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View Full Version : RETIRED - Sir Kaylem Sothenic, Bailiff of Agon

Sir Levald Aurelius
01-24-2011, 09:11 PM
The College of Arms of Wessex gives true report and witness that the Curia Ducis has found that the departing Bailiff of Agon, Sir Kaylem Sothenic, did honourably discharge and faithfully fulfill the duties of that high office, in witness of which I offer on this day my own hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex; that gentleman's leave of absence is also certified to be in good order, and it is hereby recorded.

May the Radiant Lord God grant His Blessings to His Grace the Duke's loyal Cabinet and to all His subjects.

Levald Aurelius
Herald Emcee
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex