View Full Version : Offering myself
Dreign Swift
01-06-2007, 10:33 PM
Greetings to all those associated with the Duchy of Wessex.
I haven't really been formally accepted into the Duchy (even in a trial status). I have been speaking with your Most Noble leader about it since about the 29th of Dec, but it seems he has temporarily disappeared, so I'm basically in the doldrums. I also submitted a form to join on the site recently, but was unable to fill out all of it because something came up which required my immediate attention. So now I have come to the forums, offering myself in service to this nation. I figure I should complete the rest of the joining form, which could also serve as a way to introduce myself, so here goes:
Age: 24
What is your playing style?
My emphasis in MMO's is always PvP, with some RP tendencies. However, due to DF being so dynamic and varied in what it proposes to offer, I imagine the paradigm will shift for not only me, but many others. In Darkfall, I see my playstyle being: semi-roleplaying explorer, tactician, stealth artist, efficient killer, honor-bound (to some degree). I would like to specialize in both Archery for long range and either dual-wielding daggers/short swords or using a shield and short sword when the fight closes. I'll have an emphasis on foot speed, attack speed and stealth to give me an edge (or at least to keep me alive) when confronted with the stalwart, heavily-armored melee types, and depending on how much of a skill spread the game will support, some offensive/defensive supporting spells.
What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?
I was very intrigued by the organization of the ranks, and by the dynamic positioning of talent within them. On top of that, the fact that positions will be very important, held in high regard, and truly instrumental in our success or failure in-game is precisely the kind of RP that draws me. I'm not quite well-versed with the in-character-at-all-times type of RP, but I'm far from being against practitioners of it. Overall, this is simply the best looking clan for me BY FAR. Not that I'd only be here for the benefits, but I come to serve in whatever way I fit best.
Do you have much experience with MMORPGs?
Anarchy Online, Auto Assault, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Star Wars Galaxies, The Matrix Online, World of Warcraft, OTHER. Obviously, I'm somewhat of a "carebear" by some people's definition, but I guess I wasn't playing MMO's far enough back to have been in the early days of AC and UO.
How were you referred to the Duchy of Wessex?
Well, after searching through every single thread in the Clan Recruitment page, and only finding a few that seemed to have the general outline I saw as being most effective in DF, I was nearly going to settle for one of them before seeing the most recent thread for the Duchy, which completely blew me away. So, I contacted The Duke of Wessex himself, explaining where I was in my search and asking him some questions I had. After receiving his answers, I was very pleased with everything I heard, and decided I would very much like to be a part of this nation.
In a competitive world like Darkfall, where would your strengths lie? For instance, perhaps you have a talent for strategy, diplomacy, statesmanship, organization, combat, or simply a knack for boosting morale with humor?
In a broad sense: I think I'm strong with tactics, both in offensive raids/seiges and in defending against such. In every game I play I can't help but attempt to formulate the best possible PvP build, and if the game lends itself to team or large-scale warfare, then I'm avid in organizing individual strengths and creating strategies to overwhelm and outplay the opposition, no matter which angle they might come from. I believe I also have an ability to reason and express myself well.
In a narrow sense: I would like to lead lore driven expeditions/raids into the far corners of Agon to: Uncover the untold riches and secrets held in the Ancient Chaldean Ruins, Investigate the presence of and/or defeat Far Loradain, the Shades, etc., and a potentially much more important lore goal, the recovering of Word Stones. During these expeditions, I would also hope to gather plenty of rare and common resources from the far corners of Agon, to give a huge boost to our initial crafting effort. I see these lore (PvE) goals as holding a lot of wieght in the crucial First Age of Agon, and getting at them early may give us a sizeable advantage in the long run.
So, I guess this is my official plea. I would like to be involved in getting the Duchy to a most succesful, fortified position.
Glory to the Duke!
- Dreign
- Hagakure Swift
- Dreign Swift (editing, lol...)
Aiden Morild
01-06-2007, 11:11 PM
Hi there, Welcome to Wessex
Wow, its a far better ap than mine was :eek: ... lol
Sure your not posting this on purpose to show off ;)
Well good luck anyways :D
Beric Veincrusher
01-06-2007, 11:17 PM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex!
The community and atmosphere here in Wessex is one that you can choose to participate in as much as you want, but the more you do, the more you'll enjoy being part of this Clan. Good luck on your application, and I'm happy to see you've realized how perfectly the Duchy of Wessex is set up.
Dreign Swift
01-06-2007, 11:22 PM
Wow, its a far better ap than mine was :eek: ... lol
Sure your not posting this on purpose to show off ;)
Well good luck anyways :D
Heh...I guess I'm just going all-out. I've been waiting for a word a little too long, and now I'm probably going to have a lame '07 join date...*shudder*
Anyone know the whereabouts of His Grace? Seems he hasn't posted since the 31st, which would explain why he hasn't responded to the last PM I sent him in the DF forum..
Jord Hunter
01-06-2007, 11:24 PM
Welcome to the forums and good luck with your application. Glad to hear you were pleased with everything you heard about the Duchy :)
Aiden Morild
01-06-2007, 11:33 PM
Anyone know the whereabouts of His Grace? Seems he hasn't posted since the 31st, which would explain why he hasn't responded to the last PM I sent him in the DF forum..Well he does have a life :D but id just say that he is busy in real. If you fill out the application fom on the home page, it isnt approved by him directly, its done by another member.
Hope thats helped
Jord Hunter
01-06-2007, 11:35 PM
Think hes hard at work with his business atm, but as Aiden said, he doesnt approve applications directly.
Komako the Hawk
01-06-2007, 11:35 PM
Both Von Fishbarrel and the Duke are out right now, but I'm sure any Cabinet Member or Herald could answer any questions you have about Wessex.
Hell, you could post them here and probably get a reply.
Dreign Swift
01-06-2007, 11:36 PM
I'm happy to see you've realized how perfectly the Duchy of Wessex is set up.
Glad to hear you were pleased with everything you heard about the Duchy :)
Absolutely! I can always appreciate the effort and time it takes to create a well thought-out and structured organization, especially when I reap the benefits without doing the work :eek:. You have to give respect to the excellent leadership of a guild for the benefits you enjoy. I've lead a guild or two, and I can surely appreciate having the hardest work done already, heh...
Dreign Swift
01-06-2007, 11:41 PM
Both Von Fishbarrel and the Duke are out right now, but I'm sure any Cabinet Member or Herald could answer any questions you have about Wessex.
Hell, you could post them here and probably get a reply.
Well, the latest round of questions/comments I had were specifically directed within the conversation we were having, so it wouldn't be appropriate to post them here without his permission. Or am I wrong? If so, I could post em.
Komako the Hawk
01-06-2007, 11:42 PM
If they're personal questions, you really shouldn't post them, but if you're just wondering things like "When can I become a full member?" and "How are the ranks of Wessex set up?", we can all answer those :P
Sorry to confuse.
Dreign Swift
01-06-2007, 11:43 PM
Is anyone else watching Man vs. Wild? I don't watch all that much T.V., but I freekin' love this program.
Dreign Swift
01-06-2007, 11:59 PM
Here's a topic I was asking about, maybe you guys could comment on what you think of it?
My original question:
"3. Is there any thought going into the inclusion of the M/O faction, or is that a possibility entirely ruled out due to role-playing priorities as determined by a Dukedom of Mercia? I do have some ideas on how the H/M/D & M/O alliance could work, and the benefits of it, but I would understand if you find the idea unsavory and would rather not go there. Please inform."
"It's not that I find it unsavory, just that game mechanics will make it unlikely because of the reaction of NPCs to the Mahirim and Orcs - at least for those who plan to live within the same walls. Depending on circumstances, allying with a separate m/o clan to turn the tide in a certain battle is not beyond possibility, however, but we won't seek them out."
"I was more thinking along the lines of having an extension of the Duchy in a M/O organization, but having them in a seperate city to avoid the guard thing altogether. Since it appears that lore is important to the clan, there could be some kind of backstory which explains how they came to be subjects of the Duke. Either that, or it could have a slightly different name (seperate clan, same organization), if necessary to avoid confusion. There could prove to be many benefits to bringing the second largest faction into the Duchy:
1. It would allow members (or would-be members) the opportunity to join us as their preferred race and/or playstyle (and therefore the one they'd likely play better).
2. We would have a stalwart ally who could attack the siege machines outside our walls once we're under attack, throwing a monkey wrench from hell into the plans of the enemy.
3. Since there would be no trade agreements needed, we would experience two-way, directly beneficial crafting from 5 out of the 6 playable races...And no, I don't think that M/O crafted items will be obsolete simply because the Dwarves receive a bonus to crafting/runesmithing. I personally think that it would be foolish to assume that just because the H/M/D faction has Dwarves in it, we'll be completely self-sufficient in crafting; and if I'm right, we'd have a nice advantage over those with this mindset. There's probably some more benefits I'm just not thinking of right now."
Komako the Hawk
01-07-2007, 12:15 AM
Ha, sounds like a discussion more than a question.
Only His Grace can answer that one, mate.
Dreign Swift
01-07-2007, 12:44 AM
You're probably right..
Chrono Veincrusher
01-07-2007, 12:59 AM
You might be misinformed.
The only race thats needed is the Dwarfs.
We will dig deep mines and find all those ancient "I win" crafting tools and weps, Hand it over to the Duke and then we will dig some more just for the fun of it.
Dreign Swift
01-07-2007, 01:09 AM
You might be misinformed.
The only race thats needed is the Dwarfs.
We will dig deep mines and find all those ancient "I win" crafting tools and weps, Hand it over to the Duke and then we will dig some more just for the fun of it.
Not sure how I should take you, Chrono. I'm having a hard time telling just how much of what you said was a joke. Nice to meet you, regardless.
Chrono Veincrusher
01-07-2007, 01:19 AM
My pleasure. Hope you will enjoy your stay in Wessex.
What race and class might you be aiming for?
Komako the Hawk
01-07-2007, 01:22 AM
Chrono, don't joke with the newbies, or I'll have you writing essays on Wessex!
Chrono Veincrusher
01-07-2007, 01:41 AM
Bah, If the Dwarfs don't dig, who will!
Humans don't have the motivation.
And the elfs... Ever seen a elf work in a mine? ^^
Komako the Hawk
01-07-2007, 01:42 AM
Elves are taller, that's why they can't work in mines.
Chrono Veincrusher
01-07-2007, 01:44 AM
lol, Tell the truth now! They can't handle the weight of the ore!
And they might be affraid of the dark? :O
01-07-2007, 02:10 AM
Clearly, already having spoken with many members of the guild, including the Duke, there is no further need for this type or pre-amble. Thank you for submitting your application, we look forward to having you through future endeavors. Congratulations!
We recruit by first making an applicant a trial member with access to our forums. After a week or so of being active and getting to know the fellow, we induct him fully into the guild at the starter rank of "Villein". If you have the time and energy and wish to contribute to management and administration of the guild, the yeoman exam on our site is also available to you. Those who pass this exam may receive appointments as clerks, heralds, reeves, envoys or sheriffs.
Here are the four things you should do now that you are a member:
First, register on our forums if you have not already and make a post introducing yourself. Please ensure that you create an account using the same name you will be using for your in game character. This will avoid confusion in the future for both yourself and guild administration. Make sure that you request access to appropriate forums in your introductory post so that access may be granted. Second, add your name to the beta slot thread in our forums. We would like all of our members to have a chance to get in. Third, come visit us in IRC!
Server Addresses - or
Port - 6668 or 6667
Channel - #wsx
User Name - Please have your name as [WSX]Dreign
Next to lastly, make sure to check out this thread: for information on how to obtain your very own Duchy of Wessex signature once you become a full member. Finally, email myself at with both your full character name, given and surname, that I can add you to the Ducal Chronicle the next time is is published.
Once again, welcome to the Duchy of Wessex, and thank you for taking special interest in participating in this concept with us.
Mister Destinova, ESQ.,
Chamberlain of Wessex
Chrono Veincrusher
01-07-2007, 02:20 AM
Congrats on the membership!
Shilohen McCroix
01-07-2007, 03:34 AM
Impressive application, and welcome. Although I am just a trial member myself, I look forward to getting to know you :)
Aiden Morild
01-07-2007, 03:38 AM
Congrats on Making it in :D
Sahrumir Allatolah
01-07-2007, 04:04 AM
congrats... welcome to the duchy!
and i didnt even think about the m/o counterpart faction... i like it though... alot
lol, Tell the truth now! They can't handle the weight of the ore!
And they might be affraid of the dark? :O
keep going with that... and u may soon be afraid of the winds in the trees
Dreign Swift
01-07-2007, 04:14 AM
I am most grateful, Mister Destinova. Thanks to everyone for the welcome.
My pleasure. Hope you will enjoy your stay in Wessex.
What race and class might you be aiming for?
This is where my problem comes in...see, when I first registered on the DF forums, I believe I was leaning more towards the Mahirim or Alfar, with a chance of Human or Mirdain (the choice was entirely playstyle based), and this affected my choice of name. I have used a good range of names in my MMO career, and "Dreign" or sometimes "Lord Dreign" is one that I often use when playing the more "evil" types. But now that I've found a guild which is apparently entirely good and honorable (not to mention the fact that I'll need to choose a surname for this game--with the prefix "Lord" not being a viable option within the Duchy), I think I will instead use another name I have which is more fitting and also includes a surname. The name is "Hagakure Swift." Now, should I make a new forum account, or is it possible for a Moderator to change the name of this account for me?
(Sorry for taking so long to explain things...I go overboard sometimes)
Dreign Swift
01-07-2007, 05:33 AM
congrats... welcome to the duchy!
and i didnt even think about the m/o counterpart faction... i like it though... alot
Yea, I think it would be a major boost to our successes on many fronts, not just crafting. Just imagine having the addition of a Mahirim Recon Unit to observe movements behind enemy lines before an attack (Mahirim apparently being the fastest race "mounted") and an imposing Ork Heavy Cavalry Unit to come from out of nowhere and crush the siege machine an attacking clan has put at our wall, catching them by surprise.
Sayton Reinhardt
01-07-2007, 06:38 AM
Welcome to the dutchy. Interesting ideas I may add.
Dreign Swift
01-07-2007, 07:01 AM
I think I will instead use another name I have which is more fitting and also includes a surname. The name is "Hagakure Swift." Now, should I make a new forum account, or is it possible for a Moderator to change the name of this account for me?
I've just been reading around the forums, and it appears that in this case I need to have my forum name changed to what I intend it to be in-game, rather than starting a new forum account. So, I hereby officially request the aid of a Sheriff in this. My in-game name will be Hagakure Swift. Thanks in advance.
01-07-2007, 10:25 AM
It has been changed. You must now log in with the username "Hagakure Swift".
Jord Hunter
01-07-2007, 12:46 PM
Congrats and Welcome to the Duchy :)
Aiden Morild
01-07-2007, 02:41 PM
I think in my app when it said "what do you like about the duchY" or w/e I put "FoM dudes"
fo rizzle
01-07-2007, 03:08 PM
Hello people of Duchy, i just been reading up on the forums about this clan and its sounds great from what i can gather. Any how this seems like the right post to introduce my self in :o.
So here goes, i have played MMO's for a while now from UO-WOW and many many more but have not enjoyed one like i did UO them many moons ago. I hope that DFO will fill that MMORPG gap in me :(.
Anyways i plan on playing a Human, Stealthy thieving Bard, with skill in throwing projectiles(Knifes eg.). A PVP that will calm your soul with a smooth melody, yet send a knife into if need be.
Im 18 and live in Canberra(Capital of Australia). Btw i plan on changing my name as well, yet i still dont know what to call my self, so untill i come up with some thing ill leave it as Siduris and hopefully im around long enough to make you struggle with remembering my name change, what ever it may be:o although i will get to work on it.
Aiden Morild
01-07-2007, 03:43 PM
Well first of all hi
BUT I dont think this thread shoudl turn into applications and then choose "Join/Contact"
Chrono Veincrusher
01-07-2007, 05:12 PM
Yes, but they can still post introduction posts in the Reception Chambers.
But make a new thread for yourself or it will get messy.
Dreign Swift
01-07-2007, 07:51 PM
Thanks again, Mister Destinova.
Aiden Morild
01-07-2007, 08:24 PM
Yes, but they can still post introduction posts in the Reception Chambers.
But make a new thread for yourself or it will get messy.I never said they shouldnt, but it was starting to become an application fest.
01-08-2007, 12:08 AM
Oh yeah sorry about that i realized after i posted the message and didnt think i should bother doing another(seeing that this one had all ready been made), it was late:o.
Asto DeMans
01-08-2007, 01:13 AM
Welcome to the Duchy mr Swift ^^ and good luck on your app Siduris.
Dreign Swift
01-19-2007, 03:23 PM
I just now finally got around to setting a racial avatar...I guess it's semi-official: I'm an Elf.
I'd have to describe it as a purely playstyle-based decision, as retarded as that may sound considering how much we know about the races.
I would like to specialize in both Archery for long range and either dual-wielding daggers/short swords or using a shield and short sword/mace when the fight closes. I'll have an emphasis on foot speed, attack speed and stealth to give me an edge (or at least to keep me alive) when confronted with the stalwart, heavily-armored melee types, and depending on how much of a skill spread the game will support, some offensive/defensive supporting spells.
Based on the build I'm looking at, Humans would do "Good"-"Mediocre" in a few categories I'm looking for in my character, but "Mediocre" at most, while Mirdain would do "Good"-"Excellent" in most of the categories I'm considering, while being "Mediocre" in just a few. So, basically, Mirdain are far superior when it comes to my playstyle.
What about Dwarves, you say?
Well, as far as I'm concerned, Dwarves are simply slow, smelly, stumpy, fug-nasty little bastids who can't work a lick of magic. Therefore, I would never play one.
Surly von Fishbarrel
01-19-2007, 05:18 PM
Finger wiggling, effeminate, perfume wearing patsies aren't exactly an upgrade. Though I'll take your description of my race as a compliment.
Chrono Veincrusher
01-19-2007, 06:42 PM
Well, as far as I'm concerned, Dwarves are simply slow, smelly, stumpy, fug-nasty little bastids who can't work a lick of magic. Therefore, I would never play one.
Kind Sir, I get offended by that talk you know.
Dwarfs will probly the best crafters of Magic items you know!
Humans/Elfs won't even get close to that "work a lick of magic"
And underestimating a Dwarf might be the last thing you do in combat.
Don't take it too personal. ^^
Dafur Gewissae
01-19-2007, 07:43 PM
Blasphemy! Burn him!
Dreign Swift
01-19-2007, 08:37 PM
Hah, I knew that would get a rouse out of the resident Dwarves.
Take no offense to my description, it's merely a way to explain why I would never personally play one.
I'm actually glad there are some out there who find them appealing...kinda like appreciating your janitor; it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.
EDIT: Ok, so maybe it would be better to use a different analogy. How about this: "I'm actually glad there are some out there who find them appealing...kinda like a quarterback appreciating the big, fat, sweaty linebackers who protect him from the defensive line; it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it."
There, that should better show my appreciation for you foul creatures.
(I hope all of you understand that this shouldn't be taken too seriously. All in good fun :D.)
Chrono Veincrusher
01-19-2007, 09:00 PM
Well, Some races got to do what the others can't. :p
Dafur Gewissae
01-19-2007, 09:03 PM
Elves are too weak to even put on plate, not to mention holding an axe or hammer.
Chrono Veincrusher
01-19-2007, 09:34 PM
You nailed them there!
Hopefully they can atleast carry the loot we get back to the base.
Aiden Morild
01-19-2007, 09:44 PM
Elves are too weak to even put on plate, not to mention holding an axe or hammer.QFT!!
Dreign Swift
01-20-2007, 12:50 AM
"I'm actually glad there are some out there who find them appealing enough to play...kinda like a quarterback appreciating the big, fat, sweaty linebackers who protect him from the defensive line; it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it."
Why do you continue to mock?
This is actually quite the compliment coming from me. Equating Dwarves to the offensive line of our humble H/M/D faction is probably the biggest compliment I am capable of giving them, as "football" just may be the highest class of metaphor in my arsenal.
Be ashamed.
Alexio Corbeille
01-20-2007, 02:03 AM
welcome to wessex hagakure.
btw, title to ur thread is kinda misleading.
Dreign Swift
01-20-2007, 04:41 AM
Thank you, glad to be here.
How so? This started out as my introduction thread.
Komako the Hawk
01-20-2007, 05:12 AM
Alexio just has a sick mind.
Dreign Swift
01-20-2007, 05:47 AM
Alexio just has a sick mind.
01-21-2007, 11:56 PM
Congratulations. This is the largest intro thread ever. All hail giant threads in the Reception Chambers!
Komako the Hawk
01-22-2007, 12:11 AM
Well, Hagakure is certainly deserving of the honors with his activity in TW.
Beric Veincrusher
01-22-2007, 12:49 AM
Congratulations. This is the largest intro thread ever. All hail giant threads in the Reception Chambers!
Hail to the eloquently put +1!
Nira Nathair
01-22-2007, 02:25 AM
Hail to the eloquently put +1!
Only slightly less eloquent than that which you quoted.
Dreign Swift
01-22-2007, 06:38 AM
Only slightly less eloquent than that which you quoted.
What a fitting quote, Nira.
Komako the Hawk
01-22-2007, 06:54 AM
Congratulations. This is the largest intro thread ever. All hail giant threads in the Reception Chambers!
Well, Hagakure is certainly deserving of the honors with his activity in TW.
Hail to the eloquently put +1!
Only slightly less eloquent than that which you quoted.
What a fitting quote, Nira.
Quote pyramid 4tw!
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