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Thread: Vow of Faith, Kaideline Taitharn

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Vow of Faith, Kaideline Taitharn

    I, Kaideline Taitharn, with this public vow, give of myself freely and willingly in service to Soldeus, our Radiant and Glorious Lord. I vow to remain obedient and pure of heart and mind so that I may repent of my past and love Soldeus and all His children unconditionally and completely. I relinquish all that I have and all that I posses so that I may become all that our Radiant Lord would of me in his service and so that I may better see the world through His eyes. I choose a life of obedience to His voice and to His Church so that I may help friend and foe alike know His love and I will follow His will above all else.

    I will give praise to Soldeus, Heavenly Father and Radiant Lord, for all who receive.
    I will defend all that is sacred with my life and my very Inner Spark.
    I will be true to the faithful and forgive the unfaithful.
    I will honor the Order of St. Jude and the Church in both word and deed.
    I will obey the teachings of the Order of St. Jude and shalt spread the word of Soldeus.
    I will not covet worldly goods or status.
    I will give freely of myself to the Order, the Church and all those who are in need.
    I will never forsake my duty and shall remain true to my pledged word.
    I will always trust in the will of Soldeus.
    I will adhere to the Rules of the Order of St. Jude at all times.

    Kaideline Taitharn.
    Verbis defectis musica incipit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Sister Kaideline Taitharn, on behalf of the Church of Soldeus I welcome you into the Order of Saint Jude. May you serve Soldeus, your church and your order through times of joy and times of despair and hardship and may the Heavenly Father bless you and your hard work.

    May Soldeus protect you, keep you on the path of righteousness and help you guide those that have fallen from the path back into His loving embrace, lest they face eternal damnation.


    The Very Reverend Father Elagost Thego
    Vicar of Wessex

  3. #3

    Default Let It Hereby Be Duly Recorded

    By my hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex, the College of Arms finds this Oath to be given in good order, and it is hereby recorded. May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon the Holy Church and upon all of His Grace's Desmesnes.

    Levald Aurelius
    Pursuivant to
    Lady Sothenic

    of the College of Arms
    of the Duchy of Wessex

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