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Shilohen McCroix
01-02-2007, 09:55 PM
"Hmm.." Shilohen thought to himself as he looked down at his map. "This must be the place!"

Shilohen made his way up to the large yet welcoming wooden doors and a guard asked him to state his business.

"Why, sir, have you not heard of my coming? I am none other than Shilohen McCroix, former apprentice of Magister Ingham himself! I have come to s .."

The guard burst out laughing while Shilohen was mid-sentence. Shilohen glared at the guard.

"Oy Siegfried, not another one of them crazy 'mages' have come to serve the Duchy of Wessex!" said a short, yet stout, dwarven guard to his companion who was trying to regain his composure.

Shilohen shook his head and muttered a magic incantation, creating a stream of sparkling lights from his finger. Both of the guards started to laugh at this point.

Feeling defeated Shilohen turned away from the great halls. Shilohen hung his head low and started to walk away.

"I have been a mage's apprentice since I was only five years of age, and for the past twenty years I have learned nothing but parlor tricks! No one takes a young mage seriously. They do not understand my potential!!" Shilohen thought to himself.

"Excuse me sir, but are you here to serve the Duchy of Wessex?" a well-dressed man asked.

"Well, that was the plan.. I hoped to have a place to call home and practice my magic and become a most learned spellcaster. Those guards do not understand the amount of time it takes to realize one's potential as a mage! I have completed my apprenticeship and am now ready to take on the challenge of self-discovery!"

"Indeed, but those of us that are, well, more educated understand your situation. I am sure the great Duchy of Wessex would be more than happy to have a young mage such as yourself as a subject. Come with me into the Reception Chambers and let's get you to fill out some necessary paperwork, mage!"

"Ah, bureaucracy at its finest: paperwork and more paperwork!" Shilohen said as a smile crept across his face. Shilohen followed the man into the Reception Chambers, the guards now emotionless as they knew they would be reprimanded for their display.

((Hello everyone! Hope my story wasn't lame. I debated on writing a story or just coming in all OOC-like, but I figured I'd write a story and try to show my creative side :P

Of course I have to thank Erwin and Sayton, both of whom I met on their GTA server, for telling me about this lovely guild, as I love the concept and hope to become a full member soon! Great thing you have going here guys, and I can't wait to see everything at work in Darkfall!))

Nira Nathair
01-02-2007, 10:39 PM
Welcome to Wessex! Please ignore the rude guards; they didn't get supper because of yesterday's incident with a catapult and an unsuspecting dwarf...

Sayton Reinhardt
01-02-2007, 10:54 PM
Looking down from his position up on the town walls, Sayton de Gothia noticed a small flickering light from in front of the gates. Upon leaning over the wall for a closer inspection he noticed the figure of a caped man, as well as the two laughing town guards.

"One of those." He thought to himself as he turned his head back towards the landscape that stretched out before him where he stood and the shining sun met his eyes again.

"If so Morgaine wills it." He almost chuckled but restrained himself.

He didn't know much about the schools of magic, but were contented with the fact that Morgaine must have found purpose in them. Although he'd always found the practitioners a bit odd.

((I figured I must try to write at least something, since you showed such a good example. Welcome to Wessex!))

Aiden Morild
01-02-2007, 10:55 PM
Sup G

Duplicarius Dillingham
01-02-2007, 11:49 PM
Duplicarius strolled up to Shilohen, mumbled some incoherable words and left just as if he had never even appeared.

((Thats my best attempt at rp. I no i own, so u don't have to tell me again.)

Komako the Hawk
01-03-2007, 12:39 AM
My quizzical self watches the newcomer enter the Reception Chambers. He is greeted by The Mistress.

"Welcome to Wessex! Please ignore the rude guards; they didn't get supper because of yesterday's incident with a catapult and an unsuspecting dwarf..."

My entertained self takes some time to chuckle at the incident. Nothing more entertaining then an angry midget...

This one... this one will be serving the Lady Morgraine (in all her sunshine)...

The newcomer glances in the direction of my humble self, and I give him a courteous wave. He will be wanting to meet this one...

Beric Veincrusher
01-03-2007, 01:24 AM
(( First Person View as Shilohen meets the well-dressed man ))


Aethelric Brandt
01-03-2007, 06:30 AM
Is it sad that the first thing I noticed about that picture is the fact that the castle walls have ground-floor windows?

Dafur Gewissae
01-03-2007, 06:36 AM
Nice Beric, I lol'd.

Shilohen McCroix
01-03-2007, 11:39 AM
(( First Person View as Shilohen meets the well-dressed man ))

((lol, who is that? I assume one of you guys :P Thank you all for the warm welcoming, by the way!))

01-03-2007, 12:44 PM
It is Elix. I figured the shirt picked out by his mama would have given it away.

Godric Whitetree
01-03-2007, 02:57 PM
Welcome aboard, mage! Join us in the Tavern for a little extra RP, if you're up to it.

Aiden Morild
01-03-2007, 06:00 PM
Thats a nice shirt, no match for Ben Sherman though

Sahrumir Allatolah
01-03-2007, 08:02 PM
Is it sad that the first thing I noticed about that picture is the fact that the castle walls have ground-floor windows?

haha not that sad, i noticed them after checking out the schveet polo and hat

Sahrumir watches casually, leaning against a wall close to the gate tightening the string on his bow as Shilohen walks by. Sahrumir meets eyes with Shilohen and gives a small nod and an approving smirk to the newcomer.

welcome to the duchy

Duplicarius Dillingham
01-03-2007, 11:17 PM

Did Beric get a new sig lately?

Aiden Morild
01-03-2007, 11:32 PM
Yeh it says Mister Beric now, and he has a new profile picture


Shilohen McCroix
01-04-2007, 12:52 AM
Oh noes, my thread was hijacked! I'm calling the forum police!!

Duplicarius Dillingham
01-04-2007, 02:42 AM
LOLZ! I looked at ur pic and berics and was liek zomgz hez gto lieks teh same kindz of pics?

((I couldn't just post without doing some sick Uber h4x0r 1337 speak))

I also added my own pic, 'cause I wanna be like you Aiden.

Komako the Hawk
01-04-2007, 03:27 AM
Did Beric get a new sig lately?

The Seeker makes tree noises.

Nira Nathair
01-04-2007, 04:35 PM
Nice work Komako, that's a sharp sig.

Duplicarious, that profile picture is perfect for you. <3

Shilohen, your thread is one of the most popular this week. Congratulations!

Chrono Veincrusher
01-04-2007, 07:26 PM
Welcome to Wessex! Please ignore the rude guards; they didn't get supper because of yesterday's incident with a catapult and an unsuspecting dwarf...
Those bastards!
Anyway, Welcome to Wessex!

Erwin Carius
01-04-2007, 08:03 PM
Erwin de Gothia happens to be standing near by the Sergeant as "the well dressed man" comes back out from the Reception Halls and steps up to them.

"Rats darn it! I won't tolerate such treatment of my apprentices in the future, gosh, teach your men some manners!"

The well dressed man is red in the face and clearly in anger, but, astonshingly, successfully manages to avoid any use of curse words - which is a good thing since curse worlds have a more literal meaning in the mouth of a well trained mage than coming from others.

The sergeant obviously never studies magic:

"Look here dipshit, I do my job and you take that pretty little hat and shirt of yours and wander back to your tower. Ok?"

The well dressed man is boiling with anger, but realises that it would be a bad move to turn the sergeant in to a frog, so instead he mumbles something about the hat and shirt actually being quite expensive and goes back to the mage tower with his tail between his legs.

"de Gothia!" "Go teach those dwarves to use a better tone towards our guests, this is a human city after all... But no more catapulting, you're draining our entire garrison."

Erwin then heads off towards the gates.

"Prepare the large cannon!"

Aiden Morild
01-04-2007, 10:59 PM
I also added my own pic, 'cause I wanna be like you Aiden.How you mean ?

Duplicarius Dillingham
01-04-2007, 11:05 PM
How you mean ?

I added my own picture cause I wanted 1, and you had one, so i was being like you, cause ur cool and im not. (not rly)

"Rats darn it! I won't tolerate such treatment of my apprentices in the future, gosh, teach your men some manners!"

That's some pretty heavy cursing.

Aiden Morild
01-04-2007, 11:17 PM
I added my own picture cause I wanted 1, and you had one, so i was being like you, cause ur cool and im not. (not rly)Sorry Im the party animal not you, therefore im cool

Duplicarius Dillingham
01-04-2007, 11:53 PM

Aiden Morild
01-05-2007, 02:07 AM
Yes I am "FO RAEL"

Nira Nathair
01-05-2007, 03:15 AM
Oh god, not the owls. NOT THE OWLS!!

Komako the Hawk
01-05-2007, 04:12 AM
I sense great evil in this thread.

Maybe it was just Elix's shirt. I'm not sure.

Beric Veincrusher
01-05-2007, 04:14 AM
This thread should be closed and started over in some proper role play, sorry to say.

Erwin Carius
01-05-2007, 04:45 AM
I guess we could just clean out all the unneeded posts and leave only the RP and the pic of the well dressed man. (It helps illustrate the whole RP scenario.)

Shilohen McCroix
01-05-2007, 02:33 PM
Haha, well I am quite honored at the attention my post has received. Again thank you all for saying "hi" in your own special ways :D

Nira Nathair
01-05-2007, 05:21 PM
I'd recommend continuing the RP in the Bivouac (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=12) forum. It has fewer owls.

Aiden Morild
01-05-2007, 07:50 PM
Whats arrrr pee ?

Elix Eviear
01-05-2007, 09:52 PM
Good sirs, I believe this was the well dressed wizard. Damn I love that alligator.


Duplicarius Dillingham
01-06-2007, 12:07 AM
Are you trying to get yourself owned?

Aiden Morild
01-06-2007, 02:52 AM
what are you on about, stripey shirts are in

You have no fasion sense sir, altho i will admit Elixs are a little to thin a stripes

Komako the Hawk
01-06-2007, 03:56 AM

Elix Eviear
01-06-2007, 04:44 AM
what are you on about, stripey shirts are in

You have no fasion sense sir, altho i will admit Elixs are a little to thin a stripes

Pish posh!

01-06-2007, 06:20 AM
Welcome to Wessex! Please ignore the rude guards; they didn't get supper because of yesterday's incident with a catapult and an unsuspecting dwarf...
It's a shame what happened to my cousin, now in bed next to a priest hoping his legs and back gets better.

Aiden Morild
01-06-2007, 11:53 AM
Of couse Elix is nothing compared to me when it comes to nice polo shirts, i have Ben Sherman, unbeatable