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Thread: The new Mage Guide.

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    Default The new Mage Guide.

    I do not take credit for this guide it was originally posted by Giumar. I am simply re-posting it in a tread of it's own for viewers. Enjoy

    Edit note: I fixed a few things Guimar missed, or added things that are optional. I also added prices to books.

    This is a guide to make your new mage viable in a comparably short time without the need to stay very much time ingame to train the skills manually. So it might not be the fastest way for someone who wants to spend 4 hours a day training his character but a very effective way to make the character viable while playing other characters, farming cash with a fighter or when you are a casual gamer. It still involves manual training but this way it's much faster than only reading books without being overbearing.
    Also this is just one possebility of a good skillsetting for a mage so make up your mind about how you want to play and maybe you have to make some changes. But lets start.

    Primaryskills overview:
    1. Agility
    2. Endurance
    3. Defensive Stance
    4. Combat Maneuvering (50/60 + Attribute bonus) and Magic Schools (50-55 + Attribute bonus)
    5. Vitalism
    6. Mental Training
    7. Mental Offense
    8. Survival (optional)
    9. Anatomy
    10. Creature Control
    11. Taming
    12. Armor Training (50/100 Depending on how much weight you want to have for armor)
    13. free points to spent in what ever you like

    Attribute Overview:
    Str.: This is an Attribute that can be raised with your discretion. Some mages nowadays use spears in battle you may want to put the remaining points in here instead of Psyche, as you can also carry more items.
    Dex.: Maxed
    Con.: Maxed
    Psy: Remaining points (optional) (increases speed when you are a ghost and increases magic resistance by 0.2 dmg-points per 1 Psy)
    Int: Maxed (increases magic damage and amount of healed hp, at least from what I've read)
    Mana = Psy + Int

    Step 1:
    Move a character with the following items to Toxai (or ask a guild mate to transport the stuff to the town and transfer it to your new character):
    250 silver to buy Mana-Regeneration in Toxai
    250 silver to buy Mental Focus in Toxai
    sufficient silver to buy about 100 minor healing pots

    Reading 10s
    Magic Schools 10s
    Vitalism 50s
    Mental Training 50s
    Concentration 10s
    Passive Regeneration 1000s (Hermit Hill South of Moh'ki)
    Ecumenical Spells 10s
    Mental Offense 10s

    Step 2:
    Create your character, preferably a fullblood Veela (or 2xSheevra+2xVeela to get the Sheevra look but still having enough dex). Age 22
    (some guys make the character older to have more mana and less dex but I would rather recommend to create him with the smallest size which takes 20hp and gives you 20 points to spent in Psy/Int to get 20 more mana and still being incredible fast)

    Step 3:
    choose Toxai as starting town.

    Step 4:
    Transfer the above listed Items to your new character either through the post NPC or with the help of a guild mate. Buy the books you can only buy in Toxai and dont forget to put the stuff in the bank which you don't need for the next step.

    Step 5:
    Read and cancel "Reading" to get the skill, it will increase itself by simply reading other books so keep it on "+" until it hits 100. Set it on "-" afterwards that the system can take the points out of it later on when you need them for the last useful skill.
    Start reading "Magic Schools"
    Buy a inventory full of minor pots
    Lock Strength, it doesn't need to be raised.
    Sprint out of town and go to the pigs. (You will get Agility and Endurance while you're on the way.) Hit one of them until it attacks you. Stuck your block and let it hit you, this will train your dex, con and defensive stance. If you run on low health drink pots.
    Do this until you maxed out your con, dex and defensive stance. If you need more pots, run back to town - always sprint, it will train your endurance and agility! (If you already got combat maneuvering keep it on "+" you'll need 50 points in total in that skill)

    Step 6:
    check your "Magic Schools" skill, you can cancel reading when it hits the 50ish. If you are ready with training on pigs before it hits the 50 though you can toggle combat mode on and simply hit auto walk to train "Combat Maneuvering". You need it on 50 in total so mind your extra points you get from your high dexterity (12 or 11, depends on your race-setting).
    After you cancelled your "Magic Schools" book start reading "Vitalism" until 50. Then start reading "Mana-Regeneration" and cancel it.

    Step 7:
    Start reading "Mental Training". Now you should sprint to Vadda and talk to the Taming Tutor right in front of the town gates. He will teach you Domestication, Creature Control and Taming.
    Afterwards sprint back to Toxai. Train your agility and survival/swimming in Toxai until the "Mental Training" skill reaches 50. (sprint around, jump and swim in the ocean... Nice life he? )
    Then cancel "Mental Training".

    Step 8:
    Start reading and cancel "Mental Focus" and "Concentration". Afterwards start reading "Mental Offense". Now you'll have much time (some days I guess) until the book is finished but it's important that you fully read "Mental Offense" because it skills up very slowly if trained manually. Meanwhile you can max out your Survival (optional), Agility, Endurance and Combat Maneuvering ( CM at 50) if you haven't done so already.

    Step 9:
    When you finished reading "Mental Offense" start reading "Passive Regeneration" and cancel it again.
    Afterwards start reading "Ecumenical Spells".
    Now you reached the point where you can actually start to train your magic abilities. Pick up some water off a river or the ocean and start casting Spurt on yourself (switch the alt-function or hold alt the whole time...). This will train your Vitalism, Mana Regeneration, Mental Training, Mental Focus, Concentration, Mental Offense and your Passive Regeneration aswell. Cast Spurt on yourself at least until Mental Offense is at 100 and Mental Focus in the 60's.
    You also may travel to the center of Wessex's activity now because there shouldn't be any books left in your storage in Toxai.

    Step 10:
    Read "Ecumenical Spells" until it hits the 60. Now you're able to cast a heavy damaging Thunderlash and an effective Greater Healing as well as Corrupt and Magic Reflection. Afterwards buy "Armor training" from the Librarian, start reading it and cancel it. This will give you an immediat equipment weight limit boost so you should be able to wear armors up to 7kg now without encumbrance. They still lower your mana regeneration though by about 30% so it's up to you if you are willing to take that tradeoff for more protection or not. (but it's assumed that you do, at least with this skill setup)

    Edit Note: It is considered customary to at least read Armor Training to 50, this will increase the armor you can wear to 9kg. I skilled mine to max for the extra points. This is of course at your discretion, but it is nice to wear slightly heavy armor so you last longer in battle.

    Step 11:
    Buy and read the whole "Anatomy" book. It will give you the ability to heal yourself greatly with bandages. Very important as it saves your mana for healing others or dealing damage and is in general not relying on your mana pool.

    Point of utility reached!

    The rest of this guide is completely optional.

    Step 12:
    Buy, read and cancel "Diving". (optional, increases the time you can hold your breath under water significantly. Found in Moh ki, Vadda)
    Buy and read the complete "Taming" book.

    Step 13:
    Buy and read "Subsisting". Meanwhile tame brown bears to train your Taming to 85 and stay afk in town with a tamed bear to increase your creature control passively. (or do whatever you want, just have the bear with you)

    Step 14:
    Last book you may or may not read: "Resistance Swimming" (found in Moh ki, Vadda. Increases the weight you can carry while swimming without sinking.)

    Thank you Giumar for this post. I hope this assists mages in the future.
    Last edited by Heratick Viscious; 11-12-2011 at 03:51 PM.

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