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Thread: Returning once again.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Returning once again.

    Hello again Wessex, I believe I'll be returning to a consistent status very soon as I should be getting a new PC. Hopefully then I'll be playing whatever game it is the Duchy is playing. If possible give me some updates. I hope my favorite people are still around as well.

    " Life is a test many quest the universe, And through my research, I felt the joy and the hurt, The first shall be last and the last shall be first, The basic instructions before leaving earth " - GZA

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Good to have you back again Keaven. A lot of the guys are playing Perpetuum because Mortal Online sorta failed hard. It will get better soon though. They have fixed the majority of bugs and are working on content now.

  3. #3


    Welcome back.
    You basically have 4/5 of Wessex playing Perpetuum, and the rest playing MO. Up to you what you want to follow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    MO ruined a good thing, that being Darkfall. Once I get a new PC I'm gonna try Perpetuum but I don't think I'm gonna like it.

    " Life is a test many quest the universe, And through my research, I felt the joy and the hurt, The first shall be last and the last shall be first, The basic instructions before leaving earth " - GZA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    MO didn't ruin darkfall. darkfall ruined darkfall

    well i'm looking forward to see you in perpetuum.

  6. #6


    MO didn't ruin Darkfall it got people to realise which was the better game and lately it's been getting plenty of MO players to come back or try it and people are enjoying themselves.

    Darkfall: still the best full loot pvp game on the market. You should come play Keaven. Long time no see m8 ^_^

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ninogan Swiftstep View Post
    MO didn't ruin Darkfall it got people to realise which was the better game and lately it's been getting plenty of MO players to come back or try it and people are enjoying themselves.

    Darkfall: still the best full loot pvp game on the market. You should come play Keaven. Long time no see m8 ^_^
    Seriously? I have to agree with you Ninogan. It's not great but it definitely is the best one out there. So many good memories from Darkfall times to be honest but I won't be returning there because of my lack of skill with the game =/ Even when I was up to date with everyone elses skills (as up to date as I could be without macroing) I was still shit...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I do have good memories with Darkfall and would like to play it again, but until it implements some skill-cap that would actually force people to specialize and not have to grind for months to fight on even ground, I don't see a comeback being realistic at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    We'll once I get my new PC put together I'll be playing Darkfall again. I'll be trying to get others to Wessex it up on there as well.

    " Life is a test many quest the universe, And through my research, I felt the joy and the hurt, The first shall be last and the last shall be first, The basic instructions before leaving earth " - GZA

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Elagost Thego View Post
    Yep. Most of Myrmidon has made a guild and tons of others from MO is there. After Aventurine posted their interview with me on their blog (which you can read here) I got like 100 (no exaggeration) tells from people saying hi and telling me how they had just left MO and remembered me from there. Cool stuff.

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