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Tarscanian Sothenic
01-19-2011, 01:23 PM
Men of Wessex hear my plea.

We of the Agon charter have achieved much which was said to be impossible.
We have done all this with dignity and honour abound.

We now stand upon a frontier which at present offers little in the way of guidance, we have two choices.

Firstly we can continue on our current path of contentment, and we should be proud of what we have obtained and deservedly take our earned rest.

Secondly we could once again pick up the sword of Wessex and push forward into pastures unknown.

We need men of inspiration and courage to take up this mantle, I for one will not seat idly by while the collective fade off in to obscurity. Let us once more make Agon ours rather than laze by the wayside in eager anticipation of the world giving us what we desire.

So rather than revel in former glories let us strive for more.

We are a diverse bunch, but within our community we have the skill and knowledge and not lest the courage to make this happen. So I earnestly ask each one of you to take a step back and reflect upon, what it is you want?

I need you!
We need you!
Wessex needs you!

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Tarek Bane
01-19-2011, 01:48 PM
I say wipe them off the map. For Glory, For Wessex!

I think we could crush Nato? we are not far from taking out Lux, in numbers wise... we always had better skill.

Matthew Legion
01-19-2011, 01:56 PM
I will support the Duchy in whatever endeavour it see fit.

As for my personal opinion, expanding sounds intriguing.

- Matthew

Falesh Helithian
01-19-2011, 02:08 PM
Even though I am not playing much at the moment I would strive to be on for every siege if we decide to take up arms!

Sarek Bane
01-19-2011, 03:30 PM
I think I can suggest an interesting target..

Elagost Thego
01-19-2011, 03:36 PM
You have the power of the church behind you. Recently though, my magical aptitude has become strained but my sword arm is still strong and I may still grant all who would seek it the blessings and protections of Auros.

Another thing, I completely understand the objections to this, but we can't start taking on alliances as but a single clan no matter our numbers. If we were to take on Nato, SL or, Soldeus forbid, SUN then we would be crushed under the wake of the collective guilds residing under their name due to sheer numbers.

Now I am not too well revised as to the politics of these lands but what possible targets do we have? Does anyone else think we have the ability of forging some form of alliance/siege agreement with any other guilds? Such as keeping PvP between both guilds open yet helping eachother gain more ground?

Cyndane Drake
01-19-2011, 09:17 PM
I'm unable to play for a little while more but I always have an eye open on the global politics.

Right now theres a large war going on with SUN and Zagenda. Both of the parties scream so loud all the eyes are on them, so the risk of political backfire is minimal. Also the NoCry alliance and the currently proclaimed kingdom of the Shadowlords are fighting a war over western Agon's mainland.

I admit that I have not been online for a few days so I dont know how our population has increased since then, but if it hasn't exploded I would be against trying to take another city. This would require our forces to split up to properly populate both our cities, and the only two ways of doing that is by either creating a fiefdom clan or finding an ally, both against what I remember the Cabinet saying.

If the choice had to be made to what city we would take, I'd strongly advise either Gulghat or Alberworth. I'd go with Alberworth so we keep the NATO on northern borders, and Alberworth's island is very defendable.

Unless we want to venture further away from our home region I'd only see two options for expansion, either northwest into Lux Arcana territory or east into NATO's.

Sayton Reinhardt
01-19-2011, 10:30 PM
I think we should reclaim Banagar and Quarendel from Lux Arcana.

Jaidyn Sothenic
01-19-2011, 10:50 PM
I think we should reclaim Banagar and Quarendel from Lux Arcana.

We have a mutual respect with Lux and it isn't something I plan to break any time soon, so this option would be out of the window for now. ;)

Sayton Reinhardt
01-20-2011, 12:20 AM
We have a mutual respect with Lux and it isn't something I plan to break any time soon, so this option would be out of the window for now. ;)

Fine. I still want them to pay for taking Quarendel though.

Gorr Torr
01-20-2011, 01:19 AM
I will follow you no matter what decision you are not accepted.

But as a dwarf - I would like less enemies
- more secure spots for the development of skills and my new army soldiers.

Gorr Torr
01-20-2011, 01:20 AM
and my new army soldiers. = I meant new players to our clan.

Brandon Greymoor
01-20-2011, 01:44 AM
We must not sit idle, let Soldeus' flames fill our hearts in the heat of battle once more! We have trained and trained, withstood wave after wave of Umbras minions upon our beloved city of Long March. Righteous wrath must be delievered to their doorsteps...
However in these dark times we may need to rally the aid of those we can trust, our numbers are too small if we stand alone.

Taking on large alliances would be suicide at this point, I'd also suggest taking targets that allow members of the Duchy to explore more of Agon. (The more lucrative parts)

Erwin Carius
01-20-2011, 01:59 AM
I don't really see a need to take any more holdings yet. Can't we just start raiding stuff more often?

Enthilza Veni
01-20-2011, 08:10 AM
Our pact with Lux Arcana gives us a real security on the North-North West border of the Duchy but it also prevents us from expanding in this direction. From a personnal point of view, I'm glad that we don't have to worry about being stabbed by our closest neighbors.

So that only leaves East and South East as a possible direction. East means fighting Nato and South-East means going after Sun or being stucked between 2 Sun cities. In both cases, it would IMHO overextend our forces since it would mean splitting our forces in 2 permanent groups (one in LM and one in the new city/hamlet) or riding quite a long time to be able to defend our new assets. I'm very new in the Duchy, I'm still a trial member and I probably don't encompass entirely our strenght but the way I see it, we're not ready to be in such a position.

Nevertheless I can understand the willingness of our glorious leaders to spread the words of Soleus to the pagans and restore the glory of the King, so I will fight no matter where and no matter who.

Tarscanian Sothenic
01-20-2011, 08:32 AM
Greetings all,

Let me just clarify some points about my original post.

Firstly it was intended to be a inspirational statement, just highlighting the fact that now we have accomplished our primary goals that we should not seat on our success.
I believe that without consistent goals as a clan we will find ourselves dragged down to waiting for the game to bring excitement to us rather than us extracting the excitement from the game.

Now I have had discussions regarding expansion, I personally would like to see us gain footing upon each of the surrounding islands.

We could use it ultimately as a trade route system which fulfils the criteria of being a frontier chapter of Wessex. This will allow quick access for the newer players to explore new pastures, which I believe will introduce more variety and immersion.

We have no immediate plans to war anyone or siege, but we should now in my opinion be looking for our secondary goals. This way we can have clearly defined tasks to accomplish to prepare for our next endeavours.

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Tarscanian Sothenic
01-20-2011, 11:17 AM
I don't really see a need to take any more holdings yet. Can't we just start raiding stuff more often?

Yes we can, and as a serjeant of the ducal garrison you should be organising these already :)