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View Full Version : Hyperion PvP Ladder

Falesh Helithian
04-04-2011, 10:22 PM
We have agreed to create a PvP Ladder for members of Hyperion to use for their enjoyment. The rules will be roughly as follows, I will update any last minute changes when the time comes:

Initially we will have the 10 best Lux & the 10 best Wessex as well as some from Bag & Sword fight it out. These will then be ranked on the ladder depending on how well they did. For 2 weeks after that the people not included in the initial fighting can challenge anyone on the ladder multiple times. After that the ladder is locked at which point you can only challenge people up to 5 ranks above you.

Fights are a best of 3 with no restrictions unless you both decide to use some. If the challenger wins they are then placed above their opponent in the ladder. So if Gorr Torr was rank 46 and Roy Koh was rank 42 and Gorr Torr beat Roy Koh he would then be placed at 42 and Roy Koh would go down to 43.

Because of the no restrictions rule people will be using good gear. I am making a bag for this with Infernal, Hellraiser, etc. Don't worry if you can't afford this, just use what you can and have fun. You can still beat out geared opponents and there will also be plenty of others without the top end gear. Besides, the emphasis is on having fun not epeening! :p

The site showing the ladder rankings is found here (http://www.dfvendors.com/ladder/). To log in use the password "fortheking". The current rankings are there only to illustrate what it will look like, it will be reset once we officially start.

Jake Dane
04-05-2011, 04:56 AM
Nice work Falesh.

Cyndane Drake
04-05-2011, 06:50 AM
Haha this sounds strangely familiar. Looks very good Falesh!

Alexander TheDutch
04-05-2011, 10:38 AM
how to sign up for this?

Falesh Helithian
04-05-2011, 10:53 AM
how to sign up for this?

You don't need to sign up, so long as you are a member of Hyperion you can issue challenges once the ladder gets underway. I'm not entirely sure when it will start due to the current war but we do want it to get underway in the not too distant future as it will provide a nice way to pass any downtime we have.

Ether Rael
04-05-2011, 10:59 AM
It's probably the main reason Lux have stayed together for so long and why they have developed trainer roles and a real focus on character improvement - thanks for getting this going :D

Falesh Helithian
04-08-2011, 08:22 PM
Rejoice, the time has come to begin the Ladder! The opening event will take place on Sunday at 20:00 CET, 19:00 UK time. The top 20 Wessex will be fighting the top 20 Lux and some from Bag & Sword to determine the initial rankings. So lets get a nice lot of people online and have some fun!

Alexander TheDutch
04-08-2011, 10:49 PM
cant fight single handed. ill sit this true for now hehe. gl and have fun

Falesh Helithian
04-11-2011, 10:42 AM
The ladder has been set up, the following are the full rules.

The ladder can be seen at the following page:
Password: fortheking

Please arrange your challenge by PMing someone ingame to agree the place and time.

- Players may challenge someone up to five places above them on the ladder.

- Challenges should be played out over the best of three duels and must be witnessed by one other Guild member.

- No restrictions on gear/mounts/skills/consumables.

- Duels are a best of 3.

- Challenges need to happen within 72 hours. If the challenge does not happen by then THE CHALLENGER wins by default.

- The same players may only challenge each other twice (i.e. 4 challenges in total) in any 7 day period, with a minimum of 24 hours between each challenge.

- New players to the ladder get two free challenges against players in any position on the ladder, if they lose the first challenge the second challenge must be against a lower ranked player.

- The results of challenges must be posted BY THE CHALLENGER in a new thread on these forums with a "[DUEL]" tag in front of the title

- It would be good (especially if you are in the top 10 on the Ladder) if you could post when these challenges will take place, so that others can watch and learn from them. However, you do NOT have to post the challenges in advance if you don't want to.

- Any d/c, serious player lag or enemy raid during a duel means that duel must be re-started.

- Duelling location and boundaries (e.g. whether you can run inside buildings) must be agreed by the two fighters.

- Non-duelling Hyperion Guild Officers have the final say in any disputes.

Have fun and good luck!!