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View Full Version : Who would live in a house like this?

Nangar Rockhelm
02-26-2011, 05:10 PM
Just went around a few of the local villages to Aradoth looking at vendors, also noted the residents names incase its of use, though I may hav missed the odd house (vendor numbers next to village names).

Ryhandel - 3
Danootje TheOne
Orelot SantaCompanha
Zledge Hammer
Gaudio Gaston
Jedy SantaCompanha
Sixten Blixten
Cramael Netfind
Ereshkigal Llanedrak

Aldenfau - 7
Speed lovaAh
Zorander Styx
Sir Forgotten
Ayden DeNair
Asuka Langley
Alsin Avegate
Vlad TheImpaler
Wolfen Silva
Grendal Shadowner

Harjik - 3
Agor Tor
Celiah Ailey
Ninogan Swiftstep
Tant Rivers
Badri Obraeoscura
Asgrim Blackforge

Xirdak - 5
RipRip Woodchip
Rodrigo The Viking
LoGen NinFinGer
Vaeryn Tarynucyn
Corum Silverhand
Waylander Throatslicer
Reifnir Thondor

Valley Of The Kings - 7
Ultra III
Lord Decay
Evaner Mordred
Nathil Atar
Berthic Ironhand
Malapecora Mala
Xzyzz zyXz
Gakethath Skydancer
Love GSO