View Full Version : Rules for the alliance

Falesh Helithian
04-02-2011, 11:00 PM
By now most of you know about our crusade, if you do not check this post (http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=282955). First of all I want to say thank you for everyone who turned up, you all did very well this will have given the rest of the alliance a good impression. Below are some very important rules to follow:

Stay discaplined even if others are not. For instance do not cast offensive spells on each other, hit each other, wall of force each other, etc. Doing this is not only annoying and hurts our solid reputation it is also the time that Sun will come around the corner and kill everyone.
Check the forums often. Good communication is vital!
Do not participate in drama, if there is an issue bring it to an officer to have it resolved. Don't get dragged into an insulting match in private tells or worse on clan alliance.
If you haven't already done so make lots of siege bags, 10 to 15. Don't worry if you cannot afford uber gear, just use what you can. If you cannot afford scale or better post here and we will assist you. We do not expect people who have just subbed to magic up gold!
Mark two or three runestones in Andruk, again if you need help feel free to ask.
During engagements keep clan chat, clan alliance chat and voice comms as clear as possible. The group leaders will be on a second voice comms server too so even if it is quiet they may be trying to listen to something.
No one is to loot, even just for regs or to look at the gear, until it is clearly stated to do so in clan alliance. Once the loot call has been made everyone should loot up but not go over encumbered. Once the siege is over and the stuff banked we will split it as normal, it is not free for all.
Because there are few usable banks and the fact that battle looting is not allowed it is vitally important that you bring enough consumables to last a very long fight. When in doubt bring some more!
Have fun!

If anyone has any questions or other important points to add please feel free to post here.

Falesh Helithian
04-03-2011, 10:52 PM
Also as always please do not post about political things involving this alliance unless you have been specifically allowed to do so by the Wessex leadership.

Jake Dane
04-04-2011, 07:31 PM

Brandon Greymoor
04-04-2011, 07:45 PM