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Aikar Walmoor
01-29-2011, 05:45 AM
Was nice to see some of you there, some good fights here and there although we outzerged them from the beggining.

Royko Sothenic
01-29-2011, 08:22 AM
It was fun, you may have outzerged them but seems everyone there including your guys were more interested in combat looting while Wesex and afew others was pushing the enemy back, good job we was not there for loot though, but we was quite discusted to be honest.

Aikar Walmoor
01-29-2011, 08:34 AM
It was fun, you may have outzerged them but seems everyone there including your guys were more interested in combat looting while Wesex and afew others was pushing the enemy back, good job we was not there for loot though, but we was quite discusted to be honest.

I didnt loot anything in the whole fight and i doubt any equilibrium did, at least during combat. All I did was try to loot someone that was finished by about 5 players where i think at least 2-3 were from duchy of wessex who got the bag. And this one was a runaway i think.
So i dont know what you talking about =S
You probably mean children of the forest guys but equilibrium is very disciplined and not lootwhores. However we never whine about not getting loot which is what you seem to care about?

That said i missed part of the fight since i was still travelling.

EDIT: i know where this come from since I seen that myself and I agree theres been a lot of lootwhoring, but it was the CoTF guys, and sadly its not the first time they do that. Im already making a serious statement about this in our alliance boards.

Sarek Bane
01-29-2011, 09:38 AM
The fact of the matter is the seige was lost until a handful of Wessex arrived and we finished it in short order. The clan stone was at 50% with three cannons pointing at it with three large seige stone still standing. The defending force was being wiped over and over and a boat had already been lost, out numbering the attackers or not you were losing badly.

Wessex arrived and moved to the front, flanked the enemy from the right and split them causing panic and it was all over for the attacking force. I did not see one member of Wessex stop fighting until the job was done, although I did turn around see musical status around the graves of the people we dropped. We not interested in loot so I find that statement somewhat offensive but we are interested in a good fight, combat looting loses fights without question so with the numbers you had the job should have been done without our assistance.

Some EQ guys were fully involved in the fight but some were looting, I saw it with my own eyes and I'm not mistaken. We were not allied with anyone so had to pay special interest to tags in that fight...

Saying we seem to be "interested in loot" for a seige we without question saved for a clan we are not allied too and the possible political implications of doing so... Equals offensive. Let us know how you get on with your seige today

Aikar Walmoor
01-29-2011, 09:50 AM
Hey im not the one who brought up the combat looting.

When me and other 3 from our clan arrived you were already in the ranks i think. If you seen equilibrium members combat looting can you please give me the names ?

Sarek Bane
01-29-2011, 09:53 AM
Sorry Aikar I didn't have time to write down names, was fighting.

Aikar Walmoor
01-29-2011, 09:55 AM
Sorry Aikar I didn't have time to write down names, was fighting.

you do remember them i mean?

Sarek Bane
01-29-2011, 10:05 AM
No sorry, something for you to keep an eye on as SG. I personally hate combat looting with a passion, In Wessex only an officer loots and only when all of the enemy force is dead. At the end all loot is divided among those geared and involved, hence the need to "combat loot" is totally removed even for new members of Wessex who have yet to fully learn our ways, any breaking this clan rule are removed immediately. As was demonstrated yesterday we work as a tight team and any that fail to follow our rules, combat leaders or ethos are a weak link. I am very proud to say we have no weak links within our ranks nor will we tolerate any in the future.

For the King and Wessex!

Aikar Walmoor
01-29-2011, 10:24 AM
No sorry, something for you to keep an eye on as SG. I personally hate combat looting with a passion, In Wessex only an officer loots and only when all of the enemy force is dead. At the end all loot is divided among those geared and involved, hence the need to "combat loot" is totally removed even for new members of Wessex who have yet to fully learn our ways, any breaking this clan rule are removed immediately. As was demonstrated yesterday we work as a tight team and any that fail to follow our rules, combat leaders or ethos are a weak link. I am very proud to say we have no weak links within our ranks nor will we tolerate any in the future.

For the King and Wessex!

And i am saying shit? I only made this as a gg thread and you started pulling shit out, I try to get names or proof to take action and none is given. Of course i am supposed to watch over all my members during the fight then but thats not the point is it?

If I knew about any combat looting from our side there would have been consequences but I didnt see any of us doing so, of course that doesnt mean it couldnt happen.
Its not like im allowing it or giving them free will during combat , we also have our own rules.
Also I wasnt leading the defence and we were being coordinated by iron lounge at our teamspeak, the fact that you "pushed" has more to do with order of staying at one place and you chasing runaways (I did that too i admit =P) but the rest of the people were following orders and shown good enough coordination and discipline for the most part imo. You were kinda on your own and not in our teamspeak so we were not communicated.

Im not saying you didnt make a difference , I was in the fight and there was ovbiously some decisive moments where you been part of. It has nothing to do with that.

Sarek Bane
01-29-2011, 11:01 AM
Only stating the facts and what was seen by Wessex soldiers on the ground, If you talk to Iron until our arrival it was considered a lost siege with no way back. I was trying to be polite and constructive with regards to the combat looting, no false accusations have been made I am just giving you notice that heavy combat looting was happening either be it by Elders or members of your alliance. I told Iron this directly in the fight myself via PM and requested that people not to stand around looting but to push with us.

Your response to this constructive observation and I quote "However we never whine about not getting loot which is what you seem to care about?" Do you not see that this might be somewhat offensive to Wessex and our ethos, and a direct slap to the face of a force which came to help?

Aikar Walmoor
01-29-2011, 11:29 AM
Only stating the facts and what was seen by Wessex soldiers on the ground, If you talk to Iron until our arrival it was considered a lost siege with no way back. I was trying to be polite and constructive with regards to the combat looting, no false accusations have been made I am just giving you notice that heavy combat looting was happening either be it by Elders or members of your alliance. I told Iron this directly in the fight myself via PM and requested that people not to stand around looting but to push with us.

Your response to this constructive observation and I quote "However we never whine about not getting loot which is what you seem to care about?" Do you not see that this might be somewhat offensive to Wessex and our ethos, and a direct slap to the face of a force which came to help?

And I asked for names to take action.. if you do not remember them its fine, I probably wouldnt either but why not ask anyway?
But ill try to find out who was combat looting.