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View Full Version : New Blog post - Darkfall 2nd year anniversary.

Elagost Thego
03-01-2011, 06:16 PM
Not read through it all yet. I am going to try and post these blog updates here so everybody has the chance to see them all as most of them aren't posted on the official forums.


I also noticed that obviously the people of Agon are starting to recognize our lord Soldeus and are beginning to take note of such things like their inner sparks :rolleyes: Although, it sounds like they may not understand what it really is...

"Once a year the denizens of Agon enjoy a (very) brief lull in the relentless pursuit of dominion to celebrate the Ember Fest. The Ember represents the spark of life and fire that flickers and crackles in each one of them, fueling their lust for battle, warming their passion and creativity and burning their souls with a thirst for domination to such a scale as can only be found in the steely hearts of the races of Agon."

Perhaps the church should take this into their hands and show people what their inner spark truly is.


"We do have some more surprises to be announced however, so keep an eye out for another update coming soon! Happy Birthday to us and we hope you will all enjoy the celebrations!

P.S. as mentioned in our last activity report, there will be a small Anniversary Patch incoming tomorrow."

Royko Sothenic
03-02-2011, 11:17 AM
Anyone whos on friday night should hook up and do this event together.

Elagost Thego
03-02-2011, 11:53 AM
Definitely. Possibility of some good loot.

Sayton Reinhardt
03-02-2011, 10:11 PM
For anyone who is thinking of getting DF, check this out:

Pricing Offers
For Darkfall’s 2nd year Anniversary, and for a limited time only (until April 1st), we’re launching the following offers:
Get Darkfall (http://www.darkfallonline.com/buydarkfall/) for 9,95 Dollars US, or Euros for the North American and European server respectively. With this offer you also get a month of Darkfall playtime. This is less than the price of the monthly subscription and the offer expires on April 1st.
For our existing subscribers we’re offering a very special price for our 3 month subscription which you can get for 24,95 Dollars US, or Euros for NA and EU respectively. Again, this offer expires on April 1st.
Meditation Points
We’re also offering all new and all active Darkfall accounts 25,000 Meditation Points (http://www.eu1.darkfallonline.com/help/meditation.html) to help with offline skilling. The offer also extends to all accounts that resubscribe within March. To claim your Meditation points, log into the account management system and use the Claim button. After you’ve claimed the meditation points, they will be added to your account right after the next downtime. Note: Don’t claim the points if you don’t have room for them, for example, if you already have more than 75 thousand points in your account. If you do, then you should work some off to make room for your free points. Meditation points are non-refundable.
All trial accounts will receive 2500 meditation points. When they get upgraded to a full account they can claim the 25000 points as well.