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View Full Version : Grant of Knighthood - Sir Otto Osterwind, KB

Manus Dei
01-18-2011, 09:01 PM
It had been a long night of quiet introspection and contemplation - the knightly vigil before the ceremony, which would take place this morning. Already dawn's light had brightened the stained glass windows of the ancient Cathedral of St. Germain, the legendary alchemist-saint of a bygone age of the Church. Though he was alone after a long and tiring night, he was certain that any moment the Cathedral would fill.

He was, of course, correct. A commotion could be heard outside, and even within the cathedral, doors to the cloisters in the back were now opening to admit frocked clergymen. The great doors of the cathedral groaned open, letting in yet more light, and the squire could see armored men, banners, and more priests walking in procession.

Beneath the banner, a perhaps welcome surprise for the squire - His Majesty, the King of Hyperion and Duke of Wessex, returned from a renunciate life. On entering the Cathedral, Manus, having forsaken his ascetic robes for silvery armor and the ermine, stopped in the doorway, sizing up the bleary eyed but resolute squire. The rest of the procession filed in behind him, taking places. When all had done so, the erstwhile king and sitting duke solemnly walked to the pulpit.

"Otto Osterwind, come forth and kneel."

Otto Osterwind
01-19-2011, 01:20 AM
Mister Osterwind kneels before His Majesty the Duke and lays his sword at the feet of the Duke.

"Otto Osterwind, with actions past and during the ongoing war you have proven yourself to be a loyal soldier and solid commander on the field of battle. Your victories, hard won by you and the men you led, have seen to it that the Northmen would more often than not return to their tribe-lands to tend to their wounds and mourn for their dead."

"Do you swear upon your ancestry to continue to defend Wessex from the forces that would see to its demise?"

"I do"

"And do you, Esquire Osterwind, hold the values, ideals, and interests of the Church of our heavenly Father, Soldeus, above all else?"
"I do"

"And finally, do you, Mister Otto Osterwind, swear before the procession and I your undying loyalty to Wessex and the Kingdom of the Brood Isles?"

"I do, Your Grace"

Mister Osterwind lifts his sword from the ground keeping his head bowed and presents it to Duke Manus.

Manus Dei
01-20-2011, 03:40 AM
Manus responded to the squire's answers by wordlessly clasping the golden hilt of his side sword and drawing it forth high into the air and then immediately down upon the man's right, then his left shoulder, and then before him so that he could kiss the blade, saying "then by the Sun, the Moon, and the Divine Will within you, I make you a knight, and give you the power to bear arms and to mete justice. Take thou these spurs and this girdle as the badge of your noble office, and rise Sir Otto Osterwind, Knight Bachelor of Wessex."

Sir Levald Aurelius
01-20-2011, 01:55 PM
By my hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex, the College of Arms finds this Oath to be given in good order, and it is hereby recorded.

May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon the His Grace the Duke, upon the Noble Sir Otto Osterwind, and upon all these desmesnes and the good people therein.

Levald Aurelius
Herald Emcee
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex