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View Full Version : Hide and Seek Event!

Royko Sothenic
02-28-2011, 10:29 AM
Date: 6th March
Time: 8:30pm uk
Meet: Aradoth

I will be hiding away, someplace.....
I will be geared solid and ready for your attacks....
I will be leaving clan so i leave no path behind me...
I will be killing you and ganking so be carefull..
YOU must hunt me down and gank me.

You are free to loot me, and take what you wish... i will have a friend there to loot you and put your gear safely in the clan bank, you can come back as many time as you wish.

I will have the following loot:
Infernal/Full plate armour
Keened Justicebringer
Keened Silverbranch
Enchanted Cobrastaff
Enchanted Jewlery
A small treasure map
Enchanting materials in bulks of 50
+ More

Falesh Helithian
02-28-2011, 11:03 AM
I shall be there!

Tarek Bane
02-28-2011, 12:34 PM
very nice, lets all hope your regs run out, with that gear!

Im in for a few deaths.

Sarek Bane
02-28-2011, 01:23 PM
Time for me to reveal the hidden epic within... maybe

I will be there regardless

Kell Shar
02-28-2011, 01:34 PM
ill try to be here

Lodmund Brebourne
02-28-2011, 03:40 PM
Lonlan will be there

Elagost Thego
02-28-2011, 04:47 PM
Oh now that is just an awesome idea! Good thinking leaving clan too. No cheaters... oh man it's gonna be crazy to find you in Aradoth of all places.

Just promise me one thing. Don't go ontop of the mountain where most of us can't get to ;( At least not for the whole event :P

Jake Dane
02-28-2011, 07:42 PM
How do you get to the top of the mountain?

Brandon Greymoor
03-01-2011, 10:58 PM
Will be attending :P This is going to be fun!

Sarevorn Dawnthief
03-04-2011, 07:14 PM
Il try my best to make it , sounds very fun indeed.

Nangar Rockhelm
03-06-2011, 09:53 PM
Awesome event, blummin good fun.

Jake Dane
03-06-2011, 10:09 PM
Was good fun. Never tried a funhulk before so that was a new experience for me. Cheers!