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View Full Version : Quantum praedecessores: a Holy War on Sun

Brandon Greymoor
04-03-2011, 03:02 AM
Leaders from all over Agon joined the Hyperion leadership in secret, plotting away in private chambers of Long March Keep, creating plans against a foe who had gone unchallenged for too long. High Reeve Mister Roy Koh amongst them...

"This threat must be quelled. These lands have been shrouded in the foulest taint, second only to that of Umbra's." The words of truth fell from the lips of the dark skinned Alfar as he addressed the conregation of stern, wisened faces around the large, oaken table residing inside the grand keep of Long March.
The tired eyes that laid upon the hooded figure that stood before this group, told many different tales of the affect this overwhelming shadow had on the people's of Agon. Those of pain, sorrow, anger and some with pure hatred.

"This discussion has gone on long enough and those that disagreed have made their position very well known indeed. They will not be returning safetly home. We cannot risk any plans being discovered." The remaining peoples around the table exchanged looks of agreement before turning their gaze once more on Mister Roy Koh.
"Plans are underway and you all now know what must be looked for once the time comes. When it does, I trust you will uphold your promises and stand alongside us as one to fight back this creeping darkness."
Roy Koh surveyed the faces around him, slight optimism beginning to adorn the majority.

"Until then. Goodnight gentlemen."

The following happend upon the 2nd of April 2011; Hyperion forces gathered up within the Fortress of Andruk, the Garrison lined up in their strict ranks armed ready for battle. Trusting in Soldeus' guidence - willing to march into the unknown and fight whoever should be awaiting them.

Secrecy surrounded the movement to the target location, a force of 54 strong taking the untravelled routes of Agon to avoid detection. Arriving at a large lake the mists cleared, it was clear something bigger was going on here. A force bigger than our own stood before us. Those who were recognised as hostile not only to ourselves but to each other joined in unity, ready to serve a greater purpose.

Amongst them including Hyperion forces; Duchy of Wessex, Lux Arcana, Bag and Sword, Z5, Fate, Pain Killers, The Horde, Nadirian Hordes, Agenda, Army of Death, Walhalla, I know my Chickens, Coldblooded, Applejews and Bewahrer der Welten. An alliance so strong no City could stand before it.

Riding swiftly to the Northern Dwarflands it became apparent exactly who we were about to start this war with... SUN. The dominating force upon the once free lands of Agon, consumbed with their greed forming limitless coffers of Gold and resources at others expense, guarded an unstoppable army blessed by Umbra's taint and empowered by the Wonder that lays deep within the unsuspecting City of Kvitstein.

The attack was well prepared! Over 180 people strong stormed the City slaughtering any resistance to be found, Warhulks floated into position firing their cannons at key defensive structures and with vengence taking physical form Soldiers threw explosives razing everything to the ground. Siege stones errected outside signalling a siege against one of SUNs most treasured cities. A war has been sparked today, a war no one can afford to lose.

SUN would not sit idle.. mere minutes had passed since regrouping further south when scouts announced a large force of SUN members attempting to rebuild the city from the bottom up. Other reports told of a Ship of the Line bombarding the coastal city of Gulghat! Home of NATO alliance. SUNs wrath has been unleashed, it begins now!
Prepare for war...

His Grace Manus Dei has requested that all available members be online and geared at 18:00 UK time to fight under his name. The siege goes live at 20:30 UK time. May we all be blessed by Soldeus this day.

Royko Sothenic
04-03-2011, 11:10 AM
Very good Brandon, thankyou for taking the time to write this.

I hope now, that everyone understands why our leadership have been so busy in meetings and sorts for the last few months, it has taken alot of effort to get this running and i hope you all enjoyed the supprise.

As was stated last night this is a war not for profts but to curve SUNS dominance of agon, we will be losing money left right and center as a clan, and of course you will be losing alot of wealth yourself in gear bags, but think of the profits we made from our lords hunting partys, win this war and we can do them partys for our own wealth, win this war for us and we will do everything as a clan do make back our loses.

Tonight will be no walk over, we will lose many men, and we will have alot of discouraged faces but we must stick with it, we must keep going win or lose.