Rhodri Taliesin had not performed the traditional vigil - the silent sitting through the night in the Cathedral before the dawn ceremony of knighthood. Instead, he had been packing his bags to leave the Wessex capitol of Wentus-Castrum, on to adventures, honor, glory, and who knows what else - but elsewhere. It was a messenger who had found him at the stables of the inn and summoned him to the Cathedral that morning.

The banners of the duke of Wessex and a small entourage met him at the front doors of the Cathedral, which had not yet been opened. When Mister Rhodri dismounted, Manus, the king and duke, clapped a hand on his shoulder and nodded as if to say, "all things, well done."

Then, he said - aloud - , "Mister Rhodri, I do not know what future adventures summon you, but, if you are willing, and you accept, I might lay the honor of a knightly title on you before you leave. Do you accept?"