View Full Version : the gods have bought me here

Thanotos Princerepa
02-08-2011, 08:50 AM
Good day to you!

Karsa Orlong
02-08-2011, 08:56 AM
How much did they pay?

Couldn't resist :) Welcome.

Rhygar apGwynn
02-08-2011, 08:56 AM
Greetings princereaper. I will send you a PM.

Harkonen Thorodan
02-08-2011, 09:01 AM
How much did they pay?

Ok, i'm not bending over again :-)

Thanotos Princerepa
02-08-2011, 09:08 AM
:D Well lets see, it was more like, prince, you been a evil person and well we going to either send you to hell or you go to wessex :(

Malachi Drake
02-08-2011, 10:33 AM
Ahh! The reaper of princes. Let us see what Soldeus intended for you when he brought you to our door step.

Thanotos Princerepa
02-08-2011, 10:49 AM
I hope Soldeus shows mercy as I know I have a reputation lately to be abit of a crazy person but its only because i'm a lonely person of late :(


is it possible to be known as "Prince Reaper" or even "Reaper of Princes" or maybe just "Reaper Prince"

Malathion Valus
02-08-2011, 02:28 PM
Welcome and good day.....Reaper .

Malachi Drake
02-08-2011, 03:11 PM
I hope Soldeus shows mercy as I know I have a reputation lately to be abit of a crazy person but its only because i'm a lonely person of late :(


is it possible to be known as "Prince Reaper" or even "Reaper of Princes" or maybe just "Reaper Prince"

There would be no problem with that being a ‘nickname’ or ‘battle slogan’ (“Fear the reaper of princes!”) or it could even be your surname. We just ask that our members choose a suitable first name and surname for use on the forums and within Wessex. Of course; we would not ask anyone to reroll an already fully developed character because of its name.

Hope that makes sense.

Karsa Orlong
02-08-2011, 04:50 PM
...Of course; we would not ask anyone to reroll an already fully developed character because of its name...

Unless his name is Einstein :D

Garadin Alwhindale
02-08-2011, 05:00 PM

Thanotos Princerepa
02-08-2011, 05:19 PM
ahh thank you oh great esteemed people, how you grace me with your presence!

Phocian Night
02-08-2011, 06:09 PM
Welcome mate, YES another Brit !

Phocian Night
02-08-2011, 06:10 PM
Does that mean Effen and me are not special anymore?

Garadin Alwhindale
02-08-2011, 06:24 PM
Does that mean Effen and me are not special anymore?

We have Lentulus, Malachi, Dreiganoir. How come that made you special? ;)

Phocian Night
02-08-2011, 06:40 PM
Well seeing as this thread is all about me....

1). *************************
2). *************************

LOL see you in game Prince, any chance of an autograph ?

Otto Osterwind
02-08-2011, 08:14 PM
Looking forward to seeing you in game. I'll be watching you. :cool:

Thanotos Princerepa
02-09-2011, 07:04 AM
one autograph= 1 gold

special discount for Wessex members!

Ok so now what do i do?

Kaideline Taitharn
02-09-2011, 11:12 AM
Bask within our Glorious Lord's heavenly radiance of course....

Mela Aurelius
02-09-2011, 01:39 PM
I made a small list, based on what I hear are the needs of the group:

chop trees
mine ore
tame donkeys, etc...
slay spiders
pay taxes
join Mumble
agree with everything Mother Kaideline says
pay taxes
and when there is a woman in Mumble (unless you hear oh...my....god...) keep making jokes :)

Welcome to Wessex

oh...and pay taxes

I think I've remembered everything you need to do.

p.s. please do not edit my posts with out my permission.

Thanotos Princerepa
02-09-2011, 02:25 PM
ahh thank you so much o.o, that is the most helpful list ever, so if I keep to the list, i might just be able to make it :D