvement in countless victories over the Wessex enemy "Relic" in Nave.

    To Nihilanth Tametomo we award the Commendation Medal for his helpful thread on PVP communication in Nave.

    To Serperion Force, who has endured great loss in combat yet continued to fight without question, we award the Achievement Medal.

    To Grudge Bringer, for his involvement in a skirmish in Yadda in Nave in which Wessex had particularly dominating victory, we award the Combat Medal.

    To Apoca Ailen, for his dedication in fighting in the War of Four Hammers, being one of the few available to defend the keep successfully during its siege, we award the Combat Medal. We also award him the Commendation Medal for his extremely helpful thread on fighter builds.

    To Amethys Reddawn, we award the Iron Cross for his work as a spy in loyal service to Sir Wooster as leader of Wessex in Nave, during which time he obtained valuable information about the enemy.

    For his leadership in Agon as Bailiff of Wessex, we award Sir Audin Cardew the Medal for Service to the Kingdom.

    To Valdovas Kastangi and Sir Azzerhoden Razeri, Bt, we award the Distinguished Fighting Cross for their defeat in combat of the Emperor of Tamriel on two separate occasions.

    May the Radiant Lord bless and keep our awardees and all of Wessex."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    As His Majesty finished dispensing of medals, there was an odd silence for a few moments. The kind of silence that is eerie and seems entirely impossible in such circumstances, with numbers present in the Cathedral. You could see it in their faces, everyone stunned with emotion and unable to speak. Finally being recognized for the deeds they had done. Sure, their friends and and comrades knew quite well of the sacrifices that had been made - the battles fought and time spent. However, knowing now that everyone in the Duchy, and the Kingdom, would recognize them for what they had done was something different.

    One of the men who had received two medals was the first to react. He was of average height, seemed to be somewhere in his mid twenties, and had the bulky build typical of a career soldier. However, despite what his body suggested, his clothing wove a completely different tale. He wore the robes of a pursuivant, of which you could tell were well worn from wear, yet still seemingly immaculate. It was a confusing sight, all around.

    He was the first in the massive hall to stand and begin cheering, which seemed to be amplified a great deal by the rooms natural acoustics. It wasn't more than a few moments before others joined in.

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