View Full Version : gonna leave darkfall for a while

Alexander TheDutch
03-05-2011, 07:13 PM
hi guys,

at first i whanted to take alittle break to darfall since i always rage quitted allot lately.
but the last couple of days i try`d to play darkfall again but for some reason i cant commit myself to darkfall anymore.
atm im playing RIFT and really enjoying it.finally a game i can play again without getting bored.

i migh come back in a few months or so but for now i have to say darkfall goodbye.

@roy koh postman path whanted me to say hi since im playing rift with him atm.

wish you all good luck.

willl come on mumble ones in a while to say hi because i only leave darkfall not wessex.

regards Maximus

Jake Dane
03-06-2011, 12:10 AM
Sad to see you go Maximus.

Will see you again when the expansion comes out ;)

Brandon Greymoor
03-06-2011, 02:53 PM
Rift Nub :P But yeah hope you come back soon mate, enjoy your break!

Alexander TheDutch
03-06-2011, 03:37 PM
its a good game. and allot of darkfall players are playing it. like 25 actives of sun. bleeding hemmoroids. sin, boians. and allot more