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Thread: The Heresy of Lucius?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Varrick ChaosWielder View Post
    That power isn't granted to a Priest. Even I couldn't of done it myself, thus never claimed credit to doing it solo. Takes the Ecumenical Council to do it.
    It may take the Ecumenical Council within the Church of Wessex. I am, shall we say, without the Church of Wessex (whose head and whose ranking clergymen have been revealed to me by the Radiant Lord as being in sin and error due to the rejection of the love of God in the Sacrifice of Lucius) as I am without the *ahem* realm of Wessex. (Grand Serjeantry, I presume?)

    It is really a very simple thing, and for your own good.

    Until this is resolved, by the mercy of Soldeus
    , you who deny Lucius will not be given communion or the other sacraments by me, by my deacon, or by any other clergy of the Ordo Lucius, or by any other orthodox clergy of the Church of Soldeus under the Aegis Imperium and elsewhere. You should not, for the sake of your Sparks, take communion among yourselves, though you are still under any and all obligations to worship and attend the services of the Radiant Lord.

    You will not preach your heresy in the gathering of my flock.

    You will not further address this issue here with me in the privacy of your own chambers, or if so addressing you will not receive a response here. I and my flock will not, in any sense, attend. Due to the indwelling heresy yet to be rooted out of your diocese and nation, this is not the place, nor the time.

    Other effects of the excommunication that has been imposed are:
    1. an obligation on others to prevent you excommunicated persons from acting in a ministerial capacity in the liturgy or, if this proves impossible, to suspend the liturgical service;
    2. invalidity of acts of ecclesiastical governance by you, the excommunicated persons.
      • This last means that as much as I once might have relied upon your counsel and guidance, I can do so no longer until you return to the pure faith-- though I am by no means relieved of my duty as priestess and desire of fellowship to admonish and counsel you.
    This decree is a "medicinal penalty" intended to invite you to change your behavior or attitude, repent, and return to full communion. It is not an "expiatory penalty" designed to make satisfaction for the wrong done, much less a "vindictive penalty" designed solely to punish.

    This decree does not dim or damn your soul's Spark of the Father's Heavenly Radiance, though your own conduct and sad beliefs may effect exactly that, over time.

    The decree of excommunication and the (may Soldeus grant it!) attending absolution from excommunication in history has been usually or normally reserved to a bishop, but another ordinary (or even a Pope where one is seated-- alas for the small numbers of the faithful, the Seat of Lucius is, in all of Nave, currently empty and likely to remain so for some time) can also impose and relent these decrees; thus, it is as ordinary of the Church of Soldeus (outside Wessex, which is currently benighted), a personal prelature which has elected me, and not as leader pro tem of the Ordo Lucius that I was led to decree as I have.

    May Soldeus have mercy on you and rekindle the Sparks within you.

    *makes the motion of washing each hand with the other, and leaves*
    Casilda Tametomo, Herald of the Aegis Imperium,
    «Si oblitus fuero usque ad finem omnia opera eorum»

    Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.

  2. #52


    Casilda Tametomo: The one who discovered the Corporeal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, excellent journalist, quoter of sources.
    Manus Dei: The one who declares Lucius (the central, most prominent figure of the entire religion) as heretical, yet has the audacity to declare himself "Supreme Head of the Church of' Soldeus'". (It would be more accurate to call it the Church of 'Wessex' instead.

    The Truth is clear from Falsehood for those who believe.
    Last edited by Azidano Valkran; 05-02-2014 at 10:25 AM. Reason: Mispelling of Casilda's full name

  3. #53
    Varrick ChaosWielder's Avatar
    Varrick ChaosWielder is offline Former Parson of the Holy Church of Sol Invictus
    Convicted of treason by His Grace, Bernardo Orienne
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    Are you ACTIVELY trying to get yourself in more trouble? Do not mix ooc and ic and expect anything good to happen from it.
    Yours respectfully in Soldeus,
    His Excellency, The Reverend Father Varrick ChaosWielder, Abbot of the Church of Soldeus
    Head of the Church of Soldeus|The Parson of Nave|Retired Chancellor of Wessex

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Varrick ChaosWielder View Post
    Are you ACTIVELY trying to get yourself in more trouble? Do not mix ooc and ic and expect anything good to happen from it.
    Is this meant to be in reference to Casilda's post about her MO thread? I don't think I see any ooc elements in her previous post in this thread, or my previous one in this thread, for that matter.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    ((I do try to indicate when I am either
    • in-character, when the norm would be to "to be out-of-character", or
    • out-of-character, when the norm would be "to be in character".
    The topic of this thread and its delivery pretty much demanded being out of character until the last, which was in-character, and in a silly but useful convention, the ((<text>)) here would indicate what is not-in-character.
    Quote Originally Posted by Azidano Valkran View Post
    Casilda Tametoto
    ... omg ...

    On the internet, no-one is supposed to know you're a dog.
    Last edited by Casilda Tametomo; 05-02-2014 at 09:59 AM. Reason: Said exact opposite of the intended. I blame Umbra.*jk*
    Casilda Tametomo, Herald of the Aegis Imperium,
    «Si oblitus fuero usque ad finem omnia opera eorum»

    Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Casilda Tametomo View Post
    Guys, I love you, but I just excommunicated all of you.

    The Excommunication of the Heretics That Were in Wessex.

    Don't worry, it's a "kinder, gentler" excommunication.

    And until we take this RP religion party elsewhere, this could kind of wrap it up nicely.
    I riposte with quill and parchment.

    To Revered Mother Casilda Tametomo,

    Reverend Mother, to excommunicate any of the devout, Wessexian or otherwise, without due consideration of their personal connection with Our Father and their countless demonstrations of True Faith, is in itself a work of The Deceiver.

    Do you seek to split His Radiance's flock based on the hearsay of the mob? Unless His Grace has held an audience dismissing the canon of Lucius to which no one I seem to know had been sent due invitation, I cannot, in good faith, trust the words that make the claim.

    What I can trust is evidence of deeds done in the name of the preservation of His Radiance's loved.

    His Grace's own soldiers mounted valiant defenses in the name of Our Lord countless times in the rocky abyss of the North. Though now the former Archbishop of Nave is considered a usurper, I need remind you that some still among those you seek to turn away from the light with a deceptive claim of righteous authority had served with the late Sir Balthasar Drake on the field of battle during the Crusades. If you would seek to trample me under foot in the name of calming a scared herd of reactionary livestock, then I have no choice but to seek out one Malachi Drake, wherever he may be, to set right what was right to begin with.

    Do you still stand to damn the dead whom sacrificed life, wealth, and hearth to defend The Holy Church? In doing so you damn those still living to a colder grave than theirs. You cannot truly believe this to be the right course, can you? Assuredly, I take no greater offence. Still, I do not think any less of you or your work and how you have toiled under the rays of His glory. That you would so soon forget those whom once toiled to hold back the pressing darkness of deceit and hatred which sought to shake the very foundations of His Church is alarming.

    Do excuse my simple language, Reverend Mother. It has been quite a few months since I've put quill to parchment. I trust that this reaches you in time.

    Sir Otto Osterwind

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