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Thread: Wessex Darkfall 2?

  1. #31


    I know wessex recruited for quite awhile before the original darkfall launched. Perhaps its wise to figure out the core membership and then begin recruiting in advance for darkfall 2, bolster the numbers etc. Sadly I need to get a new job before I can commit to any new MMO's.

  2. #32
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Amethys Reddawn View Post
    AS i heard there is totally new world. old one is gone. new start for everybody.

    my bad experience was that we played couple hours with duffo and we died couple times because all surrounding was too hard for new player. goblins was only easy thing and couple hours didnt give anything to get away from that place. as soon we tried little bear took us both down almost one shot.
    There is tons of stuff you can kill as a newbie, just gotta know how and where, and i agree darkfall 1 isnt very newbie friendly but they have already stating that it will be more friendly to new players this time around. but hey this time around you will have the advice of seasoned vets like myself who has played since beta, 3 years ago this month.

  3. #33
    Malachi Drake is offline The Usurper
    Former Bishop of Wessex
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    Mar 2009


    Could be a fun oppertunity.

  4. #34


    Shit, if we can gin up this kind of response to a forum, count me in. If it stinks, we can just hang around and bang our heads against a wall for a few years...... Oh wait, that's called mortal. Lol

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    10 members looking! Stop looking and chime in folks. Lets keep this thing going

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I'll believe when I see it tbh.

    The ship has sailed for Aventurine when it comes to anymore money out of my pocket going to them as a company.

    If all else fails and I find myself bored to bits I *may* give it a whirl but I seriously doubt it.

  7. #37


    Guys we have to remain positive

    Now for some who are following this thread including myself AV and Darkfall have given joy and also disappointment, more than likely in equal amounts, but without a doubt for me anyway it is the closest I have been to being in the real McCoy!

    I and many others here have tried nearly every MMO going to try and gain.......I don`t know what but that ....... feeling.
    Darkfall nearly had it and could have it in Darkfall 2, if it doesn't then we have lost nothing.

    So lets keep hoping. I say that we approach this with a clear and open mind because we can all gripe about dev companies not providing what they promised.

    I hope we see this thing take off, and hopefully we can see the true rebuilding of Wessex from this shell that we now are.
    If nothing else it will give us a common goal to approach and organise as a collective...as Wessex!

    I really would like to organise a informal chat to go through some fears and establish the foundation of this new adventure.

    Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

  8. Default

    I will definitely be in DF 2.0 as I am convinced it will be what Darkfall was meant to be like. Work on DF 2.0 has been going on for a long time now. They have had a great opportunity to take everything they have learned from Darkfall and have the freedom to change everything.

    While this has slowed updates to the current version it is, in my opinion, a very good move as there is only so much you can do with incremental changes. You can only change x so much as it still needs to be balanced with y, which in turn has to be balanced with z. However they are now changing the whole alphabet which is very exciting indeed! (upon re-reading this I fear being a Clerk has sadly warped my sense of humour...)

    The first incarnation of Wessex shook the whole server, the last incarnation didn't have anywhere near the same number of people but we showed we were the match of anyone with our discipline, tactics and teamwork.

    We also have highly skilled individuals like Sir Tarscanian Sothenic who, when combined with said tactics and discipline, can let those who were not focused on the martial arts and those who had not yet acquired a reasonable proficiency in said arts, like Roy Koh, have the glorious feeling you get when gazing at the fallen bodies of numerous mortal foes laying still upon a suddenly quiet battlefield!

    To succeed though we will need leaders, people willing to do the leg work that is involved with running such a unique guild. For myself I cannot guarantee being able to help. This is due to my illness, Chronic Fatigue, which means that I may or may not have the energy to play at any given time, and if I do I may not be able to do much work. I hate to see thing that need to be done not being done though and very much like to assist the guild in a general manner and will do such, however the guild cannot rely upon that help.

  9. #39


    Every man count and it's only nice to see so many people showing up and supporting this

  10. #40
    Jaidyn Sothenic's Avatar
    Jaidyn Sothenic is offline Lord of Brockmoore
    Earl of Launceston

    Warden of Wessex
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    Nov 2008


    If its a complete wipe and a new world I will be interested.

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