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View Full Version : Garrison so far

Tarscanian Sothenic
01-19-2011, 05:25 PM

I have posted this to give a little insight into how the garrison within DarkFall works and will work.
There is a lot of things that you will read that is yet to be established, but I thought it right to note some of the ideas myself and Roy Koh have and intend to get running ASAP.

The main structure of the garrison will not differ to what you (I hope you have) read upon the introduction PDF.

There are some slight changes and some ranks which we will use only in DarkFall.

If at this point you have not read the mentioned PDF then I suggest you do before continuing.


Now this as been very difficult to pin down to be honest and on reflection I feel
the direction and rigidity of the garrison should stay as fluid as can be achieved within
our obvious compounding structure. A word on structure would be prevalent at this point I believe,
Structure is the very foundation on what Wessex is based, it underlines everything we are trying to portray.

It is vital for that sense of structure to be the building blocks of the garrison, for without it in our ranks
We may as well be any other guild and that we are not, we are Wessex.

So back to the idea. Let me now outline some of the discussions and ideas we have had so far and what we hope to implement in game.

Firstly as stated in the PDF the militia and footman ranks will make up the bulk of the garrison.
We have had numerous discussions regarding the divide between ranks of predominantly melee fighters and ranged squads. For now we will not be venturing with the ranger class, so we have put forward a clear division within the garrison. So there will be squads of melee and ranged fighters who will be in segregated squads answering to there own appointed sergeant or ventenar.

So there is our first stray from the PDF. We will be using the 1st sergeant rank within DarkFall, he will be a figure whom oversees the majority of the garrison activity especially assigned to the melee ranks.
Sergeants will fall under the 1st sergeant and the squads will be determined as and when we expand.
Similarly the ventenar position will be for the ranged squads what the 1st sergeant is to the melee squads.

We intend to introduce a cavalry division , this will be headed by ideally a knight.
Now these division will be unique and along with keeping in flavour with our feudal system it will in time (I hope) prove to be a success upon the fields of Agon.

Along with the injection of structure from the clergy fulfilling the healing/buffing corps, this structure could be unique and frighteningly effective within DarkFall.

So there is the ideas we have been working on so far in regards to the Ducal garrison within DarkFall.

And as we have all seen over the past couple months structure and discipline combined with well drill tactics can indeed be devastating in action.


Now I will outline the picture so far and name the people fulfilling ranks already to date.

(Sir Tarscanian Sothenic)

(Mister Roy Koh)

(Proposed)(Cenris Hidur)

(Sayton Reinhardt)
(Erwin Carius)
(Maximus Moralis)
(Kell Shar)
(Mono LOL)

At the time of writing the remainder of the members that make up the garrison are militia.
Also the Sergeants will be divided within responsibility. They will be charged with helping the progress of all members with in bands of capabilities. This will including for the newer characters among us the fundamentals of the game itself (pve, setting up hotbars etc etc) Advancing to good teamwork in all environments.

I hope this give you some inkling in to the direction we wish to proceed.
Any ideas are more than welcome and gratefully received.

Long Live the King

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Patch Morgan
01-19-2011, 05:53 PM
i think this is a very good idea with such military stucture it will give us strenth and honor.
it will also send a clear message to all that think to over run our lands that we can and will distroy them if needed and giving us a good renown through out the lands
long live the king
ur humble servent patch morgan

Erwin Carius
02-11-2011, 12:22 AM
Didn't see this before now. Cool to see you have some nice ideas for the garrison!

Tarscanian Sothenic
02-11-2011, 12:47 AM
Thanks Erwin,

Fancy helping me get this started?

Erwin Carius
02-11-2011, 08:14 PM
Any help you need I'd be glad to be of assistance.