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View Full Version : [Videos] Duchy of Wessex jousting tournament

Falesh Helithian
01-18-2011, 09:39 PM
Note: Please consider replying to the post on the official forums (http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?p=4762859) as that will help keep it bumped. ;)

In celebration of regaining Brockmoore, one of our ancestral holdings, we held a jousting tournament. The rules were as follows:

Your armour shall not be of better quality than full plate, and your weapon will hold the carvings of a rank 50 or lower. You shall use only one horse, and wield nothing but your one-handed weapon and shield. If or when the first horse dies, the other participant has a choice to either carry on jousting or to dismount but it is dishonourable not to dismount but we will leave that to you.

When dismounted you fight with only your one-handed weapon and shield, there will be no magic and no heavy two-handed weapons, potions and food on the other hand are allowed during both the jousting and ground combat. Enchanted jewellery, armour and weapons are allowed.

The winner of the jousting tournament had the honour of being able to challenge two Wessex knights: Sir Kaylem Sothenic and Sir Tarscanian Sothenic.

Just before the final jousting match was held a free for all event took place. This had the same rules as the ground part of the jousting.

See the Jousting video and the Free For All video here (http://www.dfvendors.com/videos/)

Jousts excluding mine part 1 (http://depositfiles.com/files/8g1e8vv5h)
00:00 Sir Raven Sothenic vs Tarek Bane
03:10 Sarek Bane vs Angarato Ragesalot
06:33 Gorr Torr vs Enthilza Veni
10:15 Bairoth Gilde vs Sir Awesometon
11:13 Sir Awesometon vs Elagost Thego
15:29 Lonlan Brebourne vs Patch Morgan
19:35 Aildon Thewind vs Kell Shar

Jousts excluding mine part 2 (http://depositfiles.com/files/dd0sa86br)
00:00 Erwin Carius vs Sayton Reinhardt
03:32 Tarek Bane vs Elagost Thego
08:45 Sarek Bane vs Gorr Torr
11:00 Sayton Reinhardt vs Lonlan Brebourne
12:53 Sarek Bane vs Tarek Bane

My fights in the "Duchy of Wessex jousting tournament" video
00:00 Me vs Cenris Hildur
01:30 Me vs Kell Shar
05:35 Me vs Sayton Reinhardt
08:22 Me vs Sarek Bane
10:45 Me vs Sir Kaylem Sothenic
13:28 Me vs Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Roy Koh with creative assistance from Sir Tarscanian Sothenic, Sir Kaylem Sothenic, Sir Raven Sothenic and Sarek Bane.

Falesh Helithian who won both the jousting and free for all events.

Worthy Mention
Sir Tarscanian Sothenic who defeated Falesh Helithian and thus upheld the honour of the Wessex knights.
Aildon Thewind for putting up an exhilarating fight vs the dishonourable Kell Shar

Dishonourable Mention
Lonlan Brebourne for fighting on his mount even when his opponent was dismounted.
Kell Shar who when outskilled in the mounted jousting section of his fight took two turns at the end of the field in order to get behind his opponent.

Glory to Wessex, huzzah!

Tarscanian Sothenic
01-18-2011, 10:34 PM
Awesome............well done again Falesh

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Falesh Helithian
01-18-2011, 10:46 PM
I'll try to remember to move closer when observing others fighting as what seems large enough when in game becomes a bit small in a vid.

Tarek Bane
01-18-2011, 10:52 PM
Really good event... once again Falesh great work on the vids.

Royko Sothenic
01-19-2011, 06:53 AM
Good one Fal

Keaven Haliday
01-19-2011, 02:28 PM
"The dishonorable Kell Shar" lol

Rhygar apGwynn
01-19-2011, 02:59 PM
"The dishonorable Kell Shar" lol

Good example of practical RP. :)

Mono Lol
01-21-2011, 01:03 AM
Seemed a laugh, shame I wasn't here to play in it :(