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View Full Version : Greetings and Personal Oath

Juko Arcuri
02-11-2011, 12:30 AM
Hail citizens of the Duchy,

I am called Juko of the Arcuri clan. I have braved the harsh world of Nave to seek shelter under the almighty Duchy. In return, I will provide whatever services the Duchy requires as well as laying my own life on the line to protect thy fellow citizens and of course, his Majesty. Together I hope we can bring order and peace to this chaotic, dangerous, and evil landscape and forge our mark in this world so the people can fear no more. An ambitious goal perhaps but one that even Soldeus himself would stand behind to see it through.

To serve the Duchy to letter, to follow my lord/lady's wishes, and to protect fellow citizens and his Majesty 'till my dying breath, This I humbly swear.

And to help bring order and peace to this godforsaken land, to slay all followers of Umbra and his ways, and do everything in my power to crush his Majesty's enemies under my boots, This humbly swear.

Juko of the Arcuri Clan, now humble servant to His Majesty and the Duchy of Wessex

Garadin Alwhindale
02-11-2011, 12:37 AM
Welcome to the Duchy, Juko.
I hope you enjoy your stay.

Juko Arcuri
02-11-2011, 12:57 AM
As a side note, could I get directions? I'm up near Fabernum closer to that keep to the direct east of it.

Altus Whyte
02-11-2011, 02:34 AM
Welcome. Glad that you're interested in feudalism; you have come to the right place.

Best way to get directions sorted and get updated with the rest of Wessex in MO is to get on mumble. Moh-ki is southeast of sausage lake though, with Fabernum being north of it.

Juko Arcuri
02-11-2011, 03:20 AM
I figure I'll just head to Moh-ki and set sorted out from there. As for mumble, do you mean vent or IRC? If not, let me know what need (including address and password if necessary in PM if you have to) and we get reliable communication sorted out.

As for the feudal system, I was always confused with all the terminology (I though Yeomen had to do with something with bows, blame Med: Total War) and I thought by living in it, I'll pick up on it a lot easier. Thanks for all the help and support thus far and any help I may recieve.

Edit: Scratch the Mumble stuff, I found it.

Otto Osterwind
02-11-2011, 11:39 AM
Good, the clerks should send you our mumble info and have you set as a trial member soon. Welcome to the Duchy.