View Full Version : Axes High from Dretli Spitbeard

Dretli Spitbeard
01-24-2011, 06:46 PM
Oi all o' ye lasses an' lads,

Be it known dat a new member be now part o' th' Duchy: Dretli Spitbeard, freshly thrust into Agon's vagaries an' woes, lookin' forward to bravin' them with the rest o' th' Duchy's subjects. From spreadin' th' word o' th' Diocese (hopefully), to rubbin' axes, hammers an' backs wit' th' Garrison's stout warriors, ta wooin' stone an' metal from Agon's bowels, youn' Dretli be heres an' hopes ta share his tale wit' ye.

Lon' live the Duchy.

Dretli Spitbeard
:: The crude depiction of an arrow piercing a crate follows under an equally crude signature ::

(New Darkfall Wessex trial member, and equally green as the grass as Darkfall goes, with only a couple hours of gaming on my belt. I am 33 years old, coming from Greece and I am looking forward to meeting all of you, RP and enjoy good camaraderie. Not a huge MMO fan, but hey, the Duchy's glory is diversity, no?

Axes High and safe travels in Agon to all of you)

Garadin Alwhindale
01-24-2011, 08:08 PM
Welcome to the community Dretli, and safe travels in Agon :)