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View Full Version : We prepare for war

Royko Sothenic
03-11-2011, 01:19 PM
Celiah and his men continue to destroy our holdings, he thinks he is stronger than us, so we shall prove him otherwise.

So ive been told by a source that HellStorm alliance, consisting of both Brothers Of War and Vengeance will pledge war this weekend against Wessex, the holding we predict them to siege is Ul Turra, so we prepare now...

I have 30 runes marked in Alhali, which is the village just south of Ul Turra, I have Falesh sitting in Inarith in his siege clan, which is right next door to Morador (Brother of war holding) he sits there waiting for them to lay siege on us so we can counter siege them.
I will also be binding runes at the north side of Ul Turra to port people in with Nexus's.
Falesh will also be binding 30 runes in Inarith should they siege.

Our plan is should they siege Ul Turra:
We need an alt (Keith) logged out in Ul turra with repair shards and tools.
We all bind at Ul turra 1 hour before siege goes live, we repair and stand guard, its important we keep the bank up.
When siege goes live we obviously attack the siege stones.
If we fail misrably and they manage to take control of Ul turra we move north to Inarith and prepare to attack Morador.

Falesh Helithian
03-11-2011, 02:36 PM
I am logged out with a clan shard right next to Moradar, I'm going to be in mumble PvP Group 3 and at the computer for as much time as possible over these next few days. It is vital that as soon as we get sieged someone comes to my channel and tells me to log in as the sooner we drop the counter siege the more effective it will be so spread the word for everyone to know that they should warn me. It might also be wise to have a backup person to lay a siege in case they drop it while I am away or in bed.

We need to make sure everyone has Aqua Shot and have their shader version set to 1_1 as there will almost definitely be water combat.

One very possible thing we will face is a ship attacking Ul'Turah. We need to know exactly what to do if that happens. Here are a few options:

Stay on the island and get people to block the cannon shots. The advantage to this is that we would retain the defensive position of the island and it would also make them have to think fast for a change of plan. The disadvantage is that they may be able to hit some part of the clan stone without us blocking it and we would burn a lot of health, armour dura and regs. To make this work we would need to repair buildings as there is no way we can block cannon shots to a house.

Attack the ship by swimming to it. This is dangerous as they could kite us and also have the advantage of shooting us as we swim to them. We could do a lot of damage with only a few on board though as they would be hitting their own members while we attack everyone.

Spawn ships of our own. We would have to distribute black powder and repair shards very quickly and get on board. If we don't do this fast enough then they may have had enough time to knock the stone over before we can destroy their ship. They could also attack our ship when we spawn it and if we don't spawn it in view of theirs they will have still more free time to shoot the stone before we get into position.

Spawn a ship before they attack. That would get rid of the down time of us getting our ship manned but it also means they could just attack the island without a ship.

Defending Ul'Turah is probably going to favour their numbers advantage more then elsewhere because they can man more ships, use more repair tools and also water combat relies more on numbers then on land in my opinion. Because of this we could completely drop the idea of defending Ul'Turah and instead go to attack Moradar. If we get there in force and lock it down they would have to use a lot of runestones to get over to us (which will cost more since they have more members) and we would have the defensive position of the hamlet. There is also a chance they will have used too many runestones at Ul'Turah and have a hard time switching to Moradar.

Thinking out the defence of Ul'Turah in this post is making my lean toward just going for Moradar.

Falesh Helithian
03-11-2011, 02:50 PM
Actually change that last bit to: If we can't take their siege stones down then we should go to Moradar right away. They won't have the numbers/ship advantage at the siege stones.

For the Ul'Turah attack if I was them I would spawn 3 ships and keep them separate. Then have a small group runestone in when we are trying to take care of the ships. Is there any way we could defend against that?

Falesh Helithian
03-12-2011, 12:00 PM
Well Ginger sieged Brothers of War at 4am this morning so it will go live tomorrow at 2am or so. The question is do I need to stay in my siege clan or should I drop and come back into DoW? They could still siege with an alt clan but now I can't siege them until tomorrow.