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View Full Version : Cenris Hildur On Hiatus

Cenris Hildur
02-17-2011, 06:11 AM
Hello to whoever this may concern,

I'm just making this post to say that as much as it pains me to do it all things aside I need to stop gaming, not forever, but for some time. For those that know me even just a little bit you will know what a little hothead I am really. I'm very over competitive, I'm an elitist to the core and I hate losing. It is immature, childish behaviour but I've always been really passionate about anything I compete in and it irritates me and hurts me when I have issues obtaining the position I feel happy enough with. I then end up blowing my fuse and giving up too easily, more-so recently than ever before. After taking it all too seriously, I rage off far too quickly and we all know (well, most of us...) how it feels and it sucks for those raging and those being raged at.

Darkfall is a hard game to play. It is full of shit-talking ninnies and absolute morons in every clan going, and if you let it affect you like it does me it just worsens things and drains you. I am not a nice person in reality, at least not all the time. I can become malicious and blood-thirsty and its not a trait I've always had. I don't know if its gaming that has brought it out or other issues I've had in the past few years but it needs to stop really. I run the very real risk of giving myself a heart attack or a stroke with the way I overreact and seethe in my own disgust things people say, do and things that happen to me/us. At the end of the day it is only a game, but when you are someone like me who has no real close friends and has nothing to really latch onto that actually means anything, a game can become very important to you. Mix that with a prideful nature and you have an absolute mess.

To sum it up I'm just miserable all the time in and out of game. I hate my life at the moment. I know I'm not some African kid with kwashiokorkor and arms the size of toothpicks, or an unemployed mother of five trying to feed all those little mouths but it still gets me down. It's supposed to be a time of recreation and positive reflection, not slitting your your jugular and pouring bloody acid into it. I wouldn't say gaming affects my schooling or anything like that but more my mentality. I've always done well in school and I still am, and many know how much I used to play and I'm still up all night very often. The mentality gaming feeds me is my meticulous over-analysing. I am ALWAYS trying to improve myself in terms of efficiency, accuracy and try and solve every little kink. A perfectionist as much as an elitist, but they are practically the same thing anyway. It's like I have an itch, an OCD itch.

Anyway I hate making things over-dramatic but it may sound a bit dramatic from what you've just read.

I must just go away for a while, learn to just grow up, accept failure more, learn to cope with these things, deal with stress issues and let go of my virtual pride. The Raged guys will know how hard it is for me to stay away but I must do it at least for a while really.

So I will see you guys when I see you, I'd definitely say I will be back because nothing captivates me as much as online gaming does. Good luck for any major events that happen in my absence, yada yada yada, stay cool. Cya, eventually.

Alexander TheDutch
02-17-2011, 07:30 AM
sad to hear cenris,

Hope everything works out well for you.
and i know what you mean, that darkfall can make you rage sometime got it allot lately also :D.

hope to see you back soon.

Royko Sothenic
02-17-2011, 07:36 AM
Will see you again Cenris, keep safe and look forward to seeing a new fresh "you", hopefully in the near future.

Tarscanian Sothenic
02-17-2011, 08:39 AM
Hey Cenris, where do i start?

I think over the time we have gamed together we have a mutual understanding of each other maybe more so than the other guys.
Now as much as this news saddens me it also gives me great hope, as it portrays your ability to self assess which in my opinion is vital to resolving personal issues.

I was under a personal delusion that I may have been able to help you find some balance, but tbh this is something you have to do yourself. Although i would never wish your life away I truly hope that you find the place that will allow you to do what you want to.

Although i would not class myself as worldly (to young ;)))) I am a few more rungs up the ladder than you, and soon enough when the enigma of life unfolds into a small understanding you will understand that much of life is just one big kick in the nuts!

A great Tutor to me once said "to be the best, you have to have two things. 1 to have failed, 2 to have had the shit kicked out of you"

Good luck my friend

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

p.s I know this might be soppy but so what, you say you don't have many close friends? I say open your eyes!

Sarevorn Dawnthief
02-17-2011, 02:37 PM
Hey Cenris,

Don't be so harsh on yourself , the other night you took shitloads of time out to help me with both game mechanics as well as optimising framerate / performance and I appreciated that immensely. (albeit a crash and vista conspired to let me come back and say as much lol)

On the other hand, we all need a break from things from time to time as tarsc says, being able to see that before its forced on you by some external influence shows great maturity.

Hopefully the old cliche of absence makes the heart grow fonder will take root and you'll find by virtue of a break that you enjoy the game more when you return and the trivial epeen shit (that you surely know yourself is irrelevant) will be a tool you can use against others instead of worrying about it yourself.

Hopefully see you soon and good luck!

Sarevorn Dawnthief, Nublet of Wessex

Falesh Helithian
02-17-2011, 02:50 PM
I'm sad to hear this but also a bit happy. It's good that you are taking action if you feel gaming is not helping, or worse harming, your real life. Sometimes you need to take a step back and that is very hard to do if you are into something that demands as much time as an mmorpg.

I'm sad because you were always fun to play with and I hope to play with you again in the future once gaming becomes enjoyable for you again!

Allon Mighty
02-17-2011, 06:20 PM
Good thinking. Been there done that

Jake Dane
02-17-2011, 09:14 PM
Don't be so harsh on yourself , the other night you took shitloads of time out to help me with both game mechanics as well as optimising framerate / performance and I appreciated that immensely.

I was in Mumble during this as well and you were awesome to help Sarevorn so much with his settings. That shows you're really a nice guy even though you may think it's deep inside of you :)

"Get well" soon and I hope to see you again later down the road.


Matthew Legion
02-18-2011, 01:03 PM
I wish you the best Cenris. Looking forward to seeing you again!

Mono Lol
02-19-2011, 12:33 PM
good luck!

Do yourself a favour and go find keeley, she should be able to provide some excellent post-gaming activities for you.

Cenris Hildur
03-10-2011, 09:08 PM
Hi guys just checking in to say hello :D

good luck!

Do yourself a favour and go find keeley, she should be able to provide some excellent post-gaming activities for you.

Did one better mate, found a proper nice chick :)

Jake Dane
03-10-2011, 09:13 PM
Hi guys just checking in to say hello :D

Did one better mate, found a proper nice chick :)

Good job defending Cadaver in EU Clan Discussion :D

Cenris Hildur
03-11-2011, 11:09 AM
Haha yes, unfortunately I don't think Cadaver ever really even reads the forums :P

Jake Dane
03-11-2011, 12:45 PM
I think several people have made sure he read the thread. I know he alrdy had when I told him about it at least.