View Full Version : Giumars Shieldshop reopened

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-03-2011, 11:07 PM
Ladies and gentleman,

first I have to say hello again to all old and new members of wessex! I wasnīt ingame for very long because I was demoralized of this game for long and when I started again I had to leave right afterwards because of some rl activities.

I was in game now for several days and spent some time on my crafters and trained my fighter up which I remade (same name) and now I can offer awesome shields again! No more words, just read my descriptions. ;)

All following attributes of the shields are for kite shields! If you want round shields they will be 0.20kg heavier and have -50 Durability less.

The appearance of the deco will be the same than of the frame!

Discount for following shields: Buy 10 get 11!

0.7ish kg Shields:

1. LightScale:
Price: 40s
weight: 0.70
Dura: 265
Look: Scale coat(like keeled scales) with white frame, no deco

2. NorthernGuard:
Price: 40s
weight: 0.77
Dura: 295
Look: "textile" white coat with shiny black frame, bar/cross deco

0.8ish kg Shields:

1. HeavyScale:
Price: 40s
weight: 0.80
Dura: 296
Look: Scale coat(like keeled scales) with shiny black frame, bar/cross deco

0.9ish kg Shields:

1. BlackSpider:
Price: 40s
weight: 0.91
Dura: 292
Look: patchy red coat with shiny black frame, bar/cross deco

1.0ish kg Shields:

1. WhiteSpider:
Price: 50s
weight: 1.00
Dura: 323
Look: patchy red coat with white frame, sun deco

2. Dragonskin:
Price: 50s
weight: 1.01
Dura: 335
Look: Scale coat (like horned scales) with white frame, sun deco

3. Stoneshield:
Price: 50s
weight: 1.06
Dura: 336
Look: shiny black coat with white frame, sun deco

My Crafter is based in Moh-Ki. I do deliveries to other towns with 10 shields as minimum amount and to the Wessex keep with 5 shields as minimum amount.

And to all doubters: yes shields are very useful in pvp! Beside the higher perfect blocking rate around 25% of all melee hits you will get in a fight will be equipment hits! And if you have to run from a fight almost every hit you get in your back will be an equipment hit too!

All the best and cya soon!

Gragash Vulgor
04-04-2011, 12:17 AM
Hey Giumar would you take a pupil? Hephestos, my blacksmith can also craft shields :P

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-04-2011, 08:40 AM
If your Blacksmith is a weaponsmith you will not have enough skillpoints left anyhow... But even if you have I have to say sorry but no. Maybe you can imagine how long it took me to find out the attributes of the different materials in the different parts of a shield, the best combinations and how expensive that was... I am not rich though and have to pay my taxes again as soon as I can. So I am sorry.
But I can you give an advice: Metals look really cool in shields especially pig Iron - but the weight will always be over 1.00 kg and I wanted to make light shields. So maybe you want to go in that metal shield direction as I served the light shield section already?...

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-05-2011, 09:17 AM
Is still no one using shields in wessex? *sad* :P

Wooster Redwood
04-05-2011, 09:35 AM
I'll be needing some lighter shields you have.

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-05-2011, 06:03 PM
Sir Wooster, please say clear which type and how much you want. LightScale - they are my lightest shields. Or maybe you want a cheaper version, the peasant shield? ;)

Kaideline Taitharn
04-05-2011, 06:13 PM
Bring along 2 Peasant Shields would you? For my Ftr, whose name I can't remember atm. :)

Banal is his name. I'll send him off to Vada.

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-05-2011, 06:53 PM
okay sure, when will you be there approximatly?

just look out for Malgor or Lordomar in Vadda, they are my crafters.

edit: Thanks for the trade^^

Phocian Night
04-05-2011, 08:03 PM
By God Sir, Mantos of Wessex Keep shall buy a Heavy Scale Shield.

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-05-2011, 09:40 PM
Okay very good Sir! Send me a pm with the info when you want to appear in vadda to take it. :)
(write the estimated time together with the timezone - earliest in 11h, its gonna be very late night here soon)

Heratick Viscious
04-07-2011, 05:08 AM
Lol Lordomar you sold me that sword yesterday didn't realize that was you! Anyhow tomorrow ill prolly be sending my ftr that way to get a few shields ill look for you when i get there. :)

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-07-2011, 10:00 PM
I cant remember of a player named Carsok but probably i sold it to one of your other alts? ;) nvm I hang around in vadda every now and then but my girlfriend is here for a few days so I will not be online so often till sunday. ;) Just contact me for your needs if you see me.

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-12-2011, 02:42 PM
My shieldcrafter Malgor successfully moved to moh-khi today so naves best shields are right next to your door! ;)

*Advertising* Every order you give me within this week get a free shield of your choice on top!

Giumar Sturmzinne
04-21-2011, 03:44 PM
Changed Name and materials of the Kallardshield to NorthernGuard with 0.77 weight and 295 Dura now (instead of 0.82/298). The look is still the same.

Quinton Emeka
05-10-2011, 06:26 PM
Giumar, I would like to order 2 round Whitespider shields and 3 round Heavy Scale shields.

Giumar Sturmzinne
05-11-2011, 10:27 AM
It will be a pleasure Sir! please post me your esteemed online times (with timezone) for the next 2 days per pm so I know when I shall look for you ingame. (I dont play much atm)

Giumar Sturmzinne
05-23-2011, 09:57 PM
Added a new Shield type!

10. Dragonskin:
Price: 50s
weight: 0.93
Dura: 304
Look: Scale coat (like horned scales) with black frame, no deco

Giumar Sturmzinne
06-30-2011, 11:51 AM
This store is opened again! lol^^ I decided to not drop shield crafting yet because of the armor training you can easily take a shield. I also will try to get the metals lore now since most metals look cool and have high durability. Donīt know yet which skill I should drop though. So it will take some time until new shields are avaliable. (old ones are valid though)

Jacen Olliard
06-30-2011, 02:34 PM
Good to hear! I don't use them much but your shields have always looked gorgeous.

Giumar Sturmzinne
07-01-2011, 11:37 PM
Thanks for the compliment Jacin. :) But probably I still wont get many customers lol^^

For those who are interested: I will use the mail system to serve your requests when I canīt catch you ingame. So if you make a request please tell me the exact name of the character who needs the shield(s).

Kiratru Faellyan
07-02-2011, 09:25 AM
I want the best shield you can craft :) I don't care about decoration (I can't see it anyway) ;D

Giumar Sturmzinne
07-02-2011, 03:32 PM
Got you ingame already. :)

Giumar Sturmzinne
07-05-2011, 02:14 AM
New Layout of the opening Post! (I summarized shields to groups. These groups have a weight difference of 0.10kg to the next group)
I also changed materials and decorations of most shields and changed some prices. Have a look on it. :)

Now, have good fights with the shields of the master shieldcrafter Malgor! ;)