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View Full Version : Vow of Faith and Oath of Fealty, Sir Kaylem Sothenic

Jaidyn Sothenic
02-09-2011, 11:10 PM
It was a dark night and had been that way for many moons as of late, the troubled man had been pacing back and forth outside his family mansion for many hours, much to the worry of his loving wife.
He was an honourable, loyal man to his king, but lately had become blinded by the selfishness of a foolish spoilt child.

It had taken far too long for him to realise what he had become, he had lost close friends and the respect of his brothers in arms along the way and that is what hurt him the most. What possibly could his king think of him now over his foolish ways as he pounded his fist into the stable doors in anger!

There was only one path he could take he thought. "Redemption" the only word that left his lifeless cold lips, as death by his own sword had no honour in it for he had no interest in giving his family name the bad taste it didn't deserve.

The old man looked up and into the darkness of the city of Long March; there were many lights that shun from family homes and the local tavern of old. But one shun more brightly than ever, the church was always close to his heart and his faith had always been strong towards Soldeus, but it wavered so thin as of late that it had made the man weep with sadness.

The cathedral stood high and mighty in all its beauty, the holy light shimmered through the coloured glass and entwined with the downpour of rain. It was then strong oaken doors rattled as the man's mighty fists came down upon the thick wooden panels.

The soft footsteps of a man could be heard approaching, soon after the doors creaked open and robed man he knew well stood there in surprise, his gaze meeting the eyes of the fallen knight.

"Sir Kaylem?" Spoke the soft voice of his grace the Archbishop.
"Father, I come to you and seek what's been lost, my faith has faded and I seek redemption within the arms of Soldeus.” Replied Sir Kaylem.
Malachi spoke; “It takes a man of great courage to look within himself and judge his own deeds with clarity of vision. But do not fear or give into despair as the Light of the Radiant Lord will cleanse all darkness from your mind and heart if you embrace His will and listen to His Voice within your innerspark. His love for you is unconditional and He will guide you to the path of righteousness”

“I feel that I have fallen far from grace, for I have become the man I swore not to be and I can barely recognise myself lost within my tortured soul. I seek redemption for all my failings in the past and I wish for the lord to aid and guide me towards the light.” Continued Kaylem.

Malachi walked with Kaylem towards the dais in the centre of the cathedral, seemingly lost in deep thought and contemplation. The bishop’s eyes fall to the holy symbol upon the dais before returning to the troubled Knight.

“Then perhaps it is only by surrendering all your earthly possessions that you will be able to free your mind from distraction and your heart from temptation. Only then will you see the true gifts that the Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you. By living a life in service to His will you shall find within yourself an inner strength and a deeper purpose. Strip away that which gives you trouble and become a champion of Soldeus.” The bishop stated.

Kaylem thought long and hard for a moment about the life he lived, the troubled relationship with a once loving wife, the claustrophobic feeling within the own walls of his home. “I have nothing I would regret to denounce father”

“Then my brother… take a vow of faith” Spoke the Bishop.

"I, Sir Kaylem Sothenic, with this public vow, give of myself freely and willingly in service to our Radiant and Glorious Lord. I vow to keep myself chaste and pure of heart and mind so that I may cast away all anxiety and doubt and love Him and all His children unconditionally and completely. I relinquish all that I have and all that I posses so that I may become all that I can and so that I may see the world through His eyes. I choose a life of obedience to His voice and to His Church so that I may feel the warmth of His love and I will follow His will above all else."

Malachi Drake
02-09-2011, 11:16 PM
“Then I welcome you my brother, Sir Kaylem, into the Church of Soldeus.” Malachi responded warmly.

It is in the salvation of man that we play our greatest role in the service of our Heavenly Father. To the faithful children of our father you must offer guidance and protection; to those who have fallen from grace you must offer them companionship on the patch of redemption. Those who have turned from our Heavenly Father, those who have rejected his teachings and those who refuse to repent, must be swiftly separated and judged”

The Archbishop paused briefly before continuing.

“Take an oath and become a Knight of the Church; let your sword become a sword of the Church.”

Jaidyn Sothenic
02-09-2011, 11:31 PM
“I, Sir Kaylem Sothenic, do swear an oath of fealty and service to His Grace, The Most Reverend Father, Malachi Drake. I pledge my body, mind and life spark in the defence and service of the Heavenly Father and His Church. In times of peace and war I shall remain faithful and vigilant in my Service to the Most Reverend Archbishop and shall value the well-being of the Diocese of Wessex above all other realms and pursuits. I will protect His Grace, Malachi Drake, with my life as long as there is breath in my chest, spirit in my heart or strength within my arm.”

The Bishop nods.

“Let it be known to all, future and present, that I, Malachi Drake, accept this oath with open arms.”

Sir Levald Aurelius
02-25-2011, 03:22 AM
By my hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex, the College of Arms finds this Oath and its Acceptance to be given in good order, and it is hereby recorded.

May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon His Grace the Duke; upon The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Archbishop, Malachi Drake; upon the Noble Sir Kaylem Sothenic, and upon all these desmesnes and the good people therein.


Levald Aurelius
Herald Emcee
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex