View Full Version : Moving into Andruk

Royko Sothenic
03-26-2011, 01:13 AM
Ok guys I have decided to live at Andruk for now, not enough activity at Aradoth nd i advise you all to do the same... Im quite fed up of being raided and us only defending with three guys.

King Manus was in game tonight he went straight to andruk and we had a massive 50 man fight which was awsome, Im not saying you have to come live in Andruk but i suggest it would be wise for now..

If you decide to move over then please obide by there rules:

1: No spell casting or fighting at the bank.
2: Only allowed to macro in the mages guild.
3: No use of there grove, quarry, mine or farm.
4: If there are 5 or more people in andruk then you must be geared.
