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View Full Version : Changes to the Church within Darkfall

Brandon Greymoor
03-15-2011, 11:51 AM
Pure healer roles in Darkfall are not always practical ones.
My idea is to aim the Church in Darkfall more towards gifted magic wielders, lower ranking members would be weaker mages with a lesser understanding of the religion and lore and they would progress to higher rankings within the church when they're character skills and understanding of our lore are more complete.

The aim?
Regain the healing ability and make good use of lower developed characters in group PvP situations whilst giving them targets to aim for.
By having a dedicated healing team our PvP effectiveness is increased substantially.

Tarscanian Sothenic
03-15-2011, 02:53 PM
Here here,

This is something that is fundamental to are future success and sustainability. I really hope that we can push this endeavour to fruition.
I understand that this will involve more members, but I envisage that this will be realised in the for see able future.

Royko Sothenic
03-18-2011, 09:09 AM
Great news, it really makes a difference and will give the new players something to be proud of knowing they were a success in the battle rather than dieing in the first 30 seconds at the front.

Nangar Rockhelm
03-19-2011, 12:34 AM
Brandon, you said on mumble that you were going to add some more meat to the bones of this idea. Personally i'm interested to see how you envisage this working. Any idea when you'll be expanding on the above? (no pressure, just curious)

Varrick ChaosWielder
04-26-2013, 07:39 AM
Great idea. Except now we have Primalist's :)