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View Full Version : Tonight - We must retaliate!

Royko Sothenic
03-27-2011, 10:58 AM
We have some business to be taken care of tonight, we need as many people as we can get, If we get 40 players online we will be taking the Ship of the Line out for a spin.

We leave at 7:30pm uk so please be in andruk as early as possible from 6:45pm uk

For the King!

Brandon Greymoor
03-27-2011, 12:40 PM

Elagost Thego
03-27-2011, 01:59 PM

Tarek Bane
03-27-2011, 03:21 PM
i will make this one :)

Sarek Bane
03-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Let it be Celiah, please let it be Celiah

Bobby Boblit
03-28-2011, 11:04 AM
And it was, lvl'd a hamlet an massive destruction on Sunthorn. :)

Jake Dane
03-28-2011, 11:13 AM
Was a really good time. Well done to all who participated.

Alexander TheDutch
03-28-2011, 11:27 AM
to bad i couldnt make it. love to kick celiah of the map

Royko Sothenic
03-28-2011, 11:29 AM
Well done to those that turned up, Shame we only had 11 when Lux had 33.