Within the great halls of the Cathedral the faithful children of Soldeus have gathered to witness the Rite of Ordination. Outside the sun has reached its highest point and the light of the Radiant Lord shines through the dome window above. A dais stands proudly within the circle of light and upon it rests the holy symbol of Soldeus. His Grace, Malachi Drake, stands before the dais as he calls forth Kaideline Taitharn.

"Kaideline Taitharn, as an Archbishop of the Church of Soldeus, I attest that you have received the proper training and that you have proven yourself worthy of Ordination to the Priesthood of the Church of Soldeus. We rely on the help of the Radiant Lord and our Saviour Lucius and, having displayed great piety and devotion to both the diocese of wessex and to Soldeus, we choose you, our sister, for priesthood. Are you willing to serve Soldeus and His Church as a faithful priest?"

Malachi Drake offers his hand to the priestly candidate.