Members of Wessex, on this day let it be known that a second call to assize has been made.

Accused in this trial stands Agasutin LeGaude, archer of the Ducal Garrison, for the crime of assaulting and killing a steed belonging to Nathero Aristo, trial member of Wessex.

The following persons have been selected to attend as jury, and are to make their presence known to the court: Malaclypse Escalus, man-at-arms of the Ducal Garrison; Zehtuka Fireglore, man-at-arms of the Ducal Garrison; Ruben Rybnik, villein of Wessex; Timian Teeraal, bowman of the Brockmoore Garrison; Tiberius McTavish, villein of Wessex; Bronvictus Grayham, bowman of the Brockmoore Garrison.

The defendant has 24 hours to either respond, or select a representative to respond in his place. If this period should pass without reply, the defendant shall be counted as guilty and judged accordingly.

Sub Signum Rex.